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Linux server set up question

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Hi, folks,

I'm trying to set up a dedicated OFP Linux server. I've searched and haven't found an answer to the following question: What does

No entry 'config.bin.CfgAddons'.

Here's its context, in the log.2302.txt file:

WATCHDOG (2173): [Thu Feb 24 13:55:30 CST 2011] Starting server (port 2302)...

No entry 'config.bin.CfgAddons'.

13:55:31 Dedicated server created, memory used: 3900 KB

Operation Flashpoint Console version 1.96: port 2302 - Sockets

13:55:33 Server identity created

WATCHDOG (2333): [Thu Feb 24 14:47:27 CST 2011] Starting server (port 2302)...

No entry 'config.bin.CfgAddons'.

14:47:28 Dedicated server created, memory used: 3900 KB

Operation Flashpoint Console version 1.96: port 2302 - Sockets

14:47:29 Server identity created

I'm not sure that the log is providing all the info it's supposed to, btw. . .

Anyways, as always, any help will be appreciated. Thanks!

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No entry 'config.bin.CfgAddons'.

means that the application is looking for (and expects to find) a class called "CfgAddons" in the top level of the game config, but couldn't find it.

This class is defined in the main config of OFP:Resistance \Operation Flashpoint\RES\bin\config.bin

(I couldn't find it in the config.bin of OFP:CWC)

Is OFP:Resistance installed at all? Are you running the OFP:R server on the OFP:CWC installation?

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Thanks! I think I've figured out the cause (hat tip to the Great Overlord) - the message is gone, now. However, I still cannot get it to show up in the server list (I do have the gamespy line in the config).

It is a straight-up vanilla copy of fully-updated-to-1.96 OFP GOTY I'm using as the basis. I'll work on mods when I can get vanilla running.

Anyone know issues involved with getting a server to show up in GameSpy?

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Did you forward the UDP ports 2302 and 2303?

2302 obviously to play the game

2303 is the port where gamespy will send it's status querys on

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Yes, I have forwarded those ports, and a few others.

I'm thinking I'm going to have to hunt down some small animals for a ritual offering to some Finnish and Czech spirits to get this Linux and BIS love-child up and running. . .

Edited by Anguis

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This is the reason I put my server project back on the shelf. I could not get it to show on gamespy, but I only forwarded port 2302. After reading dengibtsschon's post I reconfigured my modem and opened a range of ports 2300-2400 and any protocol just in case. Well it still doesn't show. It did work with my basic dsl modem, but on my router/modem it's a bust.

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Ok then. Check if you can you see your server with OFPWatch and if you can connect to it. From within your local network and from outside.

Nobody told if these things work already, so go check them.

You don't use a \ in the server name, do you?

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Alright, I'm checking into these things. Thanks for the help!

No, there is no \ in the server name. The name is ATS.

Edit - Okay, from within the local network, I am unable to see the server w/ ofpwatch. I've been using both the 192.169.xx.x:2302 and the regular 76.xx.xxx.xx:2302 ip addresses, to see what works (hopefully, those are what are meant to be used for such a check).

I tried DirectPlay - no luck there.

I haven't been able to test outside the local network, yet.

As I proceed, I'll post what I'm seeing:

Terminal feedback

ofp@ofpserver:~/ofp$ ./ofpserver start

No file-names were converted

Starting OFP server...

ofp@ofpserver:~/ofp$ nohup: redirecting stderr to stdout

./ofpserver check

OFP directory: /home/ofp/ofp OK

Server executable: /home/ofp/ofp/server OK

Port number: 2302

Config file: /home/ofp/ofp/server.cfg OK

PID file: /home/ofp/ofp/ofp_server.2302.pid

RUN file: /home/ofp/ofp/ofp_server.2302.run

ofp@ofpserver:~/ofp$ ./ofpserver status

Server should be running...

PID file exists (PID=4980)...

Server process seems to be running...



WATCHDOG (4978): [Fri Mar 4 10:29:20 CST 2011] Starting server (port 2302)...

10:29:20 Dedicated server created, memory used: 4124 KB

Operation Flashpoint Console version 1.96: port 2302 - Sockets

10:29:21 Server identity created

WATCHDOG (5017): [Fri Mar 4 10:34:52 CST 2011] Starting server (port 2302)...

10:34:53 Dedicated server created, memory used: 4124 KB

Operation Flashpoint Console version 1.96: port 2302 - Sockets

10:34:54 Server identity created

I might as well throw these in the mix:


password = "ofp"

passwordAdmin = "ofp";

hostname = "ATS";

motd[] =




motdInterval = 5;


ofpserver script



# ofpserver: Operation Flashpoint Linux dedicated server control script

# © 2003 BIStudio

# OFP binary version must be 1.92 or later!















case "$1" in


if [ -f ${RUNFILE} ]; then

$0 stop


cd ${OFP_DIR}


echo "Starting OFP server..."

