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ACE 1.9 (Advanced Combat Enviroment) for OA/CO

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With an i7 and such a terrible GPU, I'd be amazed if you succeeded to make the CPU be the bottleneck. It would actually take direct effort to do that with your setup.

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It is stock with a Ipower 9820 from PC world , sacrilege to stay with a stock card yes but I was under the impression that being better than a 9800 would be good enough ?

A better card might help then....I can get mid 50s frames in vanilla so believed my card was good enough. Will shell out for one.


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50s where? island? exact location? settings? You should not be able to play on anything more than low with good FPS in the more graphically intense area as far as I know.

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Galzohar - I get mid 50s in a lot of places in Chernarus while patrolling , not in a firefight. Settings are mid - VD1900.V sync off no antistrophic or AA ....

In a firefight high 30s....I have a 1gb 9800 equivalent, not that shabby a card for its time (Feb 09 ) ....

In the large cities in the game 30 dead on most the time in a firefight...

Edited by cartier90

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Maybe you should upload a test mission so it's easier to get an idea of what's going on and to test on other machines...

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50? Christ my PC is pretty damn nice...well it was when OA came out and I've never really seen over 35. I'm jealous.

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I should mention, I am in the editor with units plonked down, no 'mission' in play - when I am in one, I similarly experience anything from high 20s to high 30s..

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Hi all,

Since the last ACE update the loadout script of "F2 framework" is broken :(


When you equip the groupleader with a rucksac, all the subunit equip with a rucksac (different rucksac loadout) have the same rucksac loadout as the leader.

It bug only with the rucksac loadout.

loadout script:

// F2A2 - ShackTactical Assign Gear Script
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)
// ====================================================================================


private [
"_snrifle","_snmag","_sprifle","_spmag","_mediumMG","_mediumMGmag", "_heavyMG", "_heavyMGtripod", "_heavyMGmag",
"_mediumAT","_mediumATmag1","_mediumATmag2","_heavyAT","_heavyATmag1","_heavyATmag2","_rucksack","_medicrucksack", "_Atrucksack",
"_bandage", "_morphine", "_epinephrine",

// ====================================================================================

// If the script has been called without both required paramaters being passed, it 
// exits immediately.

sleep .1;

if (isNull (_this select 1)) exitwith {};
if (!local (_this select 1)) exitwith {};

// ====================================================================================

// The second variable passed to the script identifies the unit, from which we can
// then get the faction. More error checking is included here.

_typeofUnit = toLower (_this select 0);
_unit = _this select 1;
//_faction = toLower (faction _unit);

//if (isnil ("_faction")) then {call compile format ["_faction = '%1'",(faction _unit)];};
//_faction =  tolower _faction;
//if (!(_faction == "ru") and !(_faction == "usmc") and !(_faction == "gue") and !(_faction == "ins") and !(_faction == "cdf")) exitwith {player globalchat format ["DEBUG (f\common\@ShackTac_assignGear.sqf): Unit %1 faction %2 is not correct. Make sure the script is initialized correctly.",_unit,_faction];};

// ====================================================================================

// The following blocks of code define equipment that is universal (medical equipment)

//_bandage = "ACE_Bandage";
//_morphine = "ACE_Morphine";
//_epinephrine = "ACE_Epinephrine";

// ====================================================================================

// The following blocks of code define the equipment for each faction.

//switch (_faction) do

// ====================================================================================

// The block of code below identifies equipment for the USMC faction.

//   case "usmc":
//   {
  _rifle = "ACE_AK74M";
  _riflecrew = "ACE_AKS74P";
  _rifleGL = "ACE_AK74M_GL";
  _commandrifle = "ACE_AK74M_1P29";
  _MG = "ACE_RPK74M";
  _riflemag = "30Rnd_545x39_AK";
  _riflemagtracer = "ACE_30Rnd_545x39_T_AK";
  _GLmag = "1Rnd_HE_GP25";
  _MGmag = "ACE_45Rnd_545x39_B_AK";
  _grenade = "HandGrenade_East";
  _at = "ACE_RPG27";
  _atmag = "ACE_RPG27";

  _snrifle = "SVD";
  _snmag = "10Rnd_762x54_SVD";
  _sprifle = "ACE_AK74M_GL_PSO";
  _spmag = "30Rnd_545x39_AK";

//   _mediumMG = "Pecheneg";
//   _mediumMGmag = "100Rnd_762x54_PK";

//   _heavyMG = "ACE_DSHKMProxy";
//   _heavyMGtripod = "ACE_DSHKMTripodProxy";
//   _heavyMGmag = "50Rnd_127x107_DSHKM";

