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Post Fukushima. Where Now for Nuclear Power?

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The Japanese situation is an interesting one: a homogeneous people with little to no alien citisens in their domain, complete lack of resources from basic freshwater to fossil fuels, making fishing a multi-billion dollar industry, and what seemed to be a complete devotion to a Sun-God person - the emperor of Japan. All things considered, it is easy to predict the actions of such society in time of crisis, and oil embargo by the U.S. was one of the crisis that tipped the balance on that overpopulated island. I think the same thing could be happening right now, with the only exception that the people would be subdued from making any sudden moves. Actually, they have been pacified to such an extent that almost no action is in order.

It would be demagogy to discuss the urbanisation in the light of reason, because you can not reason with billions of people, looking to adopt the Western lifestyles with open arms; those cities are being built asymmetrically with no integration, there is no grand design, no future - only individuals looking to get their 4 by 6 box in the soon-to-be wasteland of concrete towers. Even Tokyo, with all of its glamour and hi-tech doesn't escape from fifty power cables being hardwired into one power line in some neighborhoods, and I'm not going to mention the degrading subway traffic.

I honestly can't see a solution, other than to use the functions of war to start anew. We could then rebuild our living space with a circular design of consecutive rings, each city-ring containing different aspects of what one would expect in a modern megalopolis. :868:

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Ultimately yes, I too fear the only outcome will be either mass amount of ill-fallen crowds that will decease all over those places, and indeed the other option that ultimately befall upon all of us is war.

Same with Europe being a giant migration-magnet to many African/(mainly) Arabic/Asian people. It is bound to go wrong, where it will cause alot of damn trouble, because people do not see each-other as equals, able to help-out one another on politics-scale, and religious influence gone out of proportions.

Too bad the under-educated mass is teached by those willing to destroy, here at home, but also far away abroad, teaching them lessons of hatred, and going against us pretty soon. For all we are known for is destruction of life, environment, everywhere and all places we (had) discover(ed)..

In the end, it is bound to backlash onto our own plates, for how can we live in relative wealth, where majority of people lives in stark contrasting poverty? Then again, are we truly wealthy with all our knowledge on how to destroy and demolish, rampaging about even in an unwilling inactive way of doing so? (soy-bean fields anyone?)

Cities and people in general have to adapt, or else be doomed along with all its inhabitants trapped within its expansionistic claws, pulling down all and everything.

If no harmony with nature is being rekindled very soon, within a decade we do face most severe problems migration-wise. A whole flood of people will flock our way (Europe), to live of the lands of plenty, seeing to it that things rapidly get less for everybody here aswell. Thus fullfilling the cycle of destruction thru overcrowding. We already see such policies taking shape in Ghetto-neighbourhoods, with an immigrant-majority overruling the native populace in such districts. That sure is going to cause a huge problem, which Japan indeed hasn't..

Then again, to keep on par with this thread and it's original content: What do you think will happen, when some discontent immigrants or natives turn to terrorism themselves, wanting to lash-out at a Nuclear Powerplant?? We got two of those here in NLD... Again both near the coast, but worse: Both in moderately urbanized areas. Dreadfully the bigger towns like Alkmaar and Den Helder aren't too far off away from Petten Nuclear Research Plant, and Rotterdam plus Dordrecht plus The Hague, lies even closer to Borssele Nuclear Powerplant... That in my opinion is waiting for absolute disaster..

Even if it isn't the climatic-environment hazards that caused such like in Fukushima to happen. And no I do not talk Earthquake here, I do talk flooding.. Even with those mighty Delta Werken dams put in place, Borssele Powerplant isn't protected by much more then a mere grassy sea-dyke! No concrete dam with storm-barriers inplace to stop rushing North-Sea waves there... Now count for the imminent sea-level rise, and you know shit is bound to happen here too!

Lessons are not learned as usual.. It's stupid to build a damned Nuke-plant near the coast, and worse on land that lies below mean Sea level which sinks millimeters per year!

And as for the Petten Research Nuke Plant, that mofo lies right behind the Hondsbosche-Zeewering! (asphalt-surface seadyke, being the weakest link in sea-defence in the Netherlands!!)

