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North American PVP servers/clans?

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I tried searching on here, but what little information I could find lead to broken links.

As of March 2011, Are there any North American clans playing ArmA II, or Arrowhead multiplayer? Are there any populated servers multiplayer servers up in North America. I've tried the ingame server browser, but there's nothing in North America on there. I like playing with tactics and strategy, and I'm sick to death of the other FPS shooter games out there right now (they're all run and gun clones of one another). But unfortunately, I can't find anybody on my continent playing ArmA II. Specifically I'm looking for multiplayer, not COOP.

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ISEG's members are all from north america. however they do recruit from any region. during the week, they play in your basic TFOR, and ACE missions for the hell of it, but they have a mission every sunday that the leader scripts himself. So yea they are multiplayer, but at the same time, they do coop. They prefer keeping their numbers small though (max amount being 40-50ish), so yea...


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Hi Psylnz,

Just filter "C5" in the servertable any time between 9:00 p.m. EST for a great PLAYER VS PLAYER server. The C5 server has been around since ARMA and most players on here have been around since OFP. We play all kinds of PVP maps (AAS, Capture Flag, Cap N Hold, even DMs sometimes). There are around 40 regular players, and on average have about 10-20 players on the server at night every night. You DO NOT have to join anything or be accepted just hop on the server and HAVE A GOOD TIME. Feel free to even hop on Teamspeak. Sometimes we play very strategically and split channels, but most of the time we just chat and have a good time. Anyways just filter C5 any night in ther server table and look for the "PVP" server. You can also check out


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