//   _mediumAT = "ACE_RPG29";
//   _mediumATmag1 = "ACE_RPG29_PG29";
//   _mediumATmag2 = "ACE_RPG29_TBG29";

//   _heavyAT = "MetisLauncher";
//   _heavyATmag1 = "AT13";
//   _heavyATmag2 = "AT13";

  _smokewhite = "1Rnd_SMOKE_GP25";
  _smokegreen = "1Rnd_SmokeGreen_GP25";
  _smokered = "1Rnd_SmokeRed_GP25";
  _smokeyellow = "1Rnd_SmokeYellow_GP25";
  _smokegrenadewhite = "SmokeShell";
  _smokegrenadeyellow = "SmokeShellYellow";

  _pistol = "Makarov";
  _pistolmag = "8Rnd_9x18_Makarov";

  _rucksack = "ACE_ALICE_Backpack";
  _medicrucksack = "ACE_Rucksack_EAST_Medic";
  _Atrucksack = "TK_RPG_Backpack_EP1";

  _bandage = "ACE_Bandage";
  _morphine = "ACE_Morphine";
  _epinephrine = "ACE_Epinephrine";

  _radiolong = "ACE_ANPRC77";

  _laserbat = "ACE_Battery_Rangefinder";

_m240 = "Pk";
_m240Mags = "100Rnd_762x54_PK";

_SMAWLauncher = "ACE_RPG7V_PGO7";

_Javelin = "MetisLauncher";
_JavelinAmmo = "AT13";

//   };

// ====================================================================================

// The following blocks of code define loadouts for each type of unit (the unit type
// is passed to the script in the first variable).

switch (_typeofUnit) do

// ====================================================================================
// ====================================================================================
// ====================================================================================

//  Groupe HQ
//  Lieutenant

  case "com":
     if ( _unit call ace_sys_ruck_fnc_HasRuck ) then {[_unit, "ALL"] call ACE_fnc_RemoveGear;};
     removeallweapons _unit;
removeAllItems this;
// Primary:
     {_unit addmagazine _riflemag} foreach [1,2,3,4,5];
     {_unit addmagazine _riflemagtracer} foreach [1];
     {_unit addmagazine _grenade} foreach [1,2];      
     {_unit addmagazine _smokegrenadewhite} foreach [1,2];
     _unit addweapon _rifle;
     _unit addweapon _rucksack;
// Secondary:
     {_unit addmagazine _bandage} foreach [1,2,3];
     {_unit addmagazine _morphine} foreach [1,2];
     {_unit addmagazine _epinephrine;} foreach [1,2];            
// Kit:
     _unit addweapon "NVGoggles";
     _unit addWeapon "ItemMap";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_Map_Tools";   
     _unit addweapon "Binocular";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_Earplugs";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses";
// Radio backpack: 
     [_unit,"30Rnd_545x39_AK",4] spawn f_addMagToRuck;           
     [_unit,"ACE_Bandage",2] spawn f_addMagToRuck;
     [_unit,"ACE_Morphine",1] spawn f_addMagToRuck;

     _unit selectweapon primaryweapon _unit;

// ====================================================================================

//  Groupe HQ
//  Radio

  case "rad":
     if ( _unit call ace_sys_ruck_fnc_HasRuck ) then {[_unit, "ALL"] call ACE_fnc_RemoveGear;};
     removeallweapons _unit;
// Primary:
     {_unit addmagazine _riflemag} foreach [1,2,3,4,5,6];
     {_unit addmagazine _riflemagtracer} foreach [1];
     {_unit addmagazine _grenade} foreach [1];      
     {_unit addmagazine _smokegrenadewhite} foreach [1,2];
     _unit addweapon _rifle;
     _unit addweapon _radiolong;
// Secondary:
     {_unit addmagazine _bandage} foreach [1];
     {_unit addmagazine _morphine} foreach [1];
// Kit:
     _unit addweapon "NVGoggles";
     _unit addWeapon "ItemMap";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_Map_Tools";
     _unit addweapon "ItemGPS";
     _unit addweapon "ItemCompass";
     _unit addWeapon "Binocular";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_Earplugs";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses";
     _unit addWeapon "ace_arty_rangeTable_m224_legacy";
// Radio backpack:

     [_unit,"SmokeShellYellow",2] spawn f_addMagToRuck;
     [_unit,"ACE_Bandage",1] spawn f_addMagToRuck;

     _unit selectweapon primaryweapon _unit;

// ====================================================================================

//  Group HQ
//  Tireur d'elite

  case "te":
     if ( _unit call ace_sys_ruck_fnc_HasRuck ) then {[_unit, "ALL"] call ACE_fnc_RemoveGear;};
      removeallweapons _unit;

