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Building tips. A to Z

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Hi there

Trying to import a simple building model for learning, i got somes issues;

using Soul_assasin armatoolsbox

On 3dsmax 2010, i got no problem; i follow the Soul_assasin tutorial; with the directXshader, i have my tex file and my _smdi, ect... i created _as with the tool, work perfectly.

i see my lod; 2 resolutions (one 0 and one 3), one shadowvolum and one memory;

first question; i m making a building model, without door or other stuff, so memory lod is useless no ? i just left blank this one on max, i am right ? :confused:


this is my folders on desk:

all texture files are 1024*1024 tga at 32compression, exept for the _as (512*512)

model cfg are generated by S_A tools; i just left blank the 'animation' subfodel in the generator.


here, that going to be tricky ;

first of all, if i just export that, i got an max' error 'mesh operation on non mesh target'. Well, i just by pass that by select 'export selected objets only and ... of course, select my model + save textures and save materials.

in O2

So, now, i got my model in 02, without any lod i created before. Ok, no problem, i duplique my lod_0 in 02, rename, change the resolution and delete the handoor on front of my model: i got my lod_3. For both of them i create a property "lodnoshadow on 1" (img bellow say 0 but i fixed)

I duplique again my lod_0 for creating my shadowvolume lod. and do the stuff on the img bellow

(recalculate normal for all, + triangulate and inverse normale for shadowvolume).

Well, i lunch my buldozer and i got this


question 2:

Perfect shadow, model is fine, but... wait, where is my textures ? :(

question 3:

If you can fix this texture problems (the 'only' real problem i v got), what should i do next ? i mean for import ? i bet collision lod & stuff ?

The only real tutorial for the next i ve got is the moodkalb' and... wow... I'm so lost..

If someone could show me the way OR take my model and import ingame, it will be perfect.

I got hundred of building model of my own on max and i just need to learn how to import them...

thx for all, specialy Soul assasin for his tool.

Edited by ezechiel

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did you apply the textures?

just select the whole model(in O2) and press 'E' and at the textures box just point to your picture(tga or paa) if it's tga it will auto convert when you view it in buldozer and it should show just fine

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Haha ok total fail :p

But now, i v got another problems ;

The .paa generated by 02 of my diffuse texture look weird; so i got this in buldozer.

I tryed to generate a .paa files with texview but the same shit happens... what i am doing wrong ? other generated.paa (smdi, hq, dt) looks fines.

edit : same for paa photoshop plugin...><



I also create a rvmat based on the moonkalb building addons tutorial.

class Stage1
class uvTransform
class Stage2
class uvTransform
class Stage3
class uvTransform

thx for helping !

Edited by ezechiel

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Haha ok total fail :p

But now, i v got another problems ;

The .paa generated by 02 of my diffuse texture look weird; so i got this in buldozer.

I tryed to generate a .paa files with texview but the same shit happens... what i am doing wrong ? other generated.paa (smdi, hq, dt) looks fines.

edit : same for paa photoshop plugin...><

I also create a rvmat based on the moonkalb building addons tutorial.

class Stage1
   class uvTransform
class Stage2
   class uvTransform
class Stage3
   class uvTransform

thx for helping !

It looks like your texture paths are wrong.


All your textures should be in your P drive. Your path should look like


The Project drive path is set via your O2 options. You only need to reference the your directorys in the root.

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Ok thank for reply;

I corrected the path and the rvmat file.

But i still have the same .paa problem. This is very strange :butbut:

Edited by ezechiel

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delete the alpha channel in the tga

and make sur eyou use the right suffix on your diffuse texture file.

It should have _co at the end so it know how to handle the file.

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yeehaa thank you !


I know, its not fancy, but i make progress :D

Now i dont know why i v got this wireframe on top of my texture ? In max or on the .paa they dont appears...

I also create the .bisurf file

Density = 2000;
rough = 0.100000;
dust = 0;
bulletPenetrability = 20;
soundEnviron = "concrete_ext";
isWater = "false";
friction = 0.900000;
restitution = 0;
impact = "Hit_Concrete";
soundHit = "concrete";

I just copy the one here , but i need some explanation; obviously, this tutorial are primarily made for ofp, does ArmA2 have the same 'class' sound ? Does my "hit_concrete" will actually work ? How do i know the name of other impact/soundhit/ect... ? This bisurf are obviously made for only one material, if my texture are some concrete and metal part, how to link more sounds ?