I really wonder why they haven't decided to abandon Petten and Borssele as of yet, deconstructing and fully clearing the place of anything nuclear they were toying around with on those two places... It is simply waiting to see it all go wrong again! And incase of another war hitting Europe, if these two spots are bombed along with the bigger cities/towns, we're in for big trouble that's for sure.

But like I use to say: If things can go wrong, no doubt about it they will! For people are dumb, and do not learn anything apart from making quick big-money! That'll be our collective downfall in our "grand society". Our greed has caused us harm already, but will do some more for a long time to come, and nobody wakes up, apart from a handfull of people..

To be honest with you, I don't know it anymore.. Got nowhere to go anyways. There's no alternative, for you'll get chased down by events following hot on your heels as you go.. Nobody can escape climate-change, nobody can escape radioactive clouds. And all that thanks to a damned species called Mankind!! I'd rather call them Manblind!

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I know certain things, and those things are shaping the future with placement of the final dominoes. It would be foolish to assume that nothing is being planned behind closed doors with regards the topics which you have described.

View it this way: why do we need nine+ billion people on this planet, when a five hundred million, if not less is more than a handful for the temperate climate zones around the globe, with locations like equatorial Africa having temporary outposts for research, resource extraction, power generation (Sahara-spanning solar farms) et cetera. I would go as far as to say that a function of war can be negotiated between all of the major nuclear powers of the world for a mutually benefit exchange in order to bring about the vision set out over a century ago - the dissolution of all tribal, national, sovereign borders, banners, flags & insignia.

I understand that the powers that be, including international business, views the EU as a template for the world, and that the United States Republic, although its own citisens do not regard it as such and define it to be a 'democracy', would oppose any scheme similar to North American Union with Canada & Mexico, or even more countries of the continent. The loss of world reserve currency status by the USD is a matter of months time now, and again, it would be foolish to presume that it will be a smooth transition, with China playing the role Japan circa 1930s. Actually, I saw an interview by Mr. Donald Trump, a possible candidate for the POTUS for the 2012 election, where he said he would impose a 50% tariff on all Chinese imports, and possibly even stricter measures... I then sat there in silence, contemplating the implications of this, as a century of world history passed right before my eyes.

When I discuss such topics, I never for a second leave out the concept of a truly Global society on a finite planet Earth, in orbit around the star we call Sun, a star like many of the four hundred billion in our galaxy, and that maybe, at the dawn of a new day, we can pool our resources to take to the skies with no turning back.

A five hundred million beings can then evolve into immortality of several billions spanning distant planets of the cosmos. ;)

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Sterelization and Castration programme, along with education to those in area's not reached yet to stop reproducing showing them the consequences of doing so, on a worldwide scale.

And for sake of survival, (I know sounds evil..) why not do the same as what has been done to fellow animals? Why not start selective breeding-programs, like for example starting to filter-out bad habbits like greedy character of personality.

I doubt it truly is human-nature that causes that bad stuff. I think such statement is merely a shady excuse to not have to deal with it a minute longer.

As for me personally, I am an active Birth-Objectionist denying continuüm of my personal genetics.

I am strongly considering to let my reproductivity be permanently halted.

It's just that I want to know all about how such procedure is carried out before I continue with that.

I don't care how much it costs, to me it's worth it.

Oh by the way, may sound bit funny, but a castrated man still can get his stiffy, it's just that he can't reproduce his own genes anymore, not able to turn any woman pregnant since such procedure.

So if anybody of you would worry about that, before you would opt for the same kind of procedure.. Don't worry about that, you all can still pump about all you wish.

Now if only the majority of people thought about doing the same, problems would instantly start to be timely reversed for the better.. But alas.. I fear it may not be so.

As for being fully ontopic again, perhaps the Fuku-cloud (as the Cherno-cloud still does!) may cause many people to become infertile, by means of genital-related cancers spreading all over the place. Maybe one bright plus on an otherwise dark page.

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I would wager that there is a drug somewhere in the depths of bio-labs, along with an antidote to it, that reduces fertility, said drug is soluble in water, food, or food additives. People would be free to exercise their sexual needs without the worry of unwanted pregnancy, and when a couple is ready, they can get the antidote. The deployment of this measure will not occur while the world is in its current crisis: first, the people need to be soften up, they will be begging for solutions, and then it can happen.

