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Warfare BE: ACE Edition

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For those who are having problems with LAN maybe this will work for you:


Great job Joe *.*

ACE + WBE = I dont have words for the results

Edit: Joe maybe you would like to watch the Hotfix cuz the Parameters are going crazy with the hotfix

Edited by LastKossack

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I had a quick look through the thread and couldn't find an answer to this:

When I load If I choose myself as a commander I can't build anything, the menu comes up and the green silhouettes but then when I place nothing happens? If I choose AI it builds for me but then I can't choose to vote myself as commander after I choose "commander voting" and again nothing happens?

Anyone any ideas for this issue?

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I had a quick look through the thread and couldn't find an answer to this:

When I load If I choose myself as a commander I can't build anything, the menu comes up and the green silhouettes but then when I place nothing happens? If I choose AI it builds for me but then I can't choose to vote myself as commander after I choose "commander voting" and again nothing happens?

Anyone any ideas for this issue?

LAN or dedicated?

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Sorry running it on LAN at the moment. Does it need to be dedicated? If so could I run a dedicated and join it from the same computer to fix this?


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Sorry running it on LAN at the moment. Does it need to be dedicated? If so could I run a dedicated and join it from the same computer to fix this?


yes u can run it LAN and dedicated me i run a dedicated server from my computer and yes u can play it if u host it on your computer but u need a tool to run a dedicated server and it is on armaholic http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=11655if u need more help just pm me

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Its best to run it on a dedicated.

you do not NEED the tool mentioned above but you can use it if you want.

Edited by BL1P

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well if u yous the tool it helps on server lag that u get when u host in game + if your game crashes the server will b steel up to :)

ps me host in game fps 10. me host with server tool 22 to 25 fps and help if u got friends wanting to play on it to

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I didnt say host in game I said run a dedicated.

All I was saying is you do not need to use that tool to run a dedicated.

but you can if you wish.

I have nothing against the tool you mention.

I just thought you saying Need this tool was incorrect.


Edited by BL1P

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I apologize if this question is directed in the wrong thread.

I have tried running both a hosted and a dedicated CO Warfare BE with ace. For some reason the chernarus world loads but the characters and vehicles seem to be of the OA version. When the mission starts as Blufor, the MHQ is the tan Stryker VC. This is very game-breaking as the desert camo does not match chernarus wooded environment. Has anyone had this problem?

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I apologize if this question is directed in the wrong thread.

I have tried running both a hosted and a dedicated CO Warfare BE with ace. For some reason the chernarus world loads but the characters and vehicles seem to be of the OA version. When the mission starts as Blufor, the MHQ is the tan Stryker VC. This is very game-breaking as the desert camo does not match chernarus wooded environment. Has anyone had this problem?

Hi tookie I can't check to know for sure but I think I remember that you could choose the 'factions' at the very bottom of the parameters when you setup the mission?

I could be thinking of a entirely different mission.

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Hi tookie I can't check to know for sure but I think I remember that you could choose the 'factions' at the very bottom of the parameters when you setup the mission?

I could be thinking of a entirely different mission.

This is my modified parameters.hpp file for Warfare BE 2.069 w/ Ace

#ifdef VANILLA

class townsOccupationFactionEast {

title = "$STR_WF_Gameplay_Occupation_Type_East";

values[] = {0,1};

texts[] = {"Insurgents","Russians"};

default = 1;


class townsOccupationFactionWest {

title = "$STR_WF_Gameplay_Occupation_Type_West";

values[] = {0,1};

texts[] = {"Chernarussian Defence Force","United States Marine Corps"};

default = 1;




class townsOccupationFactionEast {

title = "$STR_WF_Gameplay_Occupation_Type_East";

values[] = {0};

texts[] = {"Takistan Army"};

default = 0;


class townsOccupationFactionWest {

title = "$STR_WF_Gameplay_Occupation_Type_West";

values[] = {0};

texts[] = {"United States"};

default = 0;




class townsOccupationFactionEast {

title = "$STR_WF_Gameplay_Occupation_Type_East";

values[] = {0,1,2};

texts[] = {"Insurgents","Russians","Takistan Army"};

default = 1;


class townsOccupationFactionWest {

title = "$STR_WF_Gameplay_Occupation_Type_West";

values[] = {0,1,2};

texts[] = {"Chernarussian Defence Force","United States","United States