# file to mark we want server running...

echo "go" >${RUNFILE}

# launch the background watchdog process to run the server

nohup </dev/null >/dev/null $0 watchdog &



echo "Stopping OFP server..."

if [ -f ${RUNFILE} ]; then

# ask watcher process to exit by deleting its runfile...

rm -f ${RUNFILE}


# and terminate OFP server process

if [ -f ${PIDFILE} ]; then

kill -TERM $(< ${PIDFILE})

if [ -f ${PIDFILE} ]; then

rm -f ${PIDFILE}





if [ -f ${RUNFILE} ]; then

echo "Server should be running..."


echo "Server should not be running..."


if [ -f ${PIDFILE} ]; then


echo "PID file exists (PID=${PID})..."

if [ -f /proc/${PID}/cmdline ]; then

echo "Server process seems to be running..."





echo -n "OFP directory: ${OFP_DIR} "

if [ -d ${OFP_DIR} ]; then

echo "OK"


echo "MISSING!"


echo -n "Server executable: ${SERVER} "

if [ -x ${SERVER} ]; then

echo "OK"


echo "ERROR!"


echo "Port number: ${PORT}"

echo -n "Config file: ${CONFIG} "

if [ -f ${CONFIG} ]; then

echo "OK"


echo "MISSING!"


echo "PID file: ${PIDFILE}"

echo "RUN file: ${RUNFILE}"



$0 stop

$0 start



# this is a background watchdog process. Do not start directly

while [ -f ${RUNFILE} ]; do

# launch the server...

cd ${OFP_DIR}

echo >>${LOGFILE} "WATCHDOG ($$): [$(date)] Starting server (port ${PORT})..."

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/ofp/ofp/libs

${SERVER} >>${LOGFILE} 2>&1 -server -config=${CONFIG} -port=${PORT} -pid=${PIDFILE} -nomap

if [ -f ${OFP_DIR}/${RUNFILE} ]; then

echo >>${OFP_DIR}/${LOGFILE} "WATCHDOG ($$): [$(date)] Server died, waiting to restart..."

sleep 5s


echo >>${OFP_DIR}/${LOGFILE} "WATCHDOG ($$): [$(date)] Server shutdown intentional, watchdog terminating"






echo "$0 (start|stop|restart|status|check)"



Edited by Anguis
updating info

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If you need someone to test from outside, i can help. Just need your server's external IP.


If you don't even see the server from within the local network, don't bother trying from outside, it won't work as well.

Looks like there's a firewall (like iptables) installed on the server machine which blocks incoming connections

Edited by dengibtsschon

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Looks like there's a firewall (like iptables) installed on the server machine which blocks incoming connections

Ok, I did a little more research - it looks like Ubuntu doesn't establish a firewall upon installation, but ports remain closed until specifically opened (different from port forwarding, if I'm understanding this correctly).

I've found a command for opening ports:

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d 0/0 -s 0/0 --dport (replaced with my port) -j ACCEPT

Should I use this, replacing tcp w/ udp and doing it for ports 2302 and 2303?

Edit: I've learned about ufw and have tested opening 2302 and 2303. Doesn't seem to have worked. Any advice on this? I've disabled ufw for the time being (hadn't been enabled earlier, when I started working on this stuff today). Thanks, again, for the help.

Hopefully, I'm not making things worse!

Edit: I opened udp 2302 and 2303. Here's what iptables -L produces:

ACCEPT udp -- anywhere anywhere udp dpt:2302

ACCEPT udp -- anywhere anywhere udp dpt:2303

Anyone know what else needs to happen?

Edited by Anguis

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Alright, in Ubuntu 10.04, I have both the Linux and the Windows standalone servers running (Windows under Wine). On the same computer, same account, under Wine, vanilla OFP detects both servers - I'm able to play in them and perform admin functions. Sadly, this is limited to LAN play (no other servers are available to choose when the servers are running).

I've also figured out how to open ports to both inbound and outbound packets using iptables. Unfortunately, no other computer in my home network can see the servers running (they never show up in GameSpy, hosting and inputting my ip doesn't work).

One other thing, the prompt doesn't return immediately after starting the Linux server. I can type in a command and then the prompt shows up, but not right after starting the server. Anyone know why that hang-up occurs?

I'll be doing some more reading and testing. Any more help with this mystery would be great!

Edit: I did some more testing. On my Vista computer, I ran the Windows dedicated server at the same time as the servers running on the Ubuntu machine.

OFP on Vista is able to see all three servers in the LAN screen, none in GameSpy. So, too, OFP running under Wine in Ubuntu.

Why are these servers only showing up in LAN multiplayer for me? Am I not supposed to see them show up in GameSpy?

I'll leave the Ubuntu servers running for a little while. The servers' names are 'ATS', one passworded. Can anyone see them in GameSpy?

Edited by Anguis

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The passworded one is working, it's in the gamespy server list and all. I just played the mission "Return to Eden" on it a few minutes ago.

I don't see any other ATS servers.

For multiple servers, you have to use different external ports ofcourse with corresponding forwarding rules on the router. And if they are running on the same machine different internal ones as well.

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Great! That's the Linux dedicated one. Very cool, thanks for checking it out - it's nice to see new messages showing up in the log. Do you know whether or not the prompt behavior (or lack thereof) after starting the server is normal? How is the performance for you? Right now, it's at vanilla-everything. I'll do performance work, shortly. Can you see it in OFPWatch?

Thanks, again!

Edit: PW is on page 1, but I'll add it here:

PW: ofp

Server name: ATS

Edited by Anguis
added pw

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Do you know whether or not the prompt behavior (or lack thereof) after starting the server is normal?

I don't

How is the performance for you?

The performace was very good. 50fps in idle, 46fps was the lowest during the counter attack on the hill. I had #monitor running with a 10s interval. The unit movements were very fluent, I did not notice any lag, though my ping is about 160ms.

This mission was a small one and I was alone, if you want to benchmark your server, run something bigger like a cti with several players.

Can you see it in OFPWatch?


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Thanks, dengibtsschon!

Well, folks, I just learned that those basic command-line iptables rules are not saved automatically, so I've installed gufw to cover that function. I've re-enabled those port rules. If anyone has time, I'd appreciate it if someone would check to see whether or not my server is accessible, again, in GameSpy and OFPWatch. Same name and PW as before.


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Why don't you disable FW Anguis? Saves you a lot of trouble.

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