Thanx for you help. In the meantime i will try to continue the mondkalb tutorial, and totaly finish the import. But i m looking for more tutorial on the same subject (for comparison), and for making glass/door/others usefull stuff...

I saw a "glass" in the shader section of your armatool soul assassin, do you have a tutorial about it ? or some tips ?

Also, i can't find some condition on making addons. How many polygon an average model can have ? blabla_as.paa texture are 512*512 max allowed, but what about other files ? i actually work on 1024*1024

---------- Post added at 09:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:58 PM ----------

Well, here i really need help, i dont understand a single lign :eek: hahaha

I need help with name/class name, and stuff ? I started to remplace some lign, but dont really know what should i keep or not..

My folder (for name and stuff... // data and 3dsmax will be deleted of course)




str_garage2,"garage2 test"





class CfgSkeletons
class objetstest;

class garage2:objetstest

	skeletonInherit = "";


class CfgModels
class Default
	sectionsInherit = "";
	sections[] = {};


class garage2:Default

	sectionsInherit = "";
	sections[] = 
	skeletonName = "garage2";
	class Animations



WARNING - If you want to reuse this
file within the toolbox do not under
any cicuimstances delete any comments
	(e.g. //modelClass)

Model.cfg Generated with ArmA2 Modding	   
Toolbox for Autodesk 3ds max. Written	    
by Soul_Assassin. For questions e-mail	    



/* Declaration as Addon-Content.*/
class CfgPatches 		{
/* "Hey ArmA2, this is an addon and it's named "a_garage2"*/
/* The name should be indentical to the folder's name*/
class garage2	{
	units[] = {};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.1;
	requiredAddons[] = {};

/* The category in the editor like "Objects" or "Cars".*/
class CfgVehicleClasses {

class TUT_WallsVehicleClass {
	displayName = "TUT Walls";

/* This is where arma gets the information about a new object. */
/* Donät be confused by the "vehicles" in CfgVehicles*/
class CfgVehicles {
/* everything between here and "Class Land_ ..." is important for the animation to work properly without any "lags". */

class All;

class HouseBase;

class Ruins: HouseBase {};

/* Again your very own basic definition*/
class garage2 : All {
	scope = 0;
	side = 3;
	icon = "iconStaticObject";
	nameSound = "object";
	simulation = "house";
	picture = "pictureStaticObject";
	sound = "Building";
	placement = "vertical";
	ladders[] = {};
	vehicleClass =  "";
	displayName = "";
	coefInside = 1;
	coefInsideHeur = 0.25;
	mapSize = 7.5;
	animated = true;
	armor = 200;
	destrType = "DestructBuilding";
	damageResistance = 0.004;

	class DestructionEffects {
		class Sound {
			simulation = "sound";
			type = "DestrHouse";
			position = "destructionEffect1";
			intensity = 1;
			interval = 1;
			lifeTime = 0.05;

		class DestroyPhase1 {
			simulation = "destroy";
			type = "DelayedDestruction";
			lifeTime = 2.5;
			position = "";
			intensity = 1;
			interval = 1;

		class DamageAround1 {
			simulation = "damageAround";
			type = "DamageAroundHouse";
			position = "";
			intensity = 1;
			interval = 1;
			lifeTime = 1;

/* Your very own base class for buildings*/
class TUT_Housebase : garage2 {
	scope = 1;
	model = "";
	icon = "";
	displayName = "";
	animated = true;
	vehicleClass = "garage2";
	nameSound = "house";
	accuracy = 0.2;
	typicalCargo[] = {};
	transportAmmo = 0;
	transportRepair = 0;
	transportFuel = 0;
	mapSize = 11;
	cost = 0;
	armor = 800;
	/*extern*/ class DestructionEffects;
/* Everything between here and "Class All" (above)  is important for the animation to work without any "lags". */
/* The "Land_" infront of all buildings is important for the destructioneffects to work properly. After the "Land_" the name of the .p3d (without the .p3d ending) has to follow!*/

class Land_TUT_Wand_3x3m: TUT_Housebase {
	model = "\a_garage2\garage2.p3d";	/* path to the object */
	displayName =  "$STR_a_garage2"; 	/* entry in Stringtable.csv */
										/* Important are the $ and the capital STR_*/
	nameSound = "";						
	mapSize = 8;						/* Size of the icon */
	icon = "iconStaticObject";			/* Path to the picture shown in the editor. */
       accuracy = 1000;   
	armor = 450;						/* "Lifepoints", if you like to call it that way.*/
	destrType = "DestructBuilding";		/* type of destruction, when armor = 0 */
	scope = 2;							/* Display it in the editor? 1 = No, 2 = Yes */
	class DestructionEffects : DestructionEffects

		class Ruin1
		simulation = "ruin";
		type = "\TUT_Wand\TUT_Wand_3x3m_Ruin"; /* path to the object*/
			/* Warning, if you use a custom rubble model, it has to be defined in the cfgvehicles (see below)*/
		position = "";
		intensity = 1;
		interval = 1;
		lifeTime = 1;

