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Inexperienced militia

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Is there a mod or a script which can make a group of militia fire sporadically and highly inaccurately like you see on the news?

I don't mean adjusting a weapon's value but make the unit spray 'n' pray by leaning from cover and fire or shooting from the hip hollywood style?

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The accuracy and ROF of the AI is actually sort of counter to what you see in real life. The higher their skill level, the faster they will fire.

My favourite trick for more realistic looking/sounding firefights is to use setUnitAbility. I don't know how it relates to setSkill, but if you set it to a low number like 0.05 (the ComRef says it starts at 0.2 but I think that's changed since that entry was written), it pretty much makes the unit act as if they're wounded or suppressed. Their aim becomes shaky which makes their firing sporadic.

Finding the right values and combining that with the right Skill level can prevent the AI from doing their usual BANG BANG BANG BANG RELOAD BANG BANG BANG until they run out of ammo.

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