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Texture bug

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Alright, I'm kinda stuck on why about 50% of my interior textures are basically white when looking through another texture (window). am I doing something wrong or is there a fix for this?



and inside the texture (no white because its not looking through anything)


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Easy fix - select all window parts and then Faces > Move Top ;)

Thanks. Worked like a charm.

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A sort of similar problem now. Figure there's no point in starting a new topic.


I have several (now) textures that don't load in-game/buldozer, they just come in as one solid color (usually a color similar to the texture) when I apply it in the UV editor. If I delete the UV the texture shows just it's obviously offset and repeating because it doesn't have a UV. Any Idea what is wrong?

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Sounds like its not mapped properly in the UV Editor and its simply mapping a single pixel to the entire face(s). Couldn't know for sure without seeing a screenshot of the UV Window. Might be wrong though.

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Alright, Here's a pretty good example of what I'm talking about.

When its unscaled and way to big for the model the textures appear properly


but after I scale it, It does what I mentioned above, even though the UV Map is still proper.


I've tried remapping it and it didn't work.

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My diagnosis would be that your textures are not a multiple of 2. I have had this same problem, resizing to a multiple of 2 should solve this.

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