It doesn't sound evil, it had been thought of a century ago, and the people that rebuilt the world after WW II are sticking to the plan. An exchange of thermonuclear warheads on pre-selected targets had been thought of and rationalised - think what Mankind can accomplish with this: reduce the population, establish Order in this world, introduce a cashless currency, binding all people with the security mechanisms in the form of mutual destruction, if the the monetary supply is ever allowed to be inflated. Think of all of the nutcases that will commit mass suicide at the sight of a nuclear mushroom, it is going to be their 'Apocalypse', prophesied in all of the religions; there's a bonus in the form of Atheists finding truth in the new-found 'worship' of Gaia, Earth, Terra, Home.

There's a book on this matter by Professor Carroll Quigley of Georgetown University, named "Tragedy & Hope", you've probably heard about it - 1300+ pages, multiple tomes on the unredacted history of civilisations leading up to World War II, and into the 1960s: everything from Germanic tribes, to the founding of the United States, and revolution in Csarist Russia, and how World War I came to be, as if out of nowhere. Wouldn't hurt to say, that Mr. Quigley was a role model for Bill Clinton. ;]

P.S. The function of war can not be viewed as an artificial coercion or dictatorship, the masses of people are willing to kill and be killed as latest history has showed us, thus it can be attributed to natural evolution - when the peoples of the world are exhausted from war, then a true awakening can begin.

In interception of the demagogy that some may peddle my way regarding 'genocide' or something of that sort: you've had decades of stable conditions to change the lifestyles, yet you choose greed, you're as complicit in the current situation as any higher-up politician is.

Edited by Iroquois Pliskin

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That brings us back to Fukushima again, that had me thinking of the whole event to be a damn set-up that has struck all of us. On purpose that is... Same for all wars that we'd seen since 1991..

Regarding "clearing up overdose of people" would you think of George Herbert Walker Bush Senior that he intentionally left the Shia without backup, hoping Saddam Hussain would eliminate them all, pointing to Hussain as evil, only to see his sone George Jr. return the favor to his ole' dad "finishing" the job?

How well linked are all past politicians operating on geo-politics in relation to one another, their common policies, how far reaching is their "little game", where they fool and use the masses as pawns, branding these collateral damage? If it had done in the past, it no-doubtedly still happens today as we speak. No doubt where Fukushima had been risked to happen on purpose, are the local Japanese meant to be crash-test dummies, to study the effects of what would happen when a live Nuke-weapon would've been detonated yet again.

What they no-doubtedly study or find most interesting is the effects of radioactivity on the population. With so many people packed together, the effects can be seen pretty soon well and clear! If results are satisfactionary, they may have an excuse to detonate a bomb or thirty for the next step of increasing the problem..

How about worsening the air-pollution making Earth nearly inhospitable? Yeah those wealthy mofo's got their arses covered for sure. Radiation may be around for millions of years after such Nuclear bombardment-event. But per nuclear bomb detonated, it takes about 50 years to see that local place be reasonably habitable again. Thus left behind a land void of human presence.

I think this whole Fukushima stuff being a mere pretext on how dangerously close we all have gotten to an all-out escalation of an rekindled arms-race.. Remember what Iran is doing, remember what North Korea has been spooking-about.. Mind China! And beware of Russia.... It's too quiet on those sectors for me to be at ease..

Such radiation clouds spreading may cause population-shifts. If that happens, balance is tipping, thus like I have said before, such population ends up elsewhere, troubling the newfound home-turf natives already there.. It all points to conflict getting out of hand.

Call me sucker, but whatelse can I do about it, then write it down, and hope I'm wrong on what I have seen inside my mind? I do not ignore what I nearly know for certain. And it is my job to respond to it, and tell people about it, to wake them up.. Or atleast try to.. And snap them back to attention.

But like Pliskin said, people ignorant enough to continue their own lives without second-thought, not a care in the world until problems hit home, and hitting them hard severely where they'll instantly react like a baby that has seen his mother's tit removed.. How can you expect such babies from effectively run the world, once their toys are all taken away? It are those thinking beyond current 15-minutes playtime that are to be taken serious instead!