/*  Same name as stated in the Class DestructionEffects, but an "Land_" added infront*/
class Land_TUT_Wand_3x3m_Ruin : ruins	{
	scope = 1;
	model = "\TUT_Wand\TUT_Wand_3x3m_Ruin.p3d";
	displayName = "Wall ruins";

/* Your doorsegment is derivated from the normal wall.*/
class Land_TUT_Tur_3x3m: Land_TUT_Wand_3x3m {
	model = "\TUT_Wand\TUT_Tur_3x3m.p3d";
	displayName =  "$STR_TUT_Tur";

	/* Arma needs to know, how the animation trigger is triggered*/
	class AnimationSources {
			/* name must be identical to the one given by the model.cfg ("Open_Door")" */
		class Open_door {
			source = "user";
			animPeriod = 4; /* duration in seconds */
			initPhase = 0; 

	/* The entry to the actionmenu */
	class UserActions
		class Open_Door
			onlyforplayer = true;
			radius=2; /* visibility distance of the entry */
			condition="this animationPhase ""Open_door"" < 0.5";
			statement="this animate [""Open_door"", 1]";
		class Close_Door : Open_Door
			condition="this animationPhase ""Open_door"" >= 0.5";
			statement="this animate [""Open_door"", 0]";

Edited by ezechiel

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Now i dont know why i v got this wireframe on top of my texture ? In max or on the .paa they dont appears...

select all polygons (Ctrl+A) and press Sharp Edges (U)

about the bisurf: dont do it for now. Its really something to worry about once your model is ingame and works completely.

I saw a "glass" in the shader section of your armatool soul assassin, do you have a tutorial about it ? or some tips ?

the glass shader in the toolbox is just to provide a glass rvmat for visual look. it does not provide penetration and "braking" functionality like you would expect.

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Hmm, ctrl a + U doesnt work, i still have the problem.

On the lod 3, the viewport seems ok (but i cant make a buldozer preview of this lod).

see the differences, its matter or not ? Maybe its just my front side who are not planed anymore


Do you now if there is a sample of building model (and more; if there a sample of the same type of my model - without door or animated stuff). I tryed to depbo some addons, but there all binarized (prevent stealing ?)

Thx for your help

Edited by ezechiel

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Go download the ArmA1 sample models and have a look.

Just search, BIS posted a link to them.

Also check the Video Tuts about using O2

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yes sorry that's what i did ; ctrl a (all selction) and u (sharp edge). But its doesnt work :/

Thanks gnat i founded the samples, but i m much more interrested by a 'full version' of a finished product, including config, textures, and all the stuff needed. I searched on the bi samples and all i v got is the p3d ? But its very interesting for the next of my test (path and stuff).


Edited by ezechiel

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All ArmA1 Configs are available at DevHeaven (but you can look at the ArmA2 ones because little will be different for many (the same) buildings)

All Model.cfg's (for doors etc) are in with the samples.

All Textures are are in / available from the original ArmA1 game.

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Whats wrong with the config?

Not sure why you arent simplying CfgVehicles to;

class CfgVehicles {
class HouseBase;
class Land_TUT_Wand_3x3m: Housebase { 
model = "\a_garage2\garage2.p3d";
displayName =  "$STR_a_garage2";     

Also, your;

       class Animations 

is empty, so nothing will happen for the door.

Is it a sliding door or a hinged door?

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No, i dont have doors for now. Maybe later, when i will have 3 4 model converted... step by step :D

Whats wrong with the config?

I just dont understand what i need to do. What part of he Config i should remove or keep, ect...

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Gnat;1830717']All ArmA1 Configs are available at DevHeaven (but you can look at the ArmA2 ones because little will be different for many (the same) buildings)

All Model.cfg's (for doors etc) are in with the samples.

All Textures are are in / available from the original ArmA1 game.

Please, where exactly I can find these files at DevHeaven? I was trying to find it, but withou succes.. thanx a lot..


Ok, sorry for that and thank you very much ;)

Edited by chOdec

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