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Darkhorse 1-6

Japan hit by 9.0-magnitude earthquake and tsunami

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This whole tsunami thing was caused by aliens. I saw them do it

Edited by Darkhorse 1-6

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Hi all

That it takes getting to this stage to make those who run nuclear power companies realise what they are dealing with amazes me.

Radiation serious enough to kill

Nuclear plant chief weeps after making disclosure

Friday, March 18, 2011 6:39pm - 0 Comments

Akio Korimi, the managing director of Tokyo Electric Power, the company behind the devastated nuclear reactor at Fukushima wept leaving a press conference at which he admitted the radiation spewing from overheated reactors and fuel rods was strong enough to kill citizens. At the same conference, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano also admitted officials should have admitted earlier how serious the radiation leaks are. Meanwhile, the deputy director general of the NISA, Hideohiko Nishiyama, also admitted that they do not know if the reactors are coming under control...


The event has triggered a serious review of nuclear safety measures thoughout the west.


Most have the same issues with lack of true fail safe cooling.

All have spent fuel problems identical those in Reactor No.4 at Fukashima.

In a moment of surprising openess the US Report admited that 14 US plants have had close calls that would have caused accedents similar to what is happening at Fukushima. Like for instance turning off the Cooling system.


Former chief of UN's atomic energy agency Mohamed El Baradei is calling for a system of open Peer Review at all nuclear plants.



Edited by walker

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Hi all

A Blunt assessment by the Harvard Foreign Policy magazine.

Meltdowns and Misinformation

What do we actually know about Japan's nuclear crisis?


To state the obvious, the nuclear crisis in Japan is bad and will get worse. Despite the heroic efforts of the remaining workers at the nuclear complex, it seems likely that two reactor cores will melt down and two spent fuel ponds will ignite, spewing radioactivity into the ground, air, and water. But beyond concern for the workers and those in the surrounding region, the international public has reacted to the unfolding disaster with understandable -- but nonetheless irrational -- fear for their own safety. Potassium iodide pills have been flying off the shelves in California over fears that the radiation will cross the Pacific. Hoax text messages have spread fears of contamination across Asia from the Philippines to India. In China, stores are selling out of iodized salt, as people frantically hoard it in the mistaken belief that it will counteract radiation.

It might be tempting to blame hysterical media coverage for this reaction, but in this case, most coverage I've seen has actually been fairly sober and cautious. The bigger problem has been the overly optimistic scenarios and conflicting information released by Japanese authorities. The public, not only in Japan but worldwide, simply no longer believes those in authority who tell them they are not in danger. This will make it difficult to manage the public response to the crisis going forward and may pose a grave risk for the future of the nuclear industry.

As of day eight of the crisis, here is a brief roundup of what we actually know about the situation unfolding in Fukushima.

A small group of workers, at one point as few as 50, are racing to do what 800 workers failed to do: cool the nuclear fuel inside three reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi plant. The latest available data shows that water levels inside reactors 1, 2, and 3 have fallen to cover only about half then length the fuel rods, allowing them to overheat and begin to crack. Reactor 4 does not have fuel in its core.

These three reactors contain about 200 metric tons of lightly enriched uranium; reactor 3 also contains plutonium fuel. The cores are beginning to melt. In a full meltdown, this molten fuel could drip down, burning through the steel reactor vessel and possibly breaching the concrete containment vessel -- the last line of defense before a large radioactive release. Based on radiation detection by monitors deployed by the Comprehensive-Test-Ban-Treaty Organization, it does not appear that this has yet occurred. Detection of large amounts of zirconium and barium inside the reactors would signal that a large meltdown had taken place...

It then goes on further to say

...The best worst-case scenario is that only two spent fuel ponds -- at reactors 3 and 4 -- catch fire and that the meltdowns at reactors 1, 2, and 3 are largely contained by the concrete walls surrounding the reactors. Toxic smoke would still spread massive amounts of radioactive contamination over the surrounding environment.

The worst worst-case scenario is that all three reactors with fuel in their core and all four fuel pools overheat and two or more reactors breach the concrete containment structures, burning through into the broader environment.

In either case, severe amounts of radioactive contamination will spread over tens, hundreds, or even thousands of square miles. In either case, radioactive contamination will spread over land and water, posing serious health hazards to life within 50 miles of the complex.

