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Crash at end of Coltan Blues

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I have a real problem with the Coltan Blues mission. After the anti air section the game autosaves then resumes with a chopper in bound to collect you. At this point the screen goes dark, the progress bar for mission loading fails to move and the game just sits there for ever and eventually you have to kill it.

I have deleted my autosave file and redone the mission from start and got the same problem. I uninstalled Arma2 and reinstalled from Steam. Same problem. Otherwise the game has behaved perfectly.

My hardware is :

Intel i5 760

Gigabyte P55A USB3

8GB Ram

OCZ Vertex SSD

ATI Radion HD 5700 series 1GB

The game is fresh from Steam with no mods, downloaded within the last week. The Machine runs Win7x64 at standard settings, no overclocking.

Any ideas how to get past this issue?

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I have a real problem with the Coltan Blues mission. After the anti air section the game autosaves then resumes with a chopper in bound to collect you.

A chopper to collect you?? Last time I played Coltan Blues it just ended right after friendly chopper shot down 2 enemy aircraft and that friendly chopper never came for me.

But what ever mission it really is, I would try latest beta patch. It works with Steam version too.

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Sadly no joy even with the latest beta patch.

Oh well. Looks like I will just have to make do with online game play and not bother with the single player games. Shame such an otherwise fantastic game is so buggy.

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New final patch was released yesterday. See http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?t=116862

If it is not working with that either. You could upload your savegame folder somewhere and I could try if last save works for me or just email it to me.

Also verify it really is Operation Arrowhead campaign mission Coltan Blues, because it did not sound like that mission.

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I am having the same exact issue. After shooting down the 3 aircraft toward the end, I go to a loading screen and it essentially freezes on the load screen. You have to Alt+F4 to get out of it.

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