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The game runs very deep, it is intertwined beyond recognition and there are the same actors on the scene, even if there is apparent change of label, the policy still continues - but that is not the point I make. If you want to know more about the power structure regarding the United States, they have their own Club of Rome (CFR) & IMF (FRS/B) equivalents. Here is a very rare interview with a person well-vested in the realities of elite structure in that country:


My point is: even if it the case, TPTB do not promote the status quo, as might appear; if they could, they would bring all-encompassing, genuine changes to this world under the condition that it will apply everywhere. People know this little wisdom about our humble species: there might have been a quick and relatively easy evolution in some other solar system, on some other planet with a single, homogeneous continent, harbouring all of the individuals of a supposed (alien) race, but that is not the case on planet Earth with our vast oceans, seas of water and mountainous terrain, bringing division along with chokepoints to hold, to exploit by various groups of people, and to die for.

You make a conscious choice at this point in time, whether you want to evolve as a species, because there isn't anyone coming to save us from ourselves.

P.S. Regarding China, you're correct in more ways than one:




Pretty much endgame for the USD, with China unpegging the Yuan and floating it against the dollar. Needless to say that OPEC switches to EUR, or a basket of currencies for oil transaction and you will have another endgame unfolding. Tomorrow markets are going to explode, with USD index falling.

---------- Post added at 01:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:36 AM ----------

And just to get a good shot across, here's where the dictatorial technocrat Pliskin is coming from:



A single Human - insignificance, unless he, or she is a sentient being, who recognises the above concepts.

Edited by Iroquois Pliskin

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Hi all

At least 45 people are believed to have died as a result of the FEZ which forced several major hospitals and elderly care homes to be abandoned.


Tax Rises

As I pointed out earlier the Nuclear Industry expects tax payers to pick up the tab for clearing up after a Nuclear Disaster.

Possibility of tax revenue input to compensate for Fukushima I disaster

Apr. 26, 2011

TOKYO --On April 23, it became known that there has surfaced a proposal clearly stating the possibility of tax revenue input in the package of measures, to be compiled by the Japanese government in the near future, to support Tokyo Electric Power Co., Inc. (TEPCO) in connection with payment of compensation for losses incurred as a result of the accident at Fukushima I nuclear power station. Although this would be an initiative confined to an "abnormal situation" in which stable power supply is threatened by a management crisis, the proposal may encounter obstacles in the course of discussion.

Compensation for damage caused by the Fukushima I accident is expected to total a few trillion yen at the least. It would be extremely difficult for TEPCO to pay the entire amount by itself...


As always follow the link to the original article in full

Fukushima Tax is expected to raise taxation in Japan by between five and ten percent per annum for a couple of centuries depending on how Japan structures loans.

There are increasing calls round the world from tax reduction lobbies for the current government subsidies of the Nuclear Power Industry (NPI) to be made transparent and for the taxes that tax payers have to pay to subsidies the industry to be separated in to an NPI Tax so that their costs can be seen by tax payers.

A better solution is to make suficient Insurance cover compulsory for the industry.

As I pointed out in a previous post:

...If the Nuclear Power Industry was a car on the road it would be an uninsured death trap with a dodgy exhaust spewing out a smoke screen to its rear, a teanage tearaway driving it, leaving oil slicks everywhere it parked and the boot would be full of crack and heroin...

Pariah Brand

The cost of the incident is expected to destroy the careers of every one of the senior management and board members; black list of whom are being drawn up by both outside investors and independent nuclear monitoring groups with intention of using them to take down other businesses that they join, in the investor market the information will be used to run hedge betting schemes on companies involved with them.

Essentially the senior staff and board of TEPCO have become Tar Babies.

Meanwhile TEPCO is hoping to be taken over by the government and several of its major corporate investors are seen as take over targets.

With the risks of Nuclear Power to investors becoming higher with every new incident no wonder stock in the Nuclear industry have dropped so precipitously. Nuclear Power has become such a toxic pariah brand that many companies involved are working out wind up scenarios.

Nuclear Regulators campared to salesmen

Questions are also arising over the independence of the current crop of Nuclear Regulators.


The question is clearly whether national regulators like the US NRC, Japan's NSC and indeed the UN's IAEA are Policemen or Door to Door salesmen?

