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Number of rounds to drop target ?

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I have always found there to be a inconsistency regarding this. I have 1.57 and 1.08 and still sometimes take 4 rounds to kill someone as opposed to 1 round at other times.

I am speaking of torso shots obviously - within around 200 m, 1 shot usually suffices.

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Bullets slow down over distance, reducing their power. Also, hits in the weapon count for no damage, and hits in the arms or hands (all of which are frequently in front of the torso) count for very little 'killing' damage. There are also two different torso hit locations.

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I would use the mk 17 sniper and i have hit the bad guy 6 times before he went down, I seen a friend shot with a british army SLR, 1 shot to the back and it left a big hole we're his lung used to be, there is no way he was for fighting.

It should only take one shot to stop the ai shooting back, it may not kill them but it should take the fight out of them, if i get hit with one shot i couldnt hit the side door of a barn as my guns all over the place but the ai have no problems at all returning fire and hitting you.

As for hand in front of the torso lol, hands or arms wont stop bullets just meens you will have a hole in your hand and torso.

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With a standard rifle I usually fire twice in quick succession with two quick pulls of the trigger about half a second apart because it greatly increases the chance of at least one of the shots hitting him.

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With a standard rifle I usually fire twice in quick succession with two quick pulls of the trigger about half a second apart because it greatly increases the chance of at least one of the shots hitting him.
1 shot = 1 Kill in close distances. Remember, most Units in the game are wearing kinds of body armour and for some reason this is also considered for units that have no such armour in its model.

Test your M16 on civilians...1 shot = 1 kill even at distance.

The problem hereby is that all combat units are considered to wear protective gear albeit only US and some russian units show it on the soldier models itself.

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Beagle, I have 1.57 and 1.08 for OA and ARMA2 and civvys still take 2 even 3 shots to go down with a rifle. Perhaps I shouldnt keep shooting civilians....

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Beagle, I have 1.57 and 1.08 for OA and ARMA2 and civvys still take 2 even 3 shots to go down with a rifle. Perhaps I shouldnt keep shooting civilians....
Double check your difficulity settings and disable 'Enhanced Armor' if enabled.

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Sickboy - extended armour off - At 200m plus Civvys take 2 shots to go down , tried at 150 , only 1 required unless you hit a limb in which case it still takes another.

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I can one-shot armored men with 5.56 at 200m.

It really is difficult to judge where you are hitting, with muzzle sway and faulty bloody sprites and such. But the varied results make sense if there are indeed two hit boxes for the torso. I wonder if someone could elaborate on that.

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From what I can see , sternum up one shot, below - 2 .

Just trying a few other things, the TWS at 800 is annoying underpowered, 2 shots required for civilians. I would hope that 1.58 would up the stopping power of weapons, though I suppose this might be easier said than done.

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Hi, in the ArmA2 v1.08 it takes me between 1 to 7 shots to kill an NME; i've never shot againist civilians, only againist armed units. But i like it this way, i think that's realistic... the 5.56 is a shit of caliber and do few damage to the body even on vital parts. The only thing that ain't like that much is that at less than 500m some times i need three 12.7 shots to kill an NME, and at between 200 to 260m... up to five 7.62 shots to kill a man. But im happy in general with this (unless in the 12.7 & 7.62 cases), after all... "the life is a very persistent virus...". Let's C ya

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I have found that it is harder to hit a target , anywhere on the body compared to OFP. I skipped out on ARMA and used to play OFP a lot, 300 m with any of the weapons can still be a challenge, much more so than OFP.

Have any of you been in the military to confirm how hard / easy this is ?


Edited by cartier90

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I can't fathom what's going on in people's games to make a 12.7mm round to the torso not immediately fatal. I've never experienced anything like that. 7.62x51mm is also reliable at most engagement ranges in my game. It's just that pesky 5.56 and 5.45 that never can kill in one hit past 250 meters. 2 well-placed rounds can usually do the job, but more often it's three to five. And headshots are fatal with every caliber no matter what, unless it's a ricocheting 9x18mm SD.

The problem is that even NAPA fighters are accounted as wearing body armor, and people get such disparate results, and inexplicably so.