// Primary:
     {_unit addmagazine _snmag} foreach [1,2,3,4,5];
     {_unit addmagazine _grenade} foreach [1,2];      
     {_unit addmagazine _smokegrenadewhite} foreach [1,2];
     _unit addweapon _snrifle;
     _unit addweapon _rucksack;
// Secondary:
     {_unit addmagazine _pistolmag;} foreach [1,2,3,4,5];
_unit addweapon _pistol;
// Kit:
     _unit addweapon "NVGoggles";
     _unit addWeapon "ItemMap";   
     _unit addweapon "Binocular";
     _unit addweapon "ItemCompass";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_Earplugs";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses";
// Radio backpack:
     [_unit,"ACE_30Rnd_556x45_T_Stanag",3] spawn f_addMagToRuck;                      
     [_unit,"SmokeShellYellow",2] spawn f_addMagToRuck;     
     [_unit,"ACE_Bandage",2] spawn f_addMagToRuck;
     [_unit,"ACE_Morphine",2] spawn f_addMagToRuck;

      _unit selectweapon primaryweapon _unit;
     [_unit] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_earplug.fsm";
     [_unit, "ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses"] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_glasses.fsm";


// ====================================================================================

//  Groupe de combat
//  Sergent

  case "sgt":
     if ( _unit call ace_sys_ruck_fnc_HasRuck ) then {[_unit, "ALL"] call ACE_fnc_RemoveGear;};
      removeallweapons _unit;
// Primary:
     {_unit addmagazine _riflemag} foreach [1,2,3,4,5,6];
     {_unit addmagazine _riflemagtracer} foreach [1];
     {_unit addmagazine _grenade} foreach [1,2];      
     {_unit addmagazine _smokegrenadewhite} foreach [1,2];      
     _unit addweapon _rifleGL;
     _unit addweapon _rucksack;
// Secondary:     
     {_unit addmagazine _GLmag} foreach [1,2,3,4,5,6];
     {_unit addmagazine _smokered} foreach [1];
// Kit:
     _unit addweapon "NVGoggles"; 
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_Map_Tools";  
     _unit addweapon "Binocular";
     _unit addWeapon "ItemMap";
     _unit addweapon "ItemCompass";
     _unit addweapon "ItemRadio";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_Earplugs";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses";
// Backpack:
     [_unit,"ACE_30Rnd_545x39_T_AK",1] spawn f_addMagToRuck;
     [_unit,"30Rnd_545x39_AK",4] spawn f_addMagToRuck;                  
     [_unit,"HandGrenade_East",2] spawn f_addMagToRuck;      
     [_unit,"1Rnd_SmokeRed_GP25",2] spawn f_addMagToRuck;      
     [_unit,"ACE_Bandage",2] spawn f_addMagToRuck;
     [_unit,"ACE_Morphine",2] spawn f_addMagToRuck;
     [_unit,_GLmag,5] spawn f_addMagToRuck;

     _unit selectweapon primaryweapon _unit;
     [_unit] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_earplug.fsm";
     [_unit, "ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses"] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_glasses.fsm";

// ====================================================================================

//   Groupe de combat 
//   Caporal

  case "cpl":
     if ( _unit call ace_sys_ruck_fnc_HasRuck ) then {[_unit, "ALL"] call ACE_fnc_RemoveGear;};
      removeallweapons _unit;
// Primary:
     {_unit addmagazine _riflemag} foreach [1,2,3,4,5,6];
     {_unit addmagazine _riflemagtracer} foreach [1];      
     {_unit addmagazine _grenade} foreach [1,2];      
     {_unit addmagazine _smokegrenadewhite} foreach [1,2];
     _unit addweapon _snrifle; 
     _success = [_unit, "SVD"] call ACE_fnc_PutWeaponOnBack;     
     _unit addweapon _rifle;
     _unit addweapon _medicrucksack;
// Secondary:
     {_unit addmagazine _bandage;} foreach [1,2,3];
     {_unit addmagazine _morphine;} foreach [1,2];
     {_unit addmagazine _epinephrine;} foreach [1,2,3];
// Kit:
     _unit addweapon "NVGoggles";
     _unit addWeapon "ItemMap";  
     _unit addweapon "Binocular";
     _unit addweapon "ItemCompass";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_Earplugs";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses";            

// Backpack:
     [_unit,"10Rnd_762x54_SVD",3] spawn f_addMagToRuck;
     [_unit,"30Rnd_545x39_AK",4] spawn f_addMagToRuck;                     
     [_unit,"ACE_Bandage",4] spawn f_addMagToRuck;
     [_unit,"ACE_Morphine",3] spawn f_addMagToRuck;