In an effort, perhaps, to keep the public calm, the Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) which owns the reactors, and the Japanese government which regulates them have limited the information released and constantly portrayed the situation as under control. The facts have spoken otherwise. The widening gap has now triggered a collapse of confidence on the part of the Japanese public and, it appears, the U.S. government. Brookings Institution scholar Daniel Kaufmann notes that TEPCO "infuriated Japan's prime minister, who learned of the first plant explosion at reactor 1 on Saturday from watching TV." In the early days of the crisis, TEPCO officials denied that water levels had fallen in reactors and fuel storage pools, but hours later announced extraordinary measures to pump new water in...


As allways follow the link to the original article in full

Either way we are looking at between Chernobyl light and Chernobyl plus. :(

According to an unconfirmed information leak, before the System for Prediction of Environmental Emergency Dose Information (SPEEDI) site became censored readings reached 4702 (nGy/h).


And were hovering arround 3000 for more than 24 hours.

Here is Scientific Americans' blunt assessment


Something I predicted earlier in the thread now has to be considered.

...That is a BAD sign. Comes in the disaster emergency plan headings under OH FUCK!

In commercial terms it means the reactor is scrapped and indicates that the existing cooling system no longer works and that all electonic monitoring and most mechanic controls are already so useless they can be covered in corrosive sea water. It is literaly the last chapter in the nuclear power plant disaster plan. After this the next chapter is Epilogue; it is all: how do we evacuate people and how can we put a sacophagos over it all...

What do we do?

Japan will need help ensuring the sarcophogus works better than that at Chernobyl. Japan would do well to ask what the Russians and Ukranians learned.

This article discusses it:


Depending on how badly the reactors meltdown and the whether fires in the fuel pools become really serious will decide the size of the Fukushima Exclusion zone.

In the outer areas it may be that people can only live there for certain number of years before they are forced to evacuate.

Part of the problem is that unlike Chernobyl here we are dealing with a large quantity of plutonium with its vastly more toxic chemical effects and its significantly higher radiation output and half life.


Edited by walker

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Hi all

Amazing what seems to get censored on the Internet nowadays. But this at least was still available in the Google Cache. I took a copy just in case.


It provides a second source for the article I linked in my previous post that came from a CNN Ireporter; it confirms the censorship of the "System for Prediction of Environmental Emergency Dose Information(SPEEDI)" was because the levels were so high. I would want a third source before going out on a limb here.

Attempting to get to the evidencematters page that cache came from results in well, try it your self maybe it will work for you. Maybe it is only a temporary glitch.


I suggest you try it first from the google cache link.

I then tried the main site thinking I can then use it to navigate to the article via it.http://evidencematters.com/

But under

EM wants to raise awareness to the critical situation in Japan and affecting the world. Please read the following new articles:

I get a blank page.

I also tried



I am amazed the media have not yet latched on to this and asked the questions at the Press Conferences as to why the relevant data is "under survey" and what their thoughts are on the previous readings.

No wonder the US government are taking independent readings.

Regards walker


I found another copy of that second source


If I keep looking I am sure a third source will turn up, I may have to go to some wierd places though, so bare with me, I may come back with Darkhorse 1-6's Alien :alien: buddies, :yikes: or being chased by what was it called oh yeh "The Man" :happyagentSmith::rofl:

Kind Regards walker

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Well walker, as that Google cache link doesn't exist anymore, I believe you are already being chased by The Manâ„¢. :D

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Well walker, as that Google cache link doesn't exist anymore, I believe you are already being chased by The Manâ„¢. :D

Hi Darkhorse 1-6

As I said I took a copy available on request.

Kind Regards walker

---------- Post added at 03:16 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:56 PM ----------

Hi all

Sorry bit of something I had to do.

Here is a PDF copy of the Google cache page I took a copy of, before it disapeared.


If that goes down, file limit or whatever, I will link to other copies.

The screen capture was from this official site "Japanese Disaster Prevention and Nuclear Safety Network for Nuclear Environment" before all the data started disappearing.


Or as several sites are now saying being censored. They are refering to the bits that go "Under Survey" as soon as they get high like those in the screen grab.

Click on the map dots to get the additional information.

As I noted earlier there is a copy with CNN. Various other copies are turning up ;)

Kind Regards walker

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Hi all

This may be considered by some to be allarmist


But it is a video of the above censored page , which is all I am concerned about.

Wierd all of a sudden I cannot access it?!

Back up copy


People may find this useful:


Kind Regards walker

Edited by walker

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Hi all

For those who do not know how Nuclear industry here in the west really works.

Operator of Fukushima nuke plant admitted to faking repair records

March 20, 2011 6:33PM

DAYS before Japan plunged into an atomic crisis after a giant earthquake and tsunami knocked out power at the ageing Fukushima nuclear plant, its operator had admitted faking repair records.

