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COOP 04 Operation Swift Justice by ArmAAddict

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Another fairly straightforward mission. Move to an enemy controlled village and capture an enemy warlord. This is a stealth mission, so I've included SD weapons and SD Stanags in the weapon selection. This also includes a separate pbo for singleplayer.


Loadout at Briefing

Team Size Tactics

ACE Wounds Revive



Tora Bora by Chill

US SFOD 1 Delta by Massi

ACE 2 CO Core

ACE 2 CO Extras


Download Link:


Armaholic mirror:

- Operation Swift Justice SP & Co-04 (@) v2.0

Note: I did test the mission a few times, and I'm still not 100% sure if the extraction works properly. Please notify me if you have any problems.

Edited by ArmAddict

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hi mate, i just tried your mission and i encountered some issues. Neither my man or i have any weapons at all, not even NVG´s. i also noticed i wasn´t able to enter the 3rd person camera view, but that could be mission issue, so nevermind. i´m currently runnin this mods:










-zeus ai

-no blur

and some other i´m pretty sure aren´t causing this problem. I also noticed there is no briefing in the mission, but again could be scripted by you. When I exit the mission i get this error: script scripts/upsmon.sqf not found. By reading the post, I´m sure this mission should be pretty good and stealthy, so keep up the good work. If you want to do some testing i would be very happy to help you (aslong as i only have to play the mission, i´m not very good at scripting, etc.) Cheers!

Edit: oh btw, i´m running arma 2: co v1.57 and a pretty recent version of ace

Edited by lolipoyi

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hi mate, i just tried your mission and i encountered some issues. Neither my man or i have any weapons at all, not even NVG´s. i also noticed i wasn´t able to enter the 3rd person camera view, but that could be mission issue, so nevermind. i´m currently runnin this mods:










-zeus ai

-no blur

and some other i´m pretty sure aren´t causing this problem. I also noticed there is no briefing in the mission, but again could be scripted by you. When I exit the mission i get this error: script scripts/upsmon.sqf not found. By reading the post, I´m sure this mission should be pretty good and stealthy, so keep up the good work. If you want to do some testing i would be very happy to help you (aslong as i only have to play the mission, i´m not very good at scripting, etc.) Cheers!

Edit: oh btw, i´m running arma 2: co v1.57 and a pretty recent version of ace

Absolutely the same for me: noone has weapons or even NVG :(

Besides ACE´I´m running jtd and no blur from the mods you mentioned.

Too bad, was lookin forward to play this (I love Tora Bora); so get it fixed, I´ll give it another try :)

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Hey, I thought we don't need "no blur" mod anymore because the newer patches did away with that................so I think.

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I´m not sure about ACE cuz I don´t play it that much but in vanilla OA the blurr when turning fast, especially at lower framerates, is still there without mod, even in the latest betas.

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has anyone barely an idea of what´s causing this problem? Has anyone been able to play the mission with weapons and briefing?

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Everyone I tested the mission with was able to pick their gear just fine from the map screen. I'll check through the mission again. Sorry for the late response but I've been busy lately. Also, third person is disabled using an ACE module.

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Map screen gear picking is bugged. Sometimes you get lucky and it works, but usually you will get messed up results.

You don't need the noblur addon because you can set postprocessing to "off" and have no blur.

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I've seen Zeus AI mess up gear selection in the past. Would suggest you load the recommended mods and nothing else. I don't use mod manager, but make -mod= shortcuts that load specific mods for various game groups, like "Fallujah" or "Lingor" or "Seal Team Six".

Edited by MissionCreep

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