     _unit selectweapon primaryweapon _unit;
     [_unit] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_earplug.fsm";
     [_unit, "ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses"] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_glasses.fsm";

// ====================================================================================

//   Groupe de combat 
//   Caporal

  case "senior":
     if ( _unit call ace_sys_ruck_fnc_HasRuck ) then {[_unit, "ALL"] call ACE_fnc_RemoveGear;};
      removeallweapons _unit;
// Primary:
     {_unit addmagazine _riflemag} foreach [1,2,3,4,5,6];
     {_unit addmagazine _riflemagtracer} foreach [1];      
     {_unit addmagazine _grenade} foreach [1,2];      
     {_unit addmagazine _smokegrenadewhite} foreach [1,2];     
     _unit addweapon _rifle;
     _unit addweapon _medicrucksack;
// Secondary:
     {_unit addmagazine _bandage;} foreach [1,2,3];
     {_unit addmagazine _morphine;} foreach [1,2];
     {_unit addmagazine _epinephrine;} foreach [1,2,3];
// Kit:
     _unit addweapon "NVGoggles";
     _unit addWeapon "ItemMap";  
     _unit addweapon "Binocular";
     _unit addweapon "ItemCompass";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_Earplugs";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses";            

// Backpack:
     [_unit,"30Rnd_545x39_AK",4] spawn f_addMagToRuck;                     
     [_unit,"ACE_Bandage",4] spawn f_addMagToRuck;
     [_unit,"ACE_Morphine",3] spawn f_addMagToRuck;
     [_unit,"ACE_epinephrine",3] spawn f_addMagToRuck;

     _unit selectweapon primaryweapon _unit;
     [_unit] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_earplug.fsm";
     [_unit, "ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses"] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_glasses.fsm";
// ====================================================================================

//   Groupe de combat
//   Fusilier RPG

  case "rpg":
     if ( _unit call ace_sys_ruck_fnc_HasRuck ) then {[_unit, "ALL"] call ACE_fnc_RemoveGear;};
      removeallweapons _unit;
      removeallitems _unit;
// Primary:
     {_unit addmagazine _riflemag} foreach [1,2,3,4,5,6,7];
     {_unit addmagazine _riflemagtracer} foreach [1];
     {_unit addmagazine _grenade} foreach [1];      
     {_unit addmagazine _smokegrenadewhite} foreach [1];
     _unit addweapon _rifle;
     _unit addBackpack _rucksack;
     [_unit,"ACE_PG7VM_PGO7",2] spawn f_addMagToRuck;      
     [_unit,"ACE_TBG7V_PGO7",1] spawn f_addMagToRuck;
     [_unit,"ACE_Bandage",2] spawn f_addMagToRuck;
     _success = [_unit, "ACE_ALICE_Backpack"] call ACE_fnc_PutWeaponOnBack;          
     _unit addweapon _SMAWLauncher;

// Secondary:
     {_unit addmagazine _bandage;} foreach [1,2,3];
     {_unit addmagazine _morphine;} foreach [1,2];
     {_unit addmagazine _epinephrine;} foreach [1];
// Kit:
     _unit addweapon "NVGoggles";
     _unit addWeapon "ItemMap";
     _unit addweapon "Binocular";
     _unit addweapon "ItemCompass";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_Earplugs";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses";
// Medical backpack:

     _unit selectweapon primaryweapon _unit;
     [_unit] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_earplug.fsm";
     [_unit, "ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses"] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_glasses.fsm";

// ====================================================================================

//   Groupe de combat
//   Assistant Fusilier RPG

  case "assrpg":
     if ( _unit call ace_sys_ruck_fnc_HasRuck ) then {[_unit, "ALL"] call ACE_fnc_RemoveGear;};
      removeallweapons _unit;
      removeallitems _unit;
// Primary:
     {_unit addmagazine _riflemag} foreach [1,2,3,4,5,6];
     {_unit addmagazine _riflemagtracer} foreach [1];
     {_unit addmagazine _grenade} foreach [1,2];      
     {_unit addmagazine _smokegrenadewhite} foreach [1,2];
     _unit addweapon _rifle;
     _unit addBackpack _rucksack;
// Secondary:
     {_unit addmagazine _bandage;} foreach [1,2,3];
     {_unit addmagazine _morphine;} foreach [1];
     {_unit addmagazine _epinephrine;} foreach [1];
// Kit:
     _unit addweapon "NVGoggles";
     _unit addWeapon "ItemMap";   
     _unit addweapon "Binocular";
     _unit addweapon "ItemCompass";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_Earplugs";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses";
// Radio backpack:                  
     [_unit,"ACE_PG7VM_PGO7",2] spawn f_addMagToRuck;      
     [_unit,"ACE_TBG7V_PGO7",1] spawn f_addMagToRuck;
     [_unit,"ACE_Bandage",2] spawn f_addMagToRuck;

