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Improving Buldozer.exe load time!

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Hey Folks,

i have some good news for all of you who have troubles with the loading time when starting buldozer.

After a lot of testing which literaly took some hours we came to a simple solution to that problem^^

Fire up V3 , go to Tools -> System Preferences.

In the line "Command to launch realtime viewer (buldozer) type in the following: -exthreads=0

This decreased my actuall load time from 24minutes to less then 3minutes :yay:

As far as i know the quicker load time has been confirmed for V.1.54 ; 1.57 and 1.58RC.

I hope this helps alot of you Mappers outthere :)

Special thanks to:

Kju, Gnome, Tupolov Kartografski and Bushlurker

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It's all Commanders fault. He did it first. :)

Should help all with said issue. Thanks for everyones assistance in sorting things. Now might be a good time to also mention continued handling of "things" in this nature would be ideal.



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Hey, you told me to do so. I'm just obeying your orders Sir! ^^

Btw. would be nice to get some Feedback here to see if this is generally working.

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why does it take so long? mine loads in a matter of seconds.

It can be directly related to which executable you are using. And I suppose in general other things like map size, objects etc.. Some people have seemingly not been affected.

There are a couple things that are unaccounted for currently. I'd be specific but meh, can't really at the moment.


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I haven't tried building for OA yet or any of the betas... just vanilla A2. Even if I re-import my sat and masks and let buldozer rebuild my textures (Data/Layers) it's usually only a few minutes, 3-5 maybe. BinPBO takes about the same to binarize.

That "fix" sounds like it forces buldozer to use a single core? Is that right? Are the people that are having problems running a bunch of cores or something (triple core AMD phenom here, XP Pro.)

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I can confirm this working for me with beta arma2oa.exe version 1.58 78413...

Adding -exThreads=0 dropped my loading time from 90 minutes (unreal!) to 3!

That "fix" sounds like it forces buldozer to use a single core? Is that right? Are the people that are having problems running a bunch of cores or something

Interesting point.....

I'd been using a 1.54 beta for ages with no problems at all - no big loading delays, but.... just a couple of weeks ago - I upgraded my rig - from an AMD x64 dual core to a i7 950 quad... After I restored my P:\ drive I hit the loading times hassle straight away... had it ever since 'till Commander & Gnome finally figured it out!!!

Thanks a lot guys, by the way!!! Nice to see one of the nagging problems like this finally get nailed... Well done!!!


Edited by Bushlurker

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Yeah works for me too. Buldozer loading time down from 24 minutes to under 2.

Map size is 10x10km, 10420x10420 sat pic and mask, 160k objects.

PC is Dual Core i7, 6GB RAM, 2.66Ghz, 64bit Win 7

I do get some errors in the arma2oa.rpt though (although this is consistent between 1.55 and 1.58RC)

Version 1.58.78473

Item str_disp_server_control listed twice

bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/: Cannot optimize entry find for restorable classes

bin\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/: Cannot optimize entry find for restorable classes

bin\config.bin/CfgAmmo/: Cannot optimize entry find for restorable classes

Warning: CfgVehicles missing in PreloadConfig - may slow down vehicle creation

bin\config.bin/CfgVehicles/: Cannot optimize entry find for restorable classes

Warning: CfgAmmo missing in PreloadConfig - may slow down vehicle creation

bin\config.bin/CfgAmmo/: Cannot optimize entry find for restorable classes

Warning: CfgNonAIVehicles missing in PreloadConfig - may slow down vehicle creation

bin\config.bin/CfgNonAIVehicles/: Cannot optimize entry find for restorable classes

Error: Model core\default\default.p3d cannot be used as a sprite - it has not just 4 vertices

Cannot load surface info CA\Ca_E\data\Penetration\foliage_Green.bisurf

And then lots of config class missing errors...

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I got hold of the dev heaven lads and they said there is nothing wrong when you get that report in the above post as i wanted to make sure the mikero tools were ok as only had these errors after install of OA models using the said tools .

Not had the bad load times just the above RPT and copied twice error also stops bulldozer firing up changed to the new OA beta out I don't get that error any more

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Is this info still up to date? It helped me increase buldozer start time on an empty map from 20 minutes to 1 minute, so if the info is not up to date anymore something is wrong with my tools.

And if its still up to date, theres no harm in bumping the thread :)

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I am having the same issue, the "-exthreads=0" thing has worked for a while but seems to work no more, I am back to Xtra long loading time around 20 min for Vostok Winter, this map having a 10240x10240 _Sat .

Edited by Old Bear

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