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September 1939 Mod

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I can't wait for this topas & CoSki. This will be good.

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Well. thx, let's just hope it will. And, actually, it's the other way around - it's the team&me. I'm just doin' the talking and publicity here ;) plus some textures and screens, that is.

Edited by topas

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Unfortunately, it's something for those speaking / understanding Polish only;

Just found this purely by accident - it shows Wola Gułowska and elaborates on the heavy fighting that took place there (in one of the comments a witness remembers that the church in Wola Gułowska went the rounds 5 times during only one day, October 5th!).



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It's silly to post a 3rd time in a row, but with progress achieved we just had to share.

We are now ready to show some a little hint on where the campaign (1st mission) will take place (end). It'll be short but immersive and worth your time;

Westerplatte is where you begin; with your troops you have to repel the attack, counterattack, take over the Schleswig-Holstein battleship in a bayonette attack (we still do not know how the AI will handle the fighting in narrow corridors below deck, but are working on it). Then of course... (no spoilers more - having revealed the end location is too much already)



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Haha...ya got me. :p


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Conceptual skethces (less than an hour of work) of what may in the end become the visual appearance of LT vz.35 / Panzerkampfwagen 35(t) in our mod.

Model donated by Petrtlach of the ACSR38-45Mod, modified and upgraded by our dedicated modeler (creator of the vast majority of our weapon/infantry/vehicle models) Jaksa; (he's a devoted but a shy guy; let's give hime an applause!)





Despite being an advanced Czech design the Vz.35/Panzer35(t) suffered extremely heavy losses in the Polish campaign and has fallen an easy prey to Polish AT operators (more than 80 tanks lost to UR wz.35/"Uruguay" AT rifles, Bofors/ 37mm AT guns and TKS mounted 20mm rapid fire AT cannons in just 3 weeks)





PzKpfw35(t) took the most humiliating and severe beating by the commonly laughed off TKS tankettes

September 18th, 1939, Kampinoska Backwoods, Lt. Roman Orlik commanding a 20 mm TKS took out 3 PzKpfw35(t)'s in an ambush without being fired upon and eliminating the regiments commander, prince Viktor IV in his Panzer IV. 2 days later, Septmeber 20th, while providing support to the 7th Horse Rifles and 9th Ulan Regiment in the Sieraków engagement he managed to take out another 7(!) PzKpfw35(t)'s (which constitues 1/3rd of the overal Polish tank kills scored that day over the Panzer-Abteilung 65 commanded by Major Thomas and Panzer-Regiment 11 of Colonel Philipps , take prisoners and deliver them to field headquarters. Altough not confirmed by records several other victories are claimed by the crew during the siege of Warsaw. Considering the inferior equipment at his disposal Lieutenat Orlik is today refered to as the Polish Wittman of the September Campaign


Other news to report;

Some heavy pounding to be delivered by howitzers


Also a Czech design (SKODA) which was used both by the Germans and Poles. Until we make a leFH-16 or 18 for the Germans it will also serve as a placeholder for this faction.

Edited by topas
links broken

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Its looking good. Iw gonna sewe if i can get some designing sofware to start making a Winter War mod. BTW. What software do you use?

---------- Post added at 19:21 ---------- Previous post was at 19:11 ----------

And I forgot to say. If yo need some help with aircraft contact me @ [email protected]. I know a great deal about the aircraft,squadrons,markings about the aircraft of this time. I could probaly describe the cockpits.

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Thx LtLeppala,

As you can see on the pics in my previous post, we're using mainly the tools provided by Bohemia Interactive. I know that my teammates are also using 3dsMax and Blender to create their models. Google sketchup is also used, for the initial stages of architecture and objects modelling. For the textures it's Gimp, Photoshop 8.0CS and again Bohemia's software.

About the aircraft - I'll be sure to come back on that once the time is right. First we need to sort out some model issues with the planes already ingame and find some time/someone to add the aircraft still waiting.

Next in our schedule:



Replacing the aged model of 7TP tank (

) with this new beauty by Abs. This is the most commonly used version of the tank. The twin-turret version and older models (Vickers 6-ton Mk.E) will follow sometime later. Edited by topas

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It does look alike for a simple reason.

Both tanks were developed upon the same British design.

The Vickers 6-Ton Tank or Vickers Mark E was a British light tank designed as a private project at Vickers. It was not purchased by the British Army, but was picked up by a large number of foreign armed forces and was copied almost exactly by the Soviets as the T-26. It was also the direct predecessor of the Polish 7TP tank. By the start of World War II it was the second most common tank design in the world after the Renault FT-17. (...) USSR, Greece, Poland, Bolivia, Siam, Finland, Portugal, China and Bulgaria.

Each of the above countries did an evaluation of the design and based on own experience decided to upgrade it accordingly. The 7TP is probably the most extensive from all modifiactions of the original design - none of the rest included modifying the main hull. Comparing to Vickers, the main new features of 7TP were: a better, more reliable and powerful diesel engine, a 37 mm anti-tank gun, thicker armour (17 mm instead of 13 mm on the front), modified ventilation, the Gundlach tank periscope, and a radio. The 7TP was the world's first diesel-powered tank In 1938 Państwowe Zakłady Inżynierii also produced 13 prototype models of a better armored version of the 7TP - the 9TP. Although the 9TP never entered production, these prototypes were used in the defense of Warsaw in September 1939.

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That looks amazing :D too bad i dont have the paid version, eventually though, definitely getting this once i do

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Abs' wonderful 7TP model finally in-game. It's still a work in progress texturewise, but it's already advanced enough to be shown (no nohq/smdi/alpha's yet).

Some screens show the previous model (OFP veteran), some both the old and the new model face to face, so the quality difference is very obvious there and you'll spot it in a second. All hail Abs!

Updates will surely follow, as we're already working on other Vickers-chassis based variants.



















Screens straight from the FRAPS folder, pardon the lack of artism there.

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no8j.th.jpg no7l.th.jpg no6q.th.jpg no5l.th.jpg

no4s.th.jpg no3j.th.jpg no2i.th.jpg no1q.th.jpg

Update: Learning to make rvmat, nohq and smdi. Guess I'm quite satisfied with what I spent the whole evening on (trial and error)...

I still need to work on the base texture (add weathering, dust, leaks etc.) and rework the above accordingly.

Edited by topas

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I just got chills down my spine. I can't believe this is the same model I gave to you just a few days ago!


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@topas ive never had a massive appreciation for tanks, but you have converted me, wow thats one nice looking tank :D

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