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ACE 1.8 (Advanced Combat Enviroment) for OA/CO

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Hmm then not sure why it disappeared from UGAF. My computer is at the shop (GPU seems to be bad) so can't really check if other YAS servers suffer from the same thing. But it definitely wasn't on UGAF.

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Well, I definitely thing the footsteps are an improvement.

Vanilla the footsteps sound a lot like you have a squire running with you knocking coconuts together.

ACE it sounds like you have metal pieces knocking into each other, maybe like two loose magazines hitting each other. Usually soldiers secure their kit and make sure there isn't anything that's going to make a noise like that.

Those sounds came from a recording where soldiers were running around.

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Well, like I say it's an improvement and the ACE mod is pretty much the only reason I play this game so don't take it as a serious criticism of the work that's been done. I'm very appreciative of the mod.

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I made a ticket for a feature request about a creep/crawl speed for tactical vehicles. Please take a look at it and see what you think. Thanks

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I find that just tapping Q is good enough though don't you?

Perhaps with some vehicles, but in a Warrior and possibly the USMC amphib vehicle, (can't recall the name) it causes it to hop and jerk. Going down a steep grade makes it even worse. I believe a low gear would be a great addition over-all.

Seems they've had an upgrade or two. When I drove one it had two levers. Edited by Khugan

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The AGS-17 has a range of 1700 yards, but you can't make use of it in the BTR-90 because the gun has no scope adjustment like the AAV does. With you powerfully zoomed scope, you will never be able to see what you are shooting at and have to fiddle with the mil elevation with a spotter to help you.

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If my team would rattle that much i would beat them with hard sticks..

The sounds in movement is WAY to much...

Every little item on every soldier should be properly


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I just made report about Cobra's symbology superposed over Apache's gunner optics here:


Maybe this could be corrected for a next release, we already have a very realistic Cobra optics, so it would be great to have a realistic TADS too.

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I wonder is anyone here has ever scored a hit with a KH-29 missile?

Is there some part of the HUD that shows where your Laser Designator is pointing? It may be the result of poor framerates, but when I tried to lase the Khe-Sahn, the laser target showed up a good ten degrees to starboard and not where the aircraft was pointing at all. And the wagn says that you have to press Tab to lock the laser target, but there's no visual or audio cue that informs you. Except the Su-30, which appears to be the same aircraft, has a handy green targeting box around the laser target that the Su-34 lacks.

And for large stretches of time, seemingly at random, my attempts lase things fail because 'Distance is too high.' The error isn't telling the truth because it pops up at any number of ranges inside to envelope.

I'm to confused to make a ticket.

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i'd also like a guide that teach how to proper use russian's planes.

KH29 and laser guided bomb work with the SOFLAM designator?

how to point with internal laser enemy moving vehicles?

iirc Su 25 is the soviet plane with similar task to A10 but with the american's plane i find quite easy to lock on targets(maverick,or illuminated target with GBU) also if they are moving,with the SU25 i find quite impossible to hit moving vehicles and pretty hard to lock also small building.

Cause i'm the master of a PVP dynamic campaign this can lead to some imbalances issues and i prefer to avoid such things explaining why russians planes are not inferior to US ones.

So i'm asking to you,are russian's planes comparable to their opponents?(dogfights imho yes,they are very good with their 2 pairs of close and medium range missile,but as bombers they are inferior)

Those conclusions are only based on my ingame test with russian planes,and i'm not too sure to have understood how to proper use laserguided bombs,so i'm asking for a guide

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iirc Su 25 is the soviet plane with similar task to A10 but with the american's plane i find quite easy to lock on targets(maverick,or illuminated target with GBU) also if they are moving,with the SU25 i find quite impossible to hit moving vehicles and pretty hard to lock also small building.

I am not sure if this is by design or not, but the real life behavior of the original SU-25s is not that different from what I've read. Apparently their native laser designator is not very effective. This has obviously been addressed in the later versions/upgrades (i.e. SU-25SM), but not too many of those are in service...



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Right, I have no idea if it's do to Duala, or ACE2 or what (I'm posting the same in the Isla Duala's thread) but for some reason after everyone in my squad speaks at least once or twice (May it be 'Ready' after leaving a vehicle or their sitrep) I can no longer perform any squad orders as Squad Leader. I can not ask for sitrep, change formation, order first aid, order to embark/disembark.

