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Street lights

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I'm creating a middle eastern town, I want the streets to be lit by fires from wrecked vehicles and things like that instead of the street lights. But, I don't know how to turn off or delete the street lights so that they do not turn on. Someone help me please.

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First you have to figure out where the street lights are in the town your using, then place an object next to them like a barrel or chair.

In the init field of the placed object put this:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">nearestObject [this, "StreetLamp"] switchLight "OFF"<span id='postcolor'>

You may have to give the object a name for it to work but I don't think so. It can take a few seconds for it to kick in too.

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just tried it, says unknown operator switch

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Hmm...just copied and pasted my code sample into a test mission and it worked fine. Did you copy it right? We are talking about the built-in street lights found in some towns?

I can't get it to give that error message you said so I'm kinda in the dark (no pun intended) as to what caused it.

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yea this is what I typed:

nearestObject[this, "StreetLamp"] switch "OFF"

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GAH! Copy and paste! Copy and paste! switchLight! switchLight!

nearestObject [this, "StreetLamp"] switchLight "OFF"

Edit: Now that error msg makes sense, there is no switch operator... theres a switchLight operator however... (hint hint)

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gah lol alright thanks lets see if it works.

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I guess silence means it's working... smile.gif

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The code sample I posted earlier should work when you put it in the init string of he object you place near the street light.

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