     _unit selectweapon primaryweapon _unit;
     [_unit] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_earplug.fsm";
     [_unit, "ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses"] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_glasses.fsm";      

// ====================================================================================

//   Groupe de combat
//   Fusilier FM

  case "fm":
     if ( _unit call ace_sys_ruck_fnc_HasRuck ) then {[_unit, "ALL"] call ACE_fnc_RemoveGear;};
      removeallweapons _unit;
// Primary:
     {_unit addmagazine _MGmag} foreach [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8];
     {_unit addmagazine _grenade} foreach [1,2];  
     {_unit addmagazine _smokegrenadewhite} foreach [1,2];          
     _unit addweapon _MG;      
// Secondary:
     {_unit addmagazine _bandage;} foreach [1,2,3];
     {_unit addmagazine _morphine;} foreach [1,2];
     {_unit addmagazine _epinephrine;} foreach [1];
// Kit:
     _unit addweapon "NVGoggles";
     _unit addWeapon "ItemMap";
     _unit addweapon "ItemCompass";
     _unit addweapon "Binocular";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_Earplugs";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses";

     _unit selectweapon primaryweapon _unit;  
     [_unit] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_earplug.fsm";
     [_unit, "ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses"] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_glasses.fsm";    

// ====================================================================================

//   Groupe de combat
//   Assistant Fusilier FM

  case "assfm":
     if ( _unit call ace_sys_ruck_fnc_HasRuck ) then {[_unit, "ALL"] call ACE_fnc_RemoveGear;};
      removeallweapons _unit;
// Primary:
     {_unit addmagazine _MGmag} foreach [1,2,3,4,5,6,7];  
     {_unit addmagazine _smokegrenadewhite} foreach [1,2];           
     {_unit addmagazine _grenade} foreach [1]; 
     _unit addweapon _MG;
     _unit addweapon _rucksack;
// Secondary:
     {_unit addmagazine _bandage;} foreach [1,2,3];
     {_unit addmagazine _morphine;} foreach [1,2];
     {_unit addmagazine _epinephrine;} foreach [1];
// Kit:
     _unit addweapon "NVGoggles";
     _unit addweapon "Binocular";
     _unit addWeapon "ItemMap";
     _unit addweapon "ItemGPS";
     _unit addweapon "ItemCompass";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_Earplugs";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses";
// backpack:
     [_unit,"ACE_PG7VM_PGO7",2] spawn f_addMagToRuck;      
     [_unit,"ACE_TBG7V_PGO7",1] spawn f_addMagToRuck;
     [_unit,"ACE_Bandage",2] spawn f_addMagToRuck;

     _unit selectweapon primaryweapon _unit;      
     [_unit] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_earplug.fsm";
     [_unit, "ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses"] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_glasses.fsm";

// ====================================================================================

//   Groupe de combat
//   Fusilier MG

  case "mg":
     if ( _unit call ace_sys_ruck_fnc_HasRuck ) then {[_unit, "ALL"] call ACE_fnc_RemoveGear;};
      removeallweapons _unit;
// Primary:
     {_unit addmagazine _m240Mags} foreach [1,2,3];
     {_unit addmagazine _smokegrenadewhite} foreach [1,2];                
     _unit addweapon _m240;

// Secondary:
     {_unit addmagazine _bandage;} foreach [1];
     {_unit addmagazine _morphine;} foreach [1];
     {_unit addmagazine _epinephrine;} foreach [1];
// Kit:
     _unit addweapon "NVGoggles";
     _unit addWeapon "ItemMap";
     _unit addweapon "Binocular";
     _unit addweapon "ItemGPS";
     _unit addweapon "ItemCompass";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_Earplugs";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses";

     _unit selectweapon primaryweapon _unit;    
     [_unit] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_earplug.fsm";
     [_unit, "ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses"] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_glasses.fsm";  

// ====================================================================================

// ====================================================================================