The IAEA has been accused of covering up deaths from Chernobyl

Radioactive Water continues to pour out

The radiation leak at Fukushima continues to fester with massive new radioactive water levels found at the plant:



As to the ever increasing millions of gallons of radioactive water that the Fukushima plant is creating in order not to explode the French Plant that it is hoped will clean up the water has been linked to massive radiation leaks in to the the English Channel and the Atlantic and linked to a rise in Leukemia.


Radiation from Fukushima expected to exceed Chernobyl in as little as 12 months

The major problem with Fukushima is that it is expected to fester and become worse than Chernobyl in as little as 12 months.

...Chernobyl is over. Fukushima hasn’t really begun. Chernobyl released a huge radioactive cloud when it blew up. Fukushima will exceed the Chernobyl release in a year no matter what else happens...


As always follow the link to the original article in full

Chernobyl was one single incident that blew up and then the radiation declined fairly rapidly; sort like the world being shot in the arm causing traumatic amputation but the much more massive Fukushima plant is more like a leg with Gangrene. Radiation from the plant continues to be created and to escape, and the nuclear industry has no viable plan to prevent Fukushima from continuing to Fester.

I continue to believe that at least one of the plants has had a full meltdown and containment breach where it is has melted down through the containment China Syndrome style; this is because of the continuing rise in groundwater and sea water radiation levels.

Certainly the Japanese government are worried about the radiation levels escaping into the general environment and are now considering building a massive underground dam to prevent highly radioactive water from reaching the sea:


Regards walker

Edited by walker

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Hi all

Radioactive rubble and debris from Reactors No.1 and Reactor No.3 indicate that the explosions there was a core breach explosions.

Public version of the radiation map:



They've cleaned up the place before publishing, compare it with this, dated March 20th:


Concrete slabs measuring 900 mSv/hr on plant premises can only be a result from coming in contact with a dispersed U2O/MOX cloud, rupturing the RPV of Unit 3. The rising mushroom cloud which all of you saw was not of steam & gas, it was literally a radioactive cloud mixed with pulverised concrete from the PCV & the outer secondary containment.

Edited by Iroquois Pliskin

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Hi Iroquois Pliskin

There is another map from the 31st of March showing a 500mSv/h hot-spot near the 86 kv GIS I can give you the link to a copy if you have not got it.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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Hi Iroquois Pliskin

Using this as your reference map:


Bottom quarter of the map right of the center.

You see where the 300 mSv/h reading for the debris point and directly below that is the 40 mSv/h reading is. Right of that is the 86 kv GIS.

The 500 mSv/h reading was given as a point below and to the right the 40 mSv/h debris.

I am guessing from its location that it is a lump of the No.3 Reactor core. There have been no readings taken in the area since so either we can both guess why, eg if I took a reading like that I would run a mile and scrub myself red raw; or perhaps it has been removed or covered over by some remote controlled device.

I will zip up a copy of the map with what looks like an early survey and place them out on the Internet. Just give me a moment.

Kind Regards walker

---------- Post added at 10:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:40 PM ----------

Hi Iroquois Pliskin


Here as promised are the other maps. Still busy digging through the rest of the document dump. There are some people saying there is a 1 Sv/h source listed in one of the data files.

I managed to get a verified confirmed source copy of one of these but I need to re read it to make sure I am understanding it correctly.

If I am reading time series from the document dump of the reactor CAMS monitor readings correctly, the radiation in the reactors is increasing.

As I pointed out in a previous post the IAEA seems to have given up on policing the industry and seems set on being the industries door to door sales man instead while censoring WHO reports.


Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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This is where the 300 mSv/h piece had been found:


That inverse L-shaped building was hit by something. Big. Yellow debris can be seen inside of the damaged structure from another angle, looking North.

Added: 19af49252c8d.th.jpg

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Hi Iroquois Pliskin

It looks like the 500 mSv/h source is in the debris on the sloped ground to the left of the top of the chimney in your second picture.

Has there been a time series of picture? If so then we can determine if it has just been cordoned off or covered or moved.

Kind Regards walker

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They're not always dated, and most certainly you won't be seeing any footage of the actual operation in progress. Most of the images are post-fact and are found on cryptome:


There could've been elements from the SNF of Unit 3 on that hill, wind was due SSW during the explosion.

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Hi Iroquois Pliskin

I prefer not to use the marketing term SNF as it is more accurately INF but yes that is a possible explanation for the high radiation reading.

