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CLY Remove Dead script

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it doesnt seem to matter what time i attach to the vehicle timer, it just doesnt remove the wreck. I tried it with 5 to 120 seconds and empty and manned vehicles, but no difference. im using arma 3 alpha.

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Hi, thanks celery for this script it looks good and I look forward to trying it out. only thing is when I put the init line in, the game responds with "type script, nothing expected"

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@typ9 - possibly a syntax error like a missing ";" at the end of the line. Post your init.sqf in a spoiler.

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Hi, script does not remove the group to fix this problem should be written

 {if (count units _x == 0) then {deletegroup _x}} foreach allgroups;

if (!isServer) exitWith {};

_oa=isClass (configFile/"CfgPatches"/"CA_E");

_manwait=_this select 0;
_vehiclewait=if (count _this>1) then {_this select 1} else {_manwait};
CLY_removegeared=if (count _this>2) then {_this select 2} else {true};
publicVariable "CLY_dontremovedeadremove";

//Spawnable script
_unit=_this select 0;
_wait=_this select 1;
sleep _wait;
waitUntil {isNull flag _unit};
_gear=if (_unit isKindOf "Man") then {(magazines _unit+weapons _unit)-CLY_ignoregear} else {[]};
if (isNull _unit or _unit in CLY_dontremovedead or (CLY_removegeared and {_x in CLY_keepgear} count _gear>0) or (!CLY_removegeared and count _gear>0)) exitWith {
if (_unit isKindOf "Man" and isClass (configFile/"CfgPatches"/"CA_E")) then {
	hideBody _unit;
	while {getPos _unit select 2<0.2 and time<_removetime} do {sleep 0.1};
deleteVehicle _unit;

while {true} do {
if (!_oa) then {_allunits=allUnits};
sleep 1;
if (!_oa) then {
	{if (!alive _x) then {_alldead set [count _alldead,_x]}} forEach _allunits;
	{if (isNull _x) then {_alldead=_alldead-[_x]}} forEach _alldead;
} else {_alldead=allDead};
	if (isNil {_x getVariable "CLY_removedead"}) then {
		if !(_x in CLY_removedeadpending) then {
			_wait=if (_x isKindOf "Man") then {_manwait} else {_vehiclewait};
			_gear=if (_x isKindOf "Man") then {(magazines _x+weapons _x)-CLY_ignoregear} else {[]};
			if (_wait>0 and ((CLY_removegeared and {_x in CLY_keepgear} count _gear==0) or (!CLY_removegeared and count _gear==0))) then {
				[_x,_wait] spawn _removedead;
				CLY_removedeadpending set [count CLY_removedeadpending,_x];
	} else {
		if (_x getVariable "CLY_removedead") then {
			if (vehicle _x==_x) then {
				CLY_removedeadpending set [count CLY_removedeadpending,_x];
				[_x,0] spawn _removedead;
				_x setVariable ["CLY_removedead",nil];
		} else {
			CLY_dontremovedead set [count CLY_dontremovedead,_x];
			_x setVariable ["CLY_removedead",nil];
} forEach _alldead-CLY_dontremovedead;
if (count CLY_dontremovedeadremove>0) then {
	publicVariable "CLY_dontremovedeadremove";

       {if (count units _x == 0) then {deletegroup _x}} foreach allgroups;

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Thanks for this one.

There is a problem in Arma 3 however: I encountered it in combination with spunFIN's AI Spawn Script (heliParadrop) - it let's the spawned helis crash (tested on dedicated host).

I have not searched for the details yet, but the helis fly as intended without this one...

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The script was not made for Arma 3. If you want an Arma 3 removal script, open one of my deathmatch missions.

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The script was not made for Arma 3. If you want an Arma 3 removal script, open one of my deathmatch missions.

Sorry for asking you in a very old thread like this. First thank you for your removedead script, it's very useful for me, but I have a problem with removing damaged or abandoned vehicle. The vehicle is just damaged, not destroyed so the script not work for this one. In my game the (Arma 2-CO) it's very laggy after a while when my ally USA tank after abandoned or damaged is not removed. I tried other script but it's not work. Could you please update your script to fix this? I know nothing about coding, I just know how to apply it according to your guide, if you could help I'll be very appreciate :). And sorry for my English, I'm asian :P.

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