//   Groupe de combat
//   Assistant Fusilier MG

  case "assmg":
      removeallweapons _unit;
// Primary:
     {_unit addmagazine _rifle} foreach [1,2,3,4,5,6]; 
     {_unit addmagazine _smokegrenadewhite} foreach [1]; 
     {_unit addmagazine _grenade} foreach [1];          
     _unit addweapon _rifle;
     _unit addweapon ACE_Rucksack_RD99;
// Secondary:
     {_unit addmagazine _bandage;} foreach [1,2,3];
     {_unit addmagazine _morphine;} foreach [1,2];
     {_unit addmagazine _epinephrine;} foreach [1];
// Kit:
     _unit addweapon "NVGoggles";
     _unit addWeapon "ItemMap";
     _unit addweapon "ItemCompass";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_Earplugs";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses";
// backpack:
     [_unit,"100Rnd_762x54_PK",2] spawn f_addMagToRuck;

     _unit selectweapon primaryweapon _unit;  
     [_unit] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_earplug.fsm";
     [_unit, "ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses"] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_glasses.fsm";    

// ====================================================================================

// ====================================================================================

//   Groupe HQ
//   Medecin

  case "med":
     if ( _unit call ace_sys_ruck_fnc_HasRuck ) then {[_unit, "ALL"] call ACE_fnc_RemoveGear;};
      removeallweapons _unit;
// Primary: 
     {_unit addmagazine _riflemag} foreach [1,2,3,4,5,6];
     {_unit addmagazine _smokegrenadewhite} foreach [1,2];           
     _unit addweapon _riflecrew;
     _unit addweapon _medicrucksack;
// Secondary:
     {_unit addmagazine _bandage;} foreach [1,2,3];
     {_unit addmagazine _morphine;} foreach [1,2];
     {_unit addmagazine _epinephrine;} foreach [1,2];
// Kit:
     _unit addweapon "NVGoggles";
     _unit addweapon "Binocular";
     _unit addweapon "ItemGPS";
     _unit addweapon "ItemCompass";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_Earplugs";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses";
// Backpack:
     [_unit,"30Rnd_545x39_AK",1] spawn f_addMagToRuck;                  
     [_unit,"SmokeShellYellow",1] spawn f_addMagToRuck;   
     [_unit,"ACE_Bandage",6] spawn f_addMagToRuck;
     [_unit,"ACE_Morphine",5] spawn f_addMagToRuck;
     [_unit,"ACE_epinephrine",5] spawn f_addMagToRuck;
     [_unit,"ACE_Medkit",5] spawn f_addMagToRuck;

     _unit selectweapon primaryweapon _unit;   
     [_unit] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_earplug.fsm";
     [_unit, "ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses"] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_glasses.fsm";   

// ====================================================================================

// ====================================================================================

//   Javelin Gunner

  case "javelingunner":
     if ( _unit call ace_sys_ruck_fnc_HasRuck ) then {[_unit, "ALL"] call ACE_fnc_RemoveGear;};
      removeallweapons _unit;
// Primary:
     {_unit addmagazine _JavelinAmmo} foreach [1]; 
     {_unit addmagazine _riflemag} foreach [1,2,3,4];           
     _unit addweapon _rifle;
     _unit addweapon _Javelin;  
// Secondary:
     {_unit addmagazine _pistolmag;} foreach [1];
_unit addweapon _pistol;
     {_unit addmagazine _bandage;} foreach [1,2,3];
     {_unit addmagazine _morphine;} foreach [1,2];
     {_unit addmagazine _epinephrine;} foreach [1,2];
// Kit:
     _unit addweapon "NVGoggles";
     _unit addweapon "ItemGPS";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_Earplugs";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses";

     _unit selectweapon primaryweapon _unit;  
     [_unit] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_earplug.fsm";
     [_unit, "ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses"] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_glasses.fsm";    

// ====================================================================================

// ====================================================================================

//   Javelin Assistant

  case "javelinassistant":
     if ( _unit call ace_sys_ruck_fnc_HasRuck ) then {[_unit, "ALL"] call ACE_fnc_RemoveGear;};
      removeallweapons _unit;
// Primary:
     {_unit addmagazine _JavelinAmmo} foreach [1]; 
     {_unit addmagazine _riflemag} foreach [1,2,3,4]; 
     {_unit addmagazine _smokegrenadewhite} foreach [1,2];           
     _unit addweapon _rifle;
// Secondary:
     {_unit addmagazine _pistolmag;} foreach [1];
_unit addweapon _pistol;
     {_unit addmagazine _bandage;} foreach [1,2,3];
     {_unit addmagazine _morphine;} foreach [1,2];
     {_unit addmagazine _epinephrine;} foreach [1,2];
// Kit:
     _unit addweapon "NVGoggles";
     _unit addweapon "ItemGPS";
     _unit addweapon "Binocular";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_Earplugs";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses";

     _unit selectweapon primaryweapon _unit;  
     [_unit] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_earplug.fsm";
     [_unit, "ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses"] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_glasses.fsm";    

