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USS Nimitz

How should aircraft maintenance be arranged?  

50 members have voted

  1. 1. How should aircraft maintenance be arranged?

    • Refuel/Rearm/Repair all in one spot on flight deck
    • Refuel/Rearm between elevators 1&2, Repair in hangar bay
    • Rearm between elevators 1&2, Refuel towards rear of deck, Repair in Hangar bay

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hutton, adding more boats to the requisition you could probably also do through scripting and wouldn't require a change to the addon. just open up the addon and look at the scripts i made, and see how i added the action/spawn for the zodiac (dont remember off the top of my head what the memory point is called). then you can write a script to add more actions for more boats... but you might have to set for yourself where they spawn because I doubt anything else will fit in there.

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Is there a way i can retexture the projector screen in the briefing room of the Nimitz? I tried to place my own down in the RTE editor but the Nimitz has some sort of auto object mover. Also the Attach script in the Nimitz is being applied to other vehicles in the map and cant run R3F cause of it.

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Yes you can retexture the projector screen by following these steps:

1) Read the readme/guide that came with the addon.

As for your other questions, don't know what an "auto object mover" is, or R3F, so can't help with those.

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Thanks for you reply JDog, this video was made by you?, no?

i'm poor in scripting and if you have any help for me, you are welcome... thank you.

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hello im having a problem with nimitz i cant use the arrestor hook it doesnt give me an option when im close to the carrier

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I dont know if some is still active in this thread but i need a little bit help

im a complete newbie in scripting and the editor

and i just wanna shutdown elevator no 1+2 and catapult no1

i attached some planes on the bow and elevator no 1 and some ammunition on elevator no 2 and if someone moves them it just looks silly

or someone glitches into catapult no 1 he just explodes

how can i shut them off?

sry for my bad english


it looks like that


Edited by Luxibuxi

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Hi im having a issue with the towing tractor I cant tow anything besides the F-35 and the Av-8B. i have the F-14 F-18 and the USCG Jayhawk and USS nimitz mod please help me

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i hope you are still working on this.

1. I have been experiencing some strange bugs when using your nimitz for a multiplayer mission. For example, i couldn't use the zodiac (boat). It would only let me create it, but i can't enter nor sending it down to the water. Once in the water swimming, i also can't get in the boat at all (even not in singleplayer). Is that intended or a bug?

2. When playing a nimitz mission with my friend, he is experiencing some major texture glitches. Parts of the decks seem to have a texture half a meter higher or lower than the rest of the deck. He also cant use the storage room elevator, and even if he stands on the storage elevator with me and i drive down, his character keeps standing on the deck, while i drive down.

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Can you update this so it works on a dedicated server? The elivators and boat dock does not work on dedicated servers in 1.62

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I have created a mission that utilizes the USS Nimitz addon by Jdog, now the problem is in MP the carrier only catches one aircraft. Has anyone come across a way to fix this, I have looked at the internal content of the addon itself and tried to make sense of the scripting, all i know is that there is a very specific way the xaircraft has to land and without that if wont work. Everytime we were landing according to the proper procedure and I was just wondering if anyone knew any scripts on how to fix it or anything that could help me out with this problem, the point of the mission is a fully working carrier crew with aircraft going and landing with ATC controlling them, so being able to land multiple times is essential.

Thanks for any help.

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when i try to make a mission using the uss nimitz everything i place on the ship starts in the water. how do i get it to start on the ship?

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when i try to make a mission using the uss nimitz everything i place on the ship starts in the water. how do i get it to start on the ship?

Like set a unit/object so it starts at the decks height?

use the following in the objects init box.

this setPos [getPos this select 0, getPos this select 1, (getPos this select 2) +10]

+10 being the height (floating number, so you can do '+1.3' for one meter, 30 centermeters) in meters you want the object to be at (i think the deck height is shown in the readme and when you place it in the editor).

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Hi everyone, I'm still trying to find a way to land AI on Nimitz. I can manage to make them take-off and land but i'm stuck with the arrester cables that i forced on using

none = jetname addEventHandler ["LandedTouchDown", {_this execVM "\JDG_carrier\scr\arrest.sqf"}];

The cables are working great but i can't find a way to reset/detach them. I know you surely found a solution but i've been searching for hours and i can't manage to find it.

