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D. Gorney

Helicopter Issue

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I am playing Arma2 and i just set up my joystick for flying the Helicopter and started practicing in the training area but i have an issue.

issue: after taking off and going about 50-100m from where i take off the turning controls turn into banking the banking controls stay the same so i have 2 keys that are banking my Helicopter and i cant turn. after i land it fixes itself then after flying again it goes back to banking

turning works from about 150m and bellow and 50-100m forwards or backwards from takeoff then it turns into banking

I am not shore if this is a normal but or not I did a Google Search and found nothing so i am posting here

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Sounds like you have just noticed the helicopter yaw setup for the ArmA flight model.. above a certain speed you are no longer able to use tailrotor to yaw and you must bank instead. Otherwise you may have your bindings mixed up in the control settings?

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This is perfectly normal (and realistic) flight behaviour.

ARMA has NOT got the flight model wrong.

Yaw becomes less effective with higher forward speeds due to the speed of the tail rotor. Above a certain speed helicopters will fly much like a plane in semi-level flight. (In reality Yaw dominance varies alot between different helicopters)

Edited by EDcase

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