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Config questions

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I have a few questions about several things in the config which I havent been able to find any answers for yet.. Some of them sounds logical, but gives me no noticable differences. I hope you can help me out. My own guesses is behind the // :)

clutterGrid = 1.0; // I think I should leave this?

clutterDist = 125; // Distance in meters, the clutter shows?

noDetailDist = 40; // Distance in meters, which there will be lowest detail on objects?

fullDetailDist = 15; // Distance in meters, for full detail on objects?

Am I totally lost, or am I right? Are there any recommented numbers for these for optimal performance/looks?

Thanks :o

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Nice, that was not in me bookmarks!

I was curious about clutterGrid myself, still am for the most part. Anyone have a definitive, or more experienced guess?

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