// ====================================================================================

// ====================================================================================

//   SMAW Gunner

  case "smawgunner":
     if ( _unit call ace_sys_ruck_fnc_HasRuck ) then {[_unit, "ALL"] call ACE_fnc_RemoveGear;};
      removeallweapons _unit;
// Primary:
     {_unit addmagazine _SMAWHEAA} foreach [1, 2];
     {_unit addmagazine _SMAWHEDP} foreach [1];
     {_unit addmagazine _riflemag} foreach [1,2,3,4];   
     {_unit addmagazine _SMAWSpotting;} foreach [1];         
     _unit addweapon _rifle;
     _unit addweapon _SMAWLauncher;  
// Secondary:
     {_unit addmagazine _pistolmag;} foreach [1];
_unit addweapon _pistol;
     {_unit addmagazine _bandage;} foreach [1];
     {_unit addmagazine _morphine;} foreach [1];
     {_unit addmagazine _epinephrine;} foreach [1];
     //{_unit addmagazine _SMAWSpotting;} foreach [1,2,3,4];

// Kit:
     _unit addweapon "NVGoggles";
     _unit addweapon "ItemGPS";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_Earplugs";
     _unit addWeapon "ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses";

     _unit selectweapon primaryweapon _unit;  
     [_unit] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_earplug.fsm";
     [_unit, "ACE_GlassesLHD_glasses"] execFSM "x\ace\addons\sys_goggles\use_glasses.fsm";    

// ==================================================================================

// If the unit type could not be successfully detected the script exits with an error.

  if (true) exitwith {player globalchat format ["DEBUG (f\common\@ShackTac_assignGear.sqf): Unit = %1. Gear template %2 does not exist.",_unit,_typeofunit]};


// F2A2 - f_AddMagToRuck
// Credits: Please see the F2 online manual (http://www.ferstaberinde.com/f2/en/)
// ====================================================================================

// arguments: [_unit, _mag, _count] (_count is optional )
// example usage: [player, "SmokeShell", 6] spawn f_AddMagToRuck;

// requires the following two lines in the INIT.SQF or some other appropriate location
// cfgACE_IsEnabled = isClass (configFile >> "CfgPatches" >> "ace_version");
// f_AddMagToRuck = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "f\common\f_AddMagToRuck.sqf";

private ["_unit", "_mag", "_count", "_magazine", "_success", "_ErrorReport", "_confSize"];

#define __CONF_MAGAZINES configFile >> "CfgMagazines"
#define __CONF_WEAPONS configFile >> "CfgWeapons"

If (!cfgACE_IsEnabled) ExitWith {diag_log "F2 WARNING: RuckFunctions Disabled. ACE Mod does not appear to be activated."}; 

_unit = _this select 0;
_magazine = _this select 1;
_count = 1; // Default Count
_success = false; // Initialize with false

If (count _this > 2)  then {
_count = _this select 2;

// Do we have a ruck.
if ( _unit call ace_sys_ruck_fnc_HasRuck ) then {

		//if yes we have a ruck then use the ACE API to add the item and return and result if it fits or not. 
		_success = [_unit, _magazine, _count] call ACE_fnc_PackMagazine;

		// DEBUG
		if (f_var_debugMode == 1) then
			_ErrorReport = Format ["F2 Debug - unit: %1 Count: %2 Magazine: %3 CanFit: %4", _unit, _count,_magazine, _success];
			diag_log _ErrorReport;
			player sideChat _ErrorReport;

		// If No Success
		If (!_success) then {
			_confSize = __CONF_MAGAZINES >> _magazine >> "ACE_Size";
			_ErrorReport = format ["F2 Config Error: Attempt to overfill %1's rucksack with %2 of type %3, size %4. CONTACT Mission Maker.", _unit, _count, _magazine, (getNumber(_confSize) * _count)];
			diag_log _ErrorReport;
			Hint _ErrorReport;

  } else {
  		_ErrorReport = format ["F2 Config Error: No rusksack available for %1 at this time. Attempted to add %2 of type %3. CONTACT Mission Maker.",_unit,  _count, _magazine];
	diag_log _ErrorReport;
	Hint _ErrorReport;

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Hi guys,how can i place some 81mm mortar rounds in a (empty) box?

I'm using 1.9 stable.

i put in the init line of the box this string:

clearweaponcargo this;clearmagazinecargo this;this addmagazinecargo ["ACE_1Rnd_81mmHE_M252",40];

but the box it's still empty.I know that there is the CSW box loaded with mortar rounds but it has only 4 rounds i need a lot more but i'm unable to fill the box.