The revelation raises fresh questions about both Tokyo, the scandal-tainted past of the Electric Power Co (TEPCO), and the Japanese government's perceived soft regulation of a key industry.

The operator of the Fukushima No 1 plant submitted a report to the country's nuclear watchdog 10 days before the quake hit on March 11, admitting it had failed to inspect 33 pieces of equipment in its six reactors there.

A power board distributing electricity to a reactor's temperature control valves was not examined for 11 years, and inspectors faked records, pretending to make thorough inspections when in fact they were only cursory, TEPCO said.

It also said that inspections, which are voluntary, did not cover other devices related to cooling systems including water pump motors and diesel generators...


As always follow the link to the original text in full

Other sources quoted in major media outlets; at least the ones that do not censor the news, use google; show that Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) engaged in activities to cover up its failing plant that were verging on the insane, risking catastrophic meltdowns in order to pass inspections, that lacked the stringency to spot the faker. I can only conclude that the inspectors assumed nobody would stupid enough to do that, in order to make money.

People are still trapped inside the Fukushima Exclusion Zone.

Official trapped inside the Fukushima nuclear exclusion zone uttered one word "Help"

by Angus Walker in Tokyo, Sunday Mirror 20/03/2011

As the ongoing desperate attempt to cool the fuel rods continues, I managed to contact an official still at his post in a town inside the 18-mile exclusion zone around the Fukushima power plant.

This government official works for the mayor of Minamisoma, ******almost deserted having been hit by earthquake, tsunami and now threatened with radioactive contamination.

He said the people sheltering inside their homes, as ordered by the government, were running out of food...


As always follow the link to the original text in full

Radiation monitoring

Meanwhile all eyes turn to the radiation monitoring site as the worst affected areas remain censored.


And as wind today is expected to turn west and south.


Once more blowing fallout South West through the heart of Japan.

Tokyo Embassies Evacuate and issue anti radiation pills

The UK Embassy in Tokyo has started distributing Iodine tablets


Switzerland is to move its embassy from Tokyo to Osaka.

Swiss to move embassy in Japan from Tokyo to Osaka amid radiation fears

By: The Associated Press

Posted: 03/20/2011 9:14 AM

BERN, Switzerland - Switzerland is moving its embassy in Japan to Osaka because of fears that radiation levels in the capital Tokyo could increase.

The Foreign Ministry says Swiss experts judge developments at the damaged Fukushima nuclear plant to be "very uncertain."

The ministry said Sunday that an imminent change in wind direction is also forecast and could increase radiation levels in Tokyo...


As always follow the link to the original text in full

I dare say they will not be the last, though I expect some will keep their "Official" embassies in Tokyo as a show of solidarity running it on a rotating skeleton staff, while the majority of work and staff move to a larger consulate in Osaka.

Plutonium Detection

Of course that Japanese government site "The System for Prediction of Environment Emergency Dose Information (SPEEDI)" only detects Gamma emitters and can not detect Alpha and Beta emitters like Uranium and Plutonium, as in the burnt fuel from Fukushima.


So the massive leak of Plutonium and Uranium at Fukushima, and it is massive, can not be detected by waving around a Geiger Counter. You can detect the small amounts of Gamma released by the isotopes of its decay chain, as they would be above background radiation levels; but the only proper way to detect the uranium and plutonium is by sampling as the US military points out.

There is some good news though; Two out the six reactors are now reported to be back under control.


And power is getting to two others.


As I wrote earlier in the thread the Fukushima plant is now scrap and just like Chernobyl will be entombed in a sarcophagus with a 30 to 50 mile exclusion zone surrounding it.

Reactors will never reopen, says official

Deborah Smith

THE damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant must be scrapped, the country's top government spokesman has said. He also revealed ''abnormal levels'' of radiation had again been detected in milk and spinach taken from areas near the plant.

The comment by the Chief Cabinet Secretary, Yukio Edano, yesterday was the first word from the government that the nuclear complex will have to be closed once its overheating reactors are brought under control.

In some of the first hopeful signs in the 10-day battle to stabilise the disabled power station, power has been restored to cooling pumps at four of the six reactors...


As always follow the link to the original text in full


Ashes in my mouth.

Kind Regards walker

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I agree, white lies and censorship of important information to save face piss me off. As do the faked safety tests.

