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Emergency Waypoint?

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When a script triggers, I want to set emergency waypoints for all groups to run to the nearest "base", wait, then return to a normal patrol. I cannot get this to work, though, and hope someone could help me.

My current attempt is:

_men0 = (getMarkerPos "base0") nearEntities ["Group",500];
//and other "bases"...

{_x addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "base0",20];
arrayways = waypoints _x;
thecount = count arrayways;
_x setCurrentWaypoint [_x,thecount];

sleep 60;

_x deleteWaypoint [_x,thecount];
_x setCurrentWaypoint [_x,1];
} forEach _men0;

What's wrong with that?

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When a script triggers, I want to set emergency waypoints for all groups to run to the nearest "base", wait, then return to a normal patrol. I cannot get this to work, though, and hope someone could help me.

My current attempt is:

_men0 = (getMarkerPos "base0") nearEntities ["Group",500];
//and other "bases"...

{_x addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "base0",20];
arrayways = waypoints _x;
thecount = count arrayways;
_x setCurrentWaypoint [_x,thecount];

sleep 60;

_x deleteWaypoint [_x,thecount];
_x setCurrentWaypoint [_x,1];
} forEach _men0;

What's wrong with that?

I think you should use

{_x move getMarkerPos "base0"} forEach _men0

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Yeah, that would probably be a lot, lot, lot simpler. Thanks!

But, there's still a problem: I can't get actual groups to move, only individuals. And, I need them to hold at the spot for a few minutes, and with move/domove they get there and immediately try to move on to the next WP again.

Edited by DNK

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i thought when you added a waypoint to a group, it wouldn't execute unless you assigned it some variable name...for some odd reason, it needs to be stored somewhere, even if you have no intention of using that variable name again. which is irrelevant anyway, as you could get it from the waypoints anyway if you needed it...anyway, just throwing that out there

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Seems to work fine.

I found a workaround:

_men0 = (getMarkerPos "base0") nearEntities ["Man",800];

{_x move (getMarkerPos "base0");
_x setSpeedMode "FULL";
_x setBehaviour "AWARE";
[b]_x lockWP true;[/b]
} forEach _men0;

sleep 120;

{[b]_x lockWP false;[/b]
} forEach _men0;

I'd note that move doesn't seem to add a permanent WP, just a temporary one that is erased as soon as it is reached. For example, if you have a group that cycles between 2 WPs, then use move, after they reach the move WP, they'll return to their 2-WP loop.

Edited by DNK

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