If there are 500 mSV/h readings from that far out side the plant then I expect plutonium hot spots from ballistic release up to 2000m and plume dust up to at least 3 to 4 miles away dependent on wind speed. They need to do a survey out along the plume track on the day of the reactor 3 explosion.

Some poor Moke wandering around outside the plant could give them selves a lethal dose just standing still drinking a coffee.

I would definitely want a big long fishing pole to take any readings on debris like that, better still one of those robots. Remember that is the Gamma dose reading in the air above it. The Beta and Alpha readings close up and in contact with this are probably off the scale. I am pretty sure contact doses would be lethal.

More examples of the the IAEA and other suposed Nuclear watch dogs giving up on policing the industry and becoming its door to door salesmen are coming to light.

A Whistle Blower who pointed out safety failures at Fukushima to the watchdog was outed by them leading to his being blackballed by the industry.


personaly I would like some one like this to run the IAEA and until then give the roll to Greenpeace.

Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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Check this out:

Pretty much cancer guaranteed in a few years.

As for plutonium samples: they've found traces from 5 separate places, 2 N of Unit 1, 3 SW of Unit 3. Even if those 383 kg of plutonium oxide from the MOX assemblies in reactor 3 were dispersed (along with PU in the spent fuel of the pool(s)), contractors don't need to know about that, otherwise you wouldn't be able to do any work at the site.

From what I've seen since March 11th, justifies action by the UN to bring a force into Japan peacekeeping, or otherwise to contain the situation.

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Hi all

Here is the current status of the Fukushima plant.


In Fukushima town, radiation hot-spots in the school playgrounds have necessitated striping the topsoil from them.


The Government and TEPCO will not release the radiation levels for their findings saying only that they are above the education and science ministry set radiation limit of 3.8 microsieverts per hour and 3 microsieverts per hour limit for primary schools.

Government radiation readings outside the plant and in the Fukushima and Miyagi Prefectures continue to be censored euphemistically called "under survey" over a month after the Fukushima event began.


During the height of the disaster various areas in Ibaraki Prefecture also went in to "under survey" status as their radiation levels increased. In one or two cases just before they went "under survey" screen shots showed that readings of the Rate of space dose were above 3000 (nGy/h).



If 3000 (nGy/h) is Gamma air reading trigger level for censorship then there are people in the FEZ who are the walking dead.

Iroquois Pliskin's video link above explains why Air Readings of Gamma radiation do not give the full data. Even those Close ground readings are beta only; the realy nasty plutonium Alpha emisions cannot be spotted by standard radiation monitor or geiger counters. You may have noticed videos of people in white suits and masks puting a censor on to the hair of the evacuees, that is the kind of monitor that picks up the truly deadly plutonium alpha emissions.

The web server for Evidense Matters the website that orignaly broke the story went down for some reason, you could see the google cache page of it afterward though, but later the google cache got scrubbed too? Luckily I took a grab of it before it went down:


The media is now starting to pick up on the story


I am shocked it has taken so long.


Edited by walker

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Hi all

Greenpeace has now come out and said that TEPCO and the Japanese government are deliberately censoring radiation data and not carrying out the required safety monitoring.


TEPCO are also using Yakuza controled labourers to cary out work at the plant in order to cut costs. The Yakuza are making vast profits off the tax payer paid for clean up operations and taking the majority of the cash meant for radiation workers insurance.


The use of untrained contract labourers and criminal elements raises the risk of terrorist obtaining nuclear materials from Fukushima. A plant that is already seriously disorganised by the disaster.


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Hi all

The IAEA has issued a more comprehensive assessment of Fukushima than usual:


This comes as senior official members of the emergency team have started voicing fears of the continuing threat that Fukushima poses:


The Irradiated Fuel Rod Pools remain filled with the Fukushima's legacy of fuel so irradiated it can never go back in a reactor.

Millions of gallons of highly Irradiated and Tritiated water remain in the plant and could be washed out to sea by another Tsunami at any moment.

The Reactors are being Water Tombed and as a result of the additional weight of water that they were never designed to hold, could burst in an earthquake of lower magnitude than that which the caused the incident.


No Incident Isotope Analysis has been done.

There has been no comprehensive map of the Radiation from the plant.

Maps of radiation sources in the plant have been censored.

