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commander jao

aerial incursion mission questions

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I was trying to create an aerial incursion mission where you have to fly below radar and destroy a radar, but have encounter a few issues.

1. I cannot get the plane to target the CDF anti radar (whilst playing as OpFor) how would i fix this?

2. How do i limit the altitude that you can fly at?

3. Is there a way for the anti air target around you but not at you?

sorry for the list of problems:o

but help would be appreciated:D


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I'm not sure whether my methods will work, but you can make a try.

1. stick a west tank on the radar so that you can lock the radar by locking the tank.

_tank attachTo [_radar,[0,0,3]];
HideObject _tank;
_tank disAbleAI "AutoTarget";
_tand disableAI "Target";

2. You can force your chopper to specific height every time it beyond the height that you don't wanna it fly over.

while {(getposATL _chopper select 2) > 100} do {
   _chopper setposATL [getpos _chopper select 0,getpos _chopper select 1,100];
   sleep 1;

3. I've no idea how to realize this.:j:

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As far as AA guns shooting at you, I've used this script before. It is easy to implement, you aim it, and it doesn't do any actual damage to aircraft. You can also choose to disable the flak clouds or leave them. More or less this should be exactly what you're looking for.


Edit: Sorry i thought that was the same full script I use but its only half. (I'm at work now otherwise i'd copy it from my files) Check out this thread as well, combining both the flak script and the AA gun force fire script creates an awesome effect, similar to what you see in every WWII Airborne para drop scene in movies/games.


Edited by jimmymonet

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2. You can force your chopper to specific height every time it beyond the height that you don't wanna it fly over.

while {(getposATL _chopper select 2) > 100} do {
   _chopper setposATL [getpos _chopper select 0,getpos _chopper select 1,100];
   sleep 1;

i feel like i should specify on that one, it's kind of messy, but if there aren't enough commands being processed, then it SHOULD look clean (without the sleep it will look clean). other than that, sleep only works with scripts, doesn't work with just commands, so i have to assume that you are creating this part of the mission in a script to use that. the third thing, is that using that sleep will make it look unclean. youll have to remove that to make it look clean. but you can just put that inside of a single trigger, condition being the boolean operator above, action or statement being the line below it

personally i don't like the idea of limiting a vehicle. id rather limit the mission itself, if the user flys above a certain altitude, have the mission fail, or have every ai unit on the map go after him, do whatever. just put a condition inside of a trigger similar to the boolean condition inside of the while loop given above, job done.

the third part seems to be taken care of, as for the first part...what kind of targeting are you talking about? are you referring to the ingame targeting that aircraft have for say, hellfires and what not. or are you referring to targeting as in having the AI shoot at something?

Edited by GDICommand

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1. stick a west tank on the radar so that you can lock the radar by locking the tank.

_tank attachTo [_radar,[0,0,3]];
HideObject _tank;
_tank disAbleAI "AutoTarget";
_tand disableAI "Target";

^this^ did not work i was still unable to target the radar even my AI gunner in the su 34 couldn't target it any suggestions?


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