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Vehicle Weapon

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How do you attach a weapon to say a mountain bike in arma2, So I can drive the thing around and shoot missiles out of it? I dont need anything that shows if I could just add a action to call to fire a missile that would be perfect

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Well if all you want to do is fire the missile, you can use the "addaction" command to create an option that runs a script to create the missile. You'll have to do some math but you should be able to get it to create the missile somewhere just in front of your bike (NOT on the ground.. you will probably need getDir, getVelocity, setVelocity, getPos, setPos, and a working knowledge of the pythagorean theorem). Just give the missile a realistic velocity based on how you want it to go (probably just a good sized vector in whatever direction the bike is facing). If you can actually work out how to do this given the above information, you're well on your way to scripting just about anything. If not, keep searching the forums until A) you find an alternative solution, or B) you figure out how exactly to do it that way. haha. Good luck to you.

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