Even the measly air Gamma monitoring of the area remains censored.

A large earthquake is expected near Tokyo.

As I said early on there seems to be a misplaced complacency in the industry and government throughout this incident that smacks of corruption.

The effect of an industry unable to get its house in order, or be open about the dangers it poses, are coming home to roost; with massive declines in its value and more and more nuclear plants being closed down and future developments being shelved:


Uranium mining stocks are failing with many companies hunting for an exit strategy or looking for rescue packages.




Edited by walker

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Well, we could always use less energy by leaving airco's off at home and in the office.

Use less computers on warm nice days in Spring/Summer/early Fall?

Why do we nearly lock ourselves in our homes, spending hours a day sitting behind a game-console or personal computer playing games like that?

This is excactly what causes such huge amount of energy being demanded for, more then what's really needed for basic survival and having fun..

However a job I count under neccessity of basic survival in a finance-centered world of currency where one needs income to feed, etc.

Why not play games like good old non-virtual card-game, soccer/football, or anything like that?

For example: In Spain they even hold siësta's (midday-sleep) because of the intense summer-heat.. Why not the same for the hottest area's in the world, and other risky heat-exposure places? (world-locations with highest demand peaks, mainly western world with socalled "advanced society" along with such electricity usage patterns.)

Why would we continue to remain being ignorant, endangering all and everybody for the sake of profit that's bearing our collective guilt by our demands set like this? It's not worth these kind of things to happen to continue on like nothing has happened..?

Edited by Thani '82

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Well' date=' we could always use less energy by leaving airco's off at home and in the office.

Use less computers on warm nice days in Spring/Summer/early Fall?

Why do we nearly lock ourselves in our homes, spending hours a day sitting behind a game-console or personal computer playing games like that?

This is excactly what causes such huge amount of energy being demanded for, more then what's really needed for basic survival and having fun..

However a job I count under neccessity of basic survival in a finance-centered world of currency where one needs income to feed, etc.

Why not play games like good old non-virtual card-game, soccer/football, or anything like that?

For example: In Spain they even hold siësta's (midday-sleep) because of the intense summer-heat.. Why not the same for the hottest area's in the world, and other risky heat-exposure places? (world-locations with highest demand peaks, mainly western world with socalled "advanced society" along with such electricity usage patterns.)

Why would we continue to remain being ignorant, endangering all and everybody for the sake of profit that's bearing our collective guilt by our demands set like this? It's not worth these kind of things to happen to continue on like nothing has happened..?[/quote']

Errr... Even though I'm in total agreement with avoiding over-use of computers and prefer outdoor activities (that's how I try to raise my children, they are technologically retarded compared to others in their class, but that's fine by me, they'll have all the time needed to catch up later), PC and consoles are not the reason behind ecological issues we are facing. They are a little factor, I can concede that, but nothing more

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Errr... Even though I'm in total agreement with avoiding over-use of computers and prefer outdoor activities, PC and consoles are not the reason behind ecological issues we are facing. They are a little factor, I can concede that, but nothing more

Yes, the major factoR is, of course, the sheer number of people working towards the 'merican dream. Thani refuses to acknowledge that while the hydrocarbon revolution may support nine, or ten billion people in the short term, past the peak of resource production comes a die-off of a few hundred million people, as a start; culminating in resource wars and eventual extinction of billions, for a return to Earth's carrying capacity of 1.5-2b.

The concept of "useless eaters" isn't wishful thinking by the rich, it's embedded in the soil, water & air you breathe when you're in Beijing, China. Refer to my signature, or a few pages back for a more detailed explanation.

Edited by Iroquois Pliskin

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I do acknowledge the American-dream style shite being a cause of it, eventhough partially, where it cannot completely be the sole factor in it all, but being a major contributor nonetheless.. People want stuff for themselves without thinking of the consequences first ,and act later according to such thinking-pattern of conservation on what is left of the planet..

I ain't that stupid to deny people are living out of their socks besides their shoes, running barefeet over the broken glass littered dump running bloody roulette... As I said, I don't think Earth is able to sustain even 9 billion people, whilst we barely see the planet being able to keep up with the current 6.5 billion or so.. People owe their shithole to themselves for that part, and most of those in the "developed/developing) nations".. Is that denial?

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