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Improvements I want, and maybe some other people but it's arrogant to assume...

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Perhaps the OP thinks he speaks for many. Don't EVER assume you speak for me.

In regards to the so-called improvements he claims the entire community desires....

1. Not all modules need MP compatibilty. Certainly some do, BIS seems to be doing fine in their efforts to improve the situation.

2. Swimming with a dozen kilo or more of gear is unrealistic. Expecting to maintain bouyancy with such a load without external aids is complete nonsense.

3. You don't run or walk toward a live grenade. If anything you drop to the ground after a throw.

4. The 3d editor is clearly experimental. What is there is usable enough for a competent coder. Meanwhile I can wait for whatever BIS chooses to do with this concept.

5. Release the MLODs? For what reason should they give up valuable IP? If you want a model go make your own.

6. See no problem with player vs player CQB. The AI has it's issues in tight areas, but why spend time there when much more can be gained in other areas? If you want more of a challenge then play vs humans.

Edited by Evil_Echo

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@Dmarkwick: If people make a model that looks nice. BIS has rights to it because at some point you had to use a BIS tool to port it to the game. Thus making it theirs. Did I really need to spell that out for you?

Well, it's a good job you did spell it out, because I had no idea you had it so wrong. Utterly, completely, wrong. Whatever you make, whether with BIS tools or not, remains yours. Let me know if I need to simplify that some more :)

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I'm sorry, i don't feel comfortable for you to speak in the name of the said community, or in my name in particular.

It's more honest to entitle your post as: Improvements I want

Well Feel free to add what you want then. Why rant about what the Title says when your not helping adding what you want..

He didn't say that no one else can add what they want so this post is obviously for everyone to post what they feel needs improvements to the community.

FFS Just add what you want then and move on.. :p Quit Worrying about the Title

Edited by Haystack15

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lol Haystack, couldn't you tell, I am a self proclaimed community spokesperson hahahaha. I mean that is the title everyone is giving me, might as well run with it while people are agreeing with ALL my points to some degree. So far it seems few care about the release of MLODs. Which is fine.

To those that say, "blah blah blah is a waste of time".... Well, where should time be spent? One guy suggested warfare missions, I highly doubt that is a high priority to most others as no one else has said boo about that.

Think big picture, what do you want to see change from the gameplay experience?

If you don't like what I said then come up with your own list and lets see how many people bash you while agreeing with what you have to say. Only then can you judge me.

"350+ views". Who would post in here while all the lil kids are posting in here flaming? You guys seriously need a change in attitude. I am not an OPFOR unit that just killed all your buddies from shooting behind a bush and tree in the night with no night vision. I am a fellow gamer since OFP and the list is things that I have observed that people really want to see from the small scale to the large.

To those 350 views, remember you can't say what you want on these forums. The trolls are out. Trolls? Are we playing LOTRO? Just go back to sleep lol.

Edited by {GSF} Ironman

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I agree with pretty much all the points:

1) yeah, pretty much

2) I would class this as a lower priority, but it would be nice to have at least some way to swim properly

3) yeah, why this hasn't been fixed in so long is frankly baffling

4) I would love to see that. It would be so handy when placing units and objects while being able to see the changes in real time

6) yes, yes and even more YES! Movement in ArmA has always been clunky at best, hair-rippingly frustrating at worst. What's the point of havin maps with enterable buildings (which I love, btw) if you get stuck into everything.

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You bought a game. The price you paid was for the game as it is.

Now, two years later, you are COMMANDING the gamedeveloper as if he was your dirty dog.

Time for an excuse.

And at the same time you utter legal nonsense deliver wrong facts.

Time for an excuse.

They care for us with weekly beta releases and you paid a lousy 50 Dollars for it???

Time for an excuse.

But ok, you have had bad days. Just tell that ... and don't tell something else, don't dress it in things BIS have done wrong.

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This isn't a post about things they have done right. I wasn't aware I am only allowed to say good things and never offer any constructive criticism.

Just as you are entitled to your opinion, I am entitled to mine. Thank you very much.

No excuses.

I can say that I love that BIS made Zargabad and Takistan with almost 100% open buildings.

I can say that I love those two islands.

I can say I love the improvements with AI behavior.

I can say a lot of things that I love about the game.

However, I am not blind, nor intend to act like I am, unlike some people.

Are you flamers satisfied yet?

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dont care much for 1-5 but good cqb would be awesome. I still play rainbow six raven shield from time to time. I'm sure it's possible to get something similar to ravenshield in arma2.

Edited by Leon86

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2 and 6 are the only one's I want

Edited by ArmAriffic

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Swimming with all your gear??? Sure soldiers are thaught how to swim with their full gear load on but it doesnt mean there going to swim the seven seas with it on...

Scuba diving would be nice for one thing, navy seal missions, underwater explosive planting operations. I dont even think thats worth the effort.

MLOD's Im pretty sure the mod community is happy enough without them, look at all the new content we already got with these mods!

3D Editor Yes! Im sure everybody would love this feature.

CQB hopefully this will be a heavy focus for the next expansion or Arma 3

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This isn't a post about things they have done right. I wasn't aware I am only allowed to say good things and never offer any constructive criticism.

Constructive criticism? Well let's see...