Thx for your help

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Hi guys,how can i place some 81mm mortar rounds in a (empty) box?

I'm using 1.9 stable.

i put in the init line of the box this string:

clearweaponcargo this;clearmagazinecargo this;this addmagazinecargo ["ACE_1Rnd_81mmHE_M252",40];

but the box it's still empty.I know that there is the CSW box loaded with mortar rounds but it has only 4 rounds i need a lot more but i'm unable to fill the box.

Thx for your help


Edited by Sickboy

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I do not envision any change at MMA level, as all the scrips are based on keeping your current weapon. The change would be too massive just to consider two exceptions. Hopefully these features can be disabled in the corresponding mods for these missile launchers.

I'm a bit torn with this because I love the new Jav setup you guys did with the tubes and having the CLU separate. However, I do admit I love Mando's setup where you can have ground attack mode which was extreamly helpful to me and my guys during missions where we had to reach out and "touch" someone in a bunker, etc. But with the new changes, ground attack mode just sends the missile into the air. And since it doesn't look like Mando is going to change anything in his mod, do you think down the line in one of the future updates/RC's of ACE this is something the ACE team can work with? I don't think there is a way of having a module down to use the old Javelin, but maybe a way of having the ACE Jav have a ground attack mode as well of sorts?

I hate being a pain in the ass, it's just I loved playing co-ops with both and it's just unfortunate now I can't, especially with the new changes to the Jav that I'm diggin'. Ah well, if there's nothing really that could be done without a lot of unnecessary and complicated things being done, then just disregard this. I don't want to end up having one or both get broken just because of my whining. :)

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is impossible to go to play online with ACE2 :banghead:... whenever a file is missing or any story. Pfffffff tired of trying to enter to play online with ARMA 2:war:

It's because the server mounted with different version of ACE2 to mine or what happens?

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is impossible to go to play online with ACE2 :banghead:... whenever a file is missing or any story. Pfffffff tired of trying to enter to play online with ARMA 2

It's because the server mounted with different version of ACE2 to mine or what happens?

If you want us to be able to help you, please provide specifics; error message, rpt file, etc.


Monday there was a hotfix - incidental happening. Perhaps them server admins missed it.

There's RSS feeds and Six Updater http://six.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Six_Updater - which also includes server-side tools as well as ability to upload changes directly to the server.

---------- Post added at 18:12 ---------- Previous post was at 18:11 ----------

Nothing in the RPT and the line of script is from the beginning but I try this.
If still issues please create a ticket with repro mission and include your rpt regardless, tnx.

---------- Post added at 18:12 ---------- Previous post was at 18:12 ----------


I'm a bit torn with this because I love the new Jav setup you guys did with the tubes and having the CLU separate. However, I do admit I love Mando's setup where you can have ground attack mode which was extreamly helpful to me and my guys during missions where we had to reach out and "touch" someone in a bunker, etc. But with the new changes, ground attack mode just sends the missile into the air. And since it doesn't look like Mando is going to change anything in his mod, do you think down the line in one of the future updates/RC's of ACE this is something the ACE team can work with? I don't think there is a way of having a module down to use the old Javelin, but maybe a way of having the ACE Jav have a ground attack mode as well of sorts?

I hate being a pain in the ass, it's just I loved playing co-ops with both and it's just unfortunate now I can't, especially with the new changes to the Jav that I'm diggin'. Ah well, if there's nothing really that could be done without a lot of unnecessary and complicated things being done, then just disregard this. I don't want to end up having one or both get broken just because of my whining. :)

We shall look at adding such mode, but will also look into override possibilities.

Please put it in a ticket.

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Thank Sickboy it works :yay:

I remove te earpleag and gogle.

But just by curiosity why the earplug make this bug?

Edited by Cool=Azroul13

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Thank Sickboy it works :yay:

I remove te earpleag and gogle.

But just by curiosity why the earplug make this bug? :band:

Has something to do with the identity of the player which is applied to the AI's, and how the rucks work - related ticket @ http://dev-heaven.net/issues/18608

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I know you guys get bombarded with requests but....

...how would you feel about increasing the distance a unit can fall/jump before traumatic injury or death ensues. Such as 6 always dies when disembarking from helo in Trial By Fire at mission start -7 foot fall maybe?

And maybe higher chance of leg injury, less likely to die :p

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ACE2 server mods used: ACE, ACEX, ACERU, ACENAVY, ACESM, CBA..... This is the problem when entering a server with ACE2: This is the message: deleted file acex_veh_stryker and acex_veh_brdm. :confused: I have those files in the folder the ACEX ... I do not understand :eek:

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