I'm at a loss for whats could be going on. I'm using the latest version of CBA, ACE2, ACE2X, ACE2X_USNavy, ACE2X_RU, (Duala) and have no idea.

I've even tried on Utes to see if it was Duala (Using stock USMC units but still with the mods in my command line) but it happens there too. I'm at a loss of what could be going on.

Any ideas or possible ways to fix it?

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Did the nuke functions (ACE_fnc_NuclearGroundBurst, ACE_fnc_NuclearAirBurst) have been removed from ACE?

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Did the nuke functions (ACE_fnc_NuclearGroundBurst, ACE_fnc_NuclearAirBurst) have been removed from ACE?
Yes .

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hello guys,

what is the current cba version to use with lastest ACE version ? Its seems that some players use a newer version than the repository version.

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Is there a downloadable file somewhere for this Sickboy? I can't fix the SU for all the team members I have...

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Is there a downloadable file somewhere for this Sickboy? I can't fix the SU for all the team members I have...
Other downloadable sources become available once the versions reach stable - every month. ACE 1.9 release is imminent.

But obviously if you like you can grab the version from SU, pack it up, and distribute it any way you please :)

Six Updater 2.0 seems to run everywhere and is a huge improvement over the previous version, I can really recommend to give it another spin: It's easier to use, can do more, faster, more stable, and looks better.

It also supports the zSync protocol now; which is rSync over http - and should allow it to work in about any network topology / firewall configuration.

See http://six.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Six_Updater_2_0_reaches_Release_Candidate_status for details about the new version.

2.0 and 2.1 stable have been released and currently 2.2dev is coming along nicely http://dev-heaven.net/projects/six-arma-updater/roadmap

Bandwidth and speed benefits alone are good reason, but also the comforts of all the features currently available (and upcoming planned features). Especially concerning frequently updated mods, but even for non frequently updated mods.

Currently the official mirror network has 11 active mirrors across the globe - which should provide good speeds and availability where-ever you are. Not to mention the (ever increasing) list of mods available.

You can now even enjoy these benefits with custom (public/private) mods and versions as you desire by running a custom zSync repository - which basically only requires a http web server now; http://six.dev-heaven.net/wagn/Six_Updater+zSync_Setup

Now including support for additional server configuration like apps (TeamSpeak/Mumble server), as well as missions;

with the missions feature, everyone will have the missions of your server, without the need to download them at every join.

Again saving bandwidth, time, lag, etc.

Last but not least; I'm actively developing on the application atm - feedback and feature requests are welcome and get implemented asap.

Edited by Sickboy

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Hi again, tried sling loading on mv-22 osprey in MP the other day and it was not working, just for grins tried to sling load with the UH-1Y to see if it would work and It did not as well.

I suggest looking over the scripts involving aircraft, IE: the sling loading and fast roping scripts and to make sure they are working properly with every cargo aircraft... Because currently these features have been bugged to hell from last couple updates of ACE.

Also, I suggest allowing the pilot once again to control the initiation of the fast roping because the troops in the back do not see the altitude and speed of vehicle when approaching LZ to drop ropes. And it seems to work better when controlled by pilot in MP environment in terms of being in position and holding position to drop off troops VIA fastrope

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Can ACE add some US Army soldiers with Multicam like the Desert Marines ??? would be nice

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Takistan IMO is just a way for the game to have Afghanistan without worrying about backlash from political correctness police. Therefore, having some MultiCam units would be fitting since they are being implemented in Afghanistan (a.k.a. Takistan).

Maybe the grunts get ACU, but SF or a Ranger units based set of characters get the MultiCam, further separating them as elite.

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I am the person in question like STK said.

I have the steam version where it says ArmA2 and ArmA2 Operation Arrowhead.

I got SixUpdater installed along with Addonsync but still no result.

What do i need to do to get Acre and JayArma2Lib working??

It's difficuilt to explain here what it all says but i can't be that hard to install it on the steam version.

I have no combined ops option either.

I just double click the OA selection then I'm presented with a menu that allows me to choose whether I play OA or combined ops.

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