Thanks for your help.

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AI landing ? .... that might be a stretch

Looking at the scripts, the "Client_deckchecks" being the main, suggest the TAILHOOK actions are only being checked, actioned and refreshed on PLAYER piloted aircraft.

The problem with using the arrest.sqf script is the EventHandler is removed immediate after the script is triggered.

My only suggestion, take a copy of the script, delete the second line of the code, place the script in your mission folder and call that script instead.

_jet = _this select 0;
// _jet removeEventHandler ["LandedTouchDown", 0];  DONT REMOVE EH IN THIS VERSION OF THE SCRIPT
_spd = speed _jet;
_snap = 0;

if(nimCableReady == 0)exitWith{};
nimCableReady = 0;
publicVariable "nimCableReady";

soundOff = "trap";
if(_spd > 280)then{_snap = 1; soundOff = "trapBreak";};

_vel = velocity _jet; //Velocity vectors when catching pendant
waitUntil{_jet distance jdgNimArrestor < 25}; //Allow aircraft to pass over
publicVariable "soundOff";
_animCable = [_jet]execVM "\JDG_carrier\scr\arrest2.sqf";
waitUntil{_jet distance jdgNimArrestor > 30}; //before calculating deceleration

while{_jet distance jdgNimArrestor < 120}do{
_vel2 = velocity _jet;
_distance = _jet distance jdgNimArrestor;
_distAdj = 1.2 - (_distance / 130);

if((_distance > 115) and (_snap == 1))exitWith{_jet setVariable ["jdgHOOK", 0];}; //Exit if snapped
if(_jet getVariable "jdgHOOK" == 0)exitWith{}; //Exit if stuck

_nVel = [(_vel select 0) * _distAdj,
		(_vel select 1) * _distAdj,
		(_vel2 select 2) * 1];

_jet setVelocity _nVel;
sleep 0.1;

for [{_i=1},{_i<=7},{_i=_i+1}]do{
if(_snap == 1)exitWith{_jet setVariable ["jdgHOOK", 0];}; //Exit if snapped
if(_jet getVariable "jdgHOOK" == 0)exitWith{}; //Exit if stuck
_jet setVelocity [(velocity _jet select 0)*0.8,(velocity _jet select 1)*0.8,(velocity _jet select 2)*1];
sleep 0.1;

//Hold plane at 0 speed for 3 seconds to prevent unnecessary bolting off deck
while{_jet getVariable "jdgHOOK" == 1} do {
if(_snap == 1)exitWith{_snap = 0}; //Exit & reset snap variable for next landings
_jet setVelocity [(velocity _jet select 0)*0.0,(velocity _jet select 1)*0.0,(velocity _jet select 2)*1];
sleep 0.1;

sleep 25;
nimCableReady = 1;  //reset cable to accept more landings
publicVariable "nimCableReady";

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The problem with using the eventHandler "LandedTouchDown", is that it detects when an aircraft touches down on the ground. Technically, there is no ground, or very minimal spots(by my tests) on the Nimitz. Very hit and miss.

I was working on, and still need to get back to my AI Carrier Flight Operations. I have this pretty much figured out, but need a little help testing and doing some final touches...

Be warned, those videos were made on an older system, and the sound is not good.

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Thanks @GNAT, it works fine. It can only work on your map and some others without airports (actually Kogulev map). It is enough for me.

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Hey Gnat, do you think you could look into why the carrier does not catch the FDF F18 more than once in MP. It seems to catch perfectly in singleplayer everytime. But in MP it breaks, not sure why.

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Hey Gnat, do you think you could look into why the carrier does not catch the FDF F18 more than once in MP. It seems to catch perfectly in singleplayer everytime. But in MP it breaks, not sure why.

Before I go digging and downloading other mods to test, does this only happen with the FDF F18, or is it the same for many other aircraft?

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So as of a few months ago i've been getting a script error when catapult launching any kind of aircraft, it's as follows:

Error in expression <hot.sqf"

_jet = _this select 0;

if(_jet == 0)exitWith{};

_position = getPosASL >

Error position: <== 0)exitWith{};

_position = getPosASL >

Error Generic error in expression

File JDG_carrier\scr\fx_steamShot.sqf, line 2

Anyone else getting this?

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