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How to prevent AI to disembark when getting shot?

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I have a convoy whereupon its vehicles are all in the same group. One of this vehicles is a truck filled with civilians. How can I prevent this civilians from disembarking when the group is getting shoot?

Edited by Foxhound

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I need to know this too. Working on a car bomber but he keeps getting out of the car in dangerous situations. He's going to blow himself up. I don't think a dangerous situation should matter much to him!!

I have tried all the disableAI stuff....tried "CARELESS" and tried setSkill 0 and 1 to no avail. There must be something that makes him ignore his surroundings!

Edited by twirly

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I got it! Just used <unit> disableAI "MOVE" on the civilians.

Edit: ups! Actually it didn't worked.

Edited by scifer

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That won't work for me. My guys need to be able to move. If there is an explosion anywhere near these guys they just just jump out of the car and do the "Cops" thing....face down on the pavement!

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you can even disable all simulation with enableSimulation, and still they will get out of the vehicle and freeze in the air.

It seems like nothing can prevent the AUTO AI disembark mechanism.

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I tried:

vehiclename lock lock;


Con: ((damage vehiclename)>0.1)

Act: vehiclename setdamage 0;

That didnt ether work.

Maybe check the Bennys CTI mission since that one spawns in AI vehicles with crew locked where the AI dosent get out even when they are really damaged for clues on this issue?

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Last time I tried this, locking the vehicle doesn't prevent AI jumping out. It'll stop them getting in though. It'd be useful if BI could make this work as expected. I'll check the IT later.

setdamage is a clunky way of doing this. The handleDamage eventhandler might be better as it overrides the engine damage system. Crafting this would essentially make the vehicle invulnerable and might do what you want.


---------- Post added at 11:30 ---------- Previous post was at 09:42 ----------

I just tested this again.

Locking the vehicle does prevent both AI and player disembark.

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I just tested this again.

Locking the vehicle does prevent both AI and player disembark.

are you using official 1.57 or the new patch?

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alright then, lock is locking aparently

Edited by Demonized

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Locking the vehicle does prevent both AI and player disembark.

Unfortunately AI and player will disembark if ordered to.

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Unfortunately AI and player will disembark if ordered to.

Not in the tests I did earlier. I command a squad to get into a bus. They got in, I locked it, I told them to get out and they couldn't.

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Not in the tests I did earlier. I command a squad to get into a bus. They got in, I locked it, I told them to get out and they couldn't.

I'm running version 1.54 and AI units disembarked when commanded by AI.

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Why are you running 1.54? You won't get any first line support unless you're running latest.

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i was thinking just group the civilians to become opfor or something (prob 0%) and that would stop them from auto leaving a vehicle.

but looks like locking it works.

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I think the fix would be that "CARELESS" should mean "CARELESS"! That would help in so many different scenarios it's not funny.

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