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ARMA2 [FMP] FullMetalPanic Addon Relase

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Many, many thanks! One of the most creative addon so far, certainly something different for a change :yay:

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fantastic work you guys... always happy to see more fun stuff in arma.

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Found some problems

For one, it seems when you are getting hit by any sort of damage, a blue shield comes up, and it prevents shooting, and explosion within the shield will kill you. This problem only occurs with robots with "shields"

The second being that, as hadoancuong said, the AI for these robots are really bad, as enemy and ally robots will do nothing but stand there

I hope to see these problems rectified in the future

great mod.

Edited by That guy Over there

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God! I'm sure he/her/they/it will keep working on it as its an EARLY RELEASE!

Thank you for the addon, its nice to see the mechs making a return :)

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These are just superb! :-D

Love driving them!

I actually haven't watched FMP but I'm a huge robotech fan!

I'm gonna download a few episodes of FMP and check it out. :-)

Will there be manual fire for the driver later on? The whole experience is a bit ruined when you have to switch seats all the time. ^^

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Would be quite kool to have some kind of tranform option :P

Turn into a jet or sumthin lol

Looks good

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Although I'm not familiar with the anime they are based on these mechs are fantastic. Thank you for your hard work.

I wish some of the old OFP mechs could be ported to ARMA2 all so.

I've read else where the single person (command, gunner , driver all in 1 ) can't be done anymore :( Might make further bipedal mechs hard to do, not sure.

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I guess I'll help out with the words a bit

as a starter,


ill look at the words later and see which others i can help correct

wish i was better with japanese, but lol

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Just tried out the sub as well.

Just wow... :-D Sosuke, you really put some hard work into this!

Empty the control room of water, make the Arm Slaves (yes I've watched the show now, and I love it.) connect to the catapults and the sub is good to go!

I really hope you keep working on this. :-)


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Holy $-it !!! Thanks for releasing this.

Edited by Zedrein

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Sorry for the double post but i have a game stopper problem for this addon for me. when i place some units in the editor then go hit preview it starts to load the map then i get a box saying this "Bad Vehicle Type USMC_Soldier_Pilot" and it has a "continue" button. can someone please help me get this going?

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Must mean you only have Arrow Head. To run this you need ARMA2 as that class USMC_Soldier_Pilot is from that part of the game. You go around it by placing empty units and use get in command for the AI or you get in manualy. Or you can buy ARMA2 and run it as Combined Operations.

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Well now wasnt expecting this. its kinda lame. OA tested sounds like it would work with OA without any other game. guess i'll be buying ARMA2 not sure if its worth buying for just one addon. i just do not see paying $40 for something thats been out for a while and only to use to play a couple addons. want it but not paying $40 its not a new game anymore. have fun with the addon. and creator i asked you a while back if all i needed was OA wished you would have told me i needed two different stand alone games to run one addon. all that time watching this gone. o well

Edited by Zedrein

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You can still use them. Just place them as empty units. The error pops up when the game trys to find the pilot class that is not there. They are much more functional when piloted by players than AI.

As for buying ARMA2 most people have the two cause it gives you more scripting commands and functions or die hard fans of ARMA. You could of had the game cheap when they had the sale before Xmas for under $10.00. Amazon.com has it for $29.95 as of today.

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