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FADE issues?

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Hello all. I recently bought ArmA 2 Combined Operations off of Amazon. It was on sale for $12.50, and that was better than the $30 Steam price. So I went ahead and bought it.

This was Amazon's digital download version, which you download through their downloader client. Amazon provided me with a CD key for both ArmA 2 and ArmA2 Arrowhead. I downloaded and installed ArmA 2 and used it's CD key, and then installed Arrowhead and used it's CD key.

However, I seem to have issues with the game. In the Arrowhead campaign (combined install), I often found enemies starring at walls. Occasionally, the AI is unable to detect enemies, even if being shot at. This happens both with friendly and enemy AI. It seems very inconsistent to me. Sometimes they can see you from a distance, other times they are blind a as a bat.

My other issues is that I occasionally experience a "mirage" effect. I thought this was just a visual effect when your character runs out of stamina, however after googling "ArmA 2 FADE" I've come across a video on youtube which has this mirage effect:


Thought my mirage effect has never been that bad, I think I do see it occasionally.

So, it seems like I have an issue with FADE. Do I have to register my ArmA 2 and Arrowhead game anywhere? I do not recall there being an option.... just entering the CD keys.

To say the least, I find it very frustrating since I paid for a copy of this game. :mad: Hopefully I can get this issue sorted out? Any help would be appreciated.

And as of now, I would suggest people to stay away from Amazon's ArmA2 download version!

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* AI unresposiveness can be caused by other factors, for example a slow CPU. What hardware do you run the game on?

* A telltale sign of FADE is weapons shooting extremely inaccurately, as seen in the YouTube videos. Have you experienced this?

* Have you patched both games up to the latest versions? (A2 1.08, OA 1.57)

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Amazon came with version 1.7 for ArmA 2, which I installed.

I then downloaded 1.57 for OA, which as I understand, also updates ArmA 2 to 1.8.

I have not experienced anything with the weapon accuracy.

My CPU is not exactly high end, but I doubt it would have serious issues playing the game.

My specs are:

AMD 9950BE

GTX 260 Superclocked

4GB PC6400

Vista 64bit

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well do you see the BIS screen as shown in that video you posted?

Never have seen that.

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then it is probably not FADE, though i am not 100% sure. Interesting is that this guy:


also has problems with a game he got off Amazon. He didn't say if he downloaded it...

My advice is to contact one of the developers here via PM and give him a brief, yet comprehensive description of your issues. If you can be sure that it is fade then you might have to contact Amazon.

Edited by Flattermann

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Thanks for the replies. I will have to look into it more... hopefully it is an easy fix.

I'll see if I can get some screens of the issues.

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