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Chieftan mbt

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OPFman, you really don't seem to see how much work evis ( you mind if i call you that darling? tounge.gif ) has put into this, the shear amount of things he's brought out must have took hours upon hours and my hat goes off to him because frankly i tried to make a table and failed horribly wink.gif

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heres a motorbike i made, with the limit of polygons it doesnt look great :/ at the minute this is 3000 polys which is too much so ill have to take some off, anyway its something to use the motorbike section of the config bin smile.gif


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Dammit, I think I'll apply for it. Worst they can do is tell me to get stuffed.


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smile.gif  smile.gif  smile.gif YIPPEE a Cheify

I am glad to see someone is not going down the line of the common vehicles.

Ok the British now use the Challenger but remember when the USA used the M60A3 and Russians the T64s & T72s the Brit's had this rather mean tank.

I look forward to seeing it in ofp at some point and hope no-ones on the other end when I wind it up.

It maybe an idea to produce FV-432's to go with it as they were the battle taxi's that were used at the time.

Hey thats one you could do from a p3d edit, its almost like a M113, pity I am useless in 3d models, maps my thing.

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someone make a bunch of britain addons, like the UN and CSLA addons but use oxygen tounge.gif

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im now making the pt-76 for tales of war so i can then make the SA-6 and the FROG 1-5, also the btr 50 and the ot-62 series of apc's they are all based on the chassis of the pt 76 smile.gif

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