As for reality, people have absorbed twelve rounds and kept firing back, and a single bullet to a nonfatal area has made people drop into a dead faint. The game doesn't do it too terribly, except for the premature weakness of 5.56 and 5.45. It should just shoot for making a bullet wound the end of combat effectiveness. And people in general underestimate the amount that AI suffers from taking a round. It puts them in maximum suppression mode, and even if you don't hit their arm, the one or two shots they will hesitatingly fire ever couple of seconds will require a lot of luck to be dangerous.

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It should just shoot for making a bullet wound the end of combat effectiveness. And people in general underestimate the amount that AI suffers from taking a round.
First Aid module does exacly that, modeling a wounded comrade that slows down the whole group until hes "patched", but it is not active in almost all PvP missions for a good reason.

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First Aid module does exacly that, but it is not active in almost all PvP missions for a good reason.

It's also so appallingly complicated (and getting moreso all the time) that I wonder if the kinks will ever be worked out. At the moment you have things like armored units withstanding three full magazines of .45 rounds from Aziz's revolver or headshots not being fatal.

It is very nice to have a difference between armored spec ops and Takiban goatherds, though.

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If you play the game on the 2 easier levels, it seems to me, that both yourself and the enemy can take a lot of punishment before you are out of action.

And, according to another thread, if bullets strike equipment and not the man, you see blood. So you think you have hit a man when you hit only his backpack.


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Heavy-AT soldiers are really annoying in that aspect...you hit the gear more often than the person behind it.

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maturin, no the 12.7mm rounds do just fine. As you say its the piss poor 5.56mm, bit of a real life cliche there I suppose .

Well I suppose its an even playing field, just frustating at times to kill a prone soldier , I assume that if I tag their arm enemy AI accuracy is affected ?

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maturin, no the 12.7mm rounds do just fine. As you say its the piss poor 5.56mm, bit of a real life cliche there I suppose .

Well I suppose its an even playing field, just frustating at times to kill a prone soldier , I assume that if I tag their arm enemy AI accuracy is affected ?

Accuracy of A.I. is already affected by the supression effect when you fire in it's direction.

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Hi, i think that will be good if the AIs fallen incapacitated under the same conditions than the players, and once (we) the danger for the AI is dead; our only way to kick off an AI from the combat is kill it, but they can kick us (the players) off the combat doing two things:

A) Incapacitate us.

B) Kill us.

Is not fair for us (the players) as we're forced to kill an AI that shouldn't be able to shoot back if incap... but this don't happen, we're forced to kill the AI and it can fire until the last second, when it shouldn't. What we should be able of do... will be to:

A) Kill or Incapacitate the AIs.

B) Disarm the Incap AI.

C) Patch it up and call for support (Evac the AI) to take it back to our base or FOB.

D) Colect info from the AI (some time after it's capture it marks the starting NME possitions on the map.)

As the AIs are not "covered..." by the Geneva's Convention... take the "Colection of info" as an euphemism of "torture". With animations... and "tools...!" as azetilen torches, plicers, electric battons, car batteryes, "a good baith...!", screwdrivers etc etc.. . This is what we should be able of do to be fair and make of the combat an equitative thing; they've the numbers, we've the time. Let's C ya

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The hit locations on the torso are indeed divided at approximately the division between the thorax and the abdomen... the sternum area.

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And being prone gives you a hitpoint boost, which many people don't realize. Makes sense, except it doesn't work in a game without bleeding.

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Accuracy of A.I. is already affected by the supression effect when you fire in it's direction.

Sooo many people don't realise this and often ask me why I'm firing at the enemy in bursts that might not necessarily kill them.

I get laughter when I tell them it's for suppression :(

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As the AIs are not "covered..." by the Geneva's Convention... take the "Colection of info" as an euphemism of "torture". With animations... and "tools...!" as azetilen torches, plicers, electric battons, car batteryes, "a good baith...!", screwdrivers etc etc.. . This is what we should be able of do to be fair and make of the combat an equitative thing; they've the numbers, we've the time. Let's C ya

Steady on :p

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