No more DLC for now. Fix the dumb shit first.
2) REWORK THE WATER SYSTEM! This is lol-tastic...
3) Throwing a hand grenade while walking. This was possible in the original ArmA and in ArmA II, fix it.
5) Release MLODs! Who are you kidding?
BIS, we have paid for 2 crappy DLC. It is obvious that we all love this game and support your company. Will you support your loyal community? Will you hear our voices? Don't continue to give us crap that doesn't change the overall gameplay experience.

Constructive criticism? For sure not. Or you don't know what constructive criticism means. For me that sounds like a mix of ranting, swearing and ordering the devs around. Not more.

And with that first post already you speak for not even 5% of the community.

"Will you support your loyal community?"

If you bother to follow the beta patches released in the past few weeks alone, you could be answer the question yourself.

"Will you hear our voices?"

Yes they do, I'm just not so sure if there's any dev around who read further as your 2nd sentence.

I changed the thread title to "Improvements I demand" as this is closer to the real intention.

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Cut him some slack, the modules should be mp compatible right out of the box. The Simple support module still do not work on ded. servers and i fail to see why. The 3D Editor was improved tho from a2 1.00 on. Work on these 2 things and it will do a great impact (imho).

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I agree with pretty much all the points:

6) yes, yes and even more YES! Movement in ArmA has always been clunky at best, hair-rippingly frustrating at worst. What's the point of havin maps with enterable buildings (which I love, btw) if you get stuck into everything.

Most of ARMA movements are animations. So we might have to wait for the 3rd ARMA (if there will be one) for there to be a more flexible movement.

But your not alone about that problem man....:D

Constructive criticism? Well let's see...

Constructive criticism? For sure not. Or you don't know what constructive criticism means. For me that sounds like a mix of ranting, swearing and ordering the devs around. Not more.

And with that first post already you speak for not even 5% of the community.

"Will you support your loyal community?"

If you bother to follow the beta patches released in the past few weeks alone, you could be answer the question yourself.

"Will you hear our voices?"

Yes they do, I'm just not so sure if there's any dev around who read further as your 2nd sentence.

I changed the thread title to "Improvements I demand" as this is closer to the real intention.

This post = The Ultimate Flame post. -"I Self Proclaim that" Reason? The Title. When people read something that sometime miss the letter "I" they rant and cry......

Edited by Haystack15

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Nope, an admin changed the title, not myself. Wolle you need to send me a pm asap.

I never said "Improvements I demand". I will PM all the forum admins regarding this change of my choice of words, and wolle you will be held accountable.

Once again, it is funny how everyone is ranting about how I chose my words and still, people are agreeing with my points.

If "crap" and "shit" are considered swearing I must be in an alternate dimension. If there is a general consensus on this finding between the admins I WILL CHANGE THOSE WORDS! However there is no basis to change the title of my message as it was on point with what I wished to get out of it. I never actually said, I represent the majority or community at large. This was assumed by almost everyone. All I said was that I am one voice for many. This remains true. I am part of the community and the people I represent are too. So, when I say we are a loyal community, I am a part of that.


Read that poll and look at the 419 voters that said no more DLC. While I wont say I represent all of them, I definitely know what many of them want to see. If no one else is willing to say it, then I will. If that makes me a spokesperson then that is a title you all gave me I never claimed that. 419 votes is a huge amount of the ArmA community. If not half, at least a quarter. You would be lucky to see 419 people playing in a weeks times frame.

If I sound like I am ranting that is because MANY of these issues have had no changes over a substantial amount of time. What gives me the authority to say that? I am a purchasing customer. With that alone it gives me some level of authority to make known my strong wishes/ as wolle said my "demands". If a customer of any product says this is how you can improve your product and people actually back him on the many points made. Then yes, that is constructive criticism. The company would be foolish to not listen and at least weigh their options.

I am willing to accept the majority may not agree with the MLODs released. That is 1 point out of 6. I do have substantial backing for all my other points.

Edited by {GSF} Ironman

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)rStrangelove;1833421']/me gets some popcorn & beer :D

Laugh, yeah I know, does that make us bad people?

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If you had courage enough to search for an answer to your rhetorical question I would say that is an initial step. What proceeds that would be the determining factor of whether or not you use that knowledge for good or evil.

As for myself, I don't like to see people's characters degraded. Much less by people that don't even know him/her or the experiences of this person. He who is without sin can judge me and throw the stone. Until that day, I will forgive those who need forgiveness and defend those who need defending to the best of my abilities and more.

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As for myself, I don't like to see people's characters degraded.

Yeah, especially when it's yours, and especially when you're doing such a fine job of it yourself!

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1) I see no need for this.

2) I've never once set foot in water in this game, so I see no need for this either.

3) Why would you walk and throw a grenade at the same time?

4) I have no problem with the 2D editor.

5) Okay yeah no.

6) CQB is good enough for me, at least with stmovement.

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The massive walking-and-grenade-throwing bug is a pet hate of mine, so yeah, agree with you there.

Everything else doesn't really rate all that much to me.

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Laugh, yeah I know, does that make us bad people?

Absolutely not! :D

Seriously though, I don't think Ironman is gonna stay here too long.

Edited by Cole

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Title edited to be more in line with the thread. I think it's pretty clear that this is your suggestion list, of which there are already a billion existing suggestion lists you can add to, and considering the overwhelming response is "dude you're speaking for yourself not for us" I think this thread is best left to gather dust and you reshape your requests to be your requests not your assumptions that everyone wants your requests, then there's no need to get all antsy and spam moderators and leave me visitor messages etc. etc. :)

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