But I have yet to see your opinion expressed explicitly. What exactly is it? It's obiously not mild. So is it:

a) In between: Raise the safety standards and do not let profit come first. In this case: Build spent rod pools at ground level and the auxiliary generators/pumps above ground level (It was opposite in the name of profit). More rigorous inspections.

b) Radical: Shut the NPP's down.

Because (and especially with all the directly observable earthquake/tsunami damage) a feasible conclusion from the structure of your posts is, that you are only worried, that some day in the future you might be personally inconvenienced.

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Hi sprayer_faust

I have replied to you in this thread in:


In order to prevent this thread from being lead off topic.

While I think it valid to talk about the Fukushima plant in this thread as it continues to be part of the disaster. Wider issues are better deal t with separately.

So back to the topic of the disaster:

As expected the Japnese Government's Realtime radiation data collected via the System for Prediction of Environment Emergency Dose Information(SPEEDI) rose as the wind shifter SW and continues to be heavily censored where radiation levels exceed dangerous levels.

And with the shift in wind, radiation levels across the heart of Japan are once again increasing. In Ibaraki more locations radiation levels are increasing once again, and as a result being censored.



Kind Regards walker

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Hi all

Dark smoke has been seen rising from Fukushima Reactor No.3, despite no radiation being seen on the Geiger Counters, it caused an instantaneous retreat from the area by all emergency crews.


The fear clearly is that it is Plutonium which as I pointed out earlier in this thread does not show up in the Gamma emissions detected by Geiger Counters.

It amazes me that so few people understand this.

Highly Radioactive substances have been found in sea water off Japan.



Radiation levels outside the Fukushima Exclusion Zone (FEZ) are now so high that in only 7 days you would be above the maximum safe level permited by the IAEA.


Regards walker

---------- Post added at 08:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:24 PM ----------

Hi all

In yet another revelation about the criminal negligence of the Nuclear Power Industry and its corruption of governments we now find that both TEPCO and the Japanese Government were more concerned about their protecting their investments assets than national safety and deliberately delayed the emergency response as a result!


I believe the old method of dealing with traitors like these was to bury them up to their necks in sand under a wooden deck in order to decapitate them with a bamboo saw set up for the purpose, they would then invite the general public to take one cut each!

I think there would be many volunteers.


Edited by walker

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Yeah, I would have asked a mod to separate the nuclear posts from the earthquake posts, but as Walker has his own thread now I may just ask for this one to be closed. Haven't figured out if I will, yet.

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Hi all

Insurance claims against TEPCO are likely to bury it. All those home owners, factory and business owners who are affected by the FEZ. Then there are all the farmers who cannot sell their produce right out at least as far as Ibaraki. And that is before the company has to lay aside money for cancer sufferers and disabled babies and miscarriages. Their future insurance costs will be astronomical.

It will make what happened to BP look like a dented bumper claim after a shunt. No wonder shares in TEPCO are rock bottom.

Any Insurance company currently involved are also on their way to oblivion.

Kind Regards walker

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Hi all

Problems continue at the Fukushima plant with at least one spent fuel rod pool now boiling and releasing clouds of radioactive steam.


Regards walker

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Hi all

The water as far away as Tokyo is now unsafe for babies to drink.


In Fukushima City 65 kilometers from the plant Radiation levels are the equivalent of one years radiation in a week


The plant is still emmiting large amounts of radiation that the IAEA has not yet acounted for. And they are continuing to ask the Japanese Government and TEPCO where it is all comming from?


The Vice President of TEPCO bowed and apologized to the residents of evacuated towns but the former residents turned their backs to them. See picture in link. I think we can guess what kind of insult that is in Japanese culture.

The plant has once again been evacuated as black smoke was seen comming from Reactor No.3

the Plutonium reactor.


The fear there is that it is burning plutonium. A truly frightening subject.

Food produced in the FEZ and surrounding area as far away as Ibaraki is now Banned.


The number of food types from the areas outside the FEZ being banned has increased


A plume of radioactive fallout of 125 mSv/hr or 12.5mR/hr moving out to 25 miles northwest of the plant and into Japan is causing a great deal of concern as it is above the limits at which people should be evacuated.


Radiation unit converter.


Many in the US and round the world are pointing out that the current FEZ is too small and should be enlarged. In the the US the levels that people in Japan are currently receiving are beyond those at which a compulsory evacuation is required.



While TEPCO decided not to institute safety measures that could have prevented this disaster because they did not want to spend the money on reactors that would only be there for a few more decades.


It seems the shareholders of TEPCO are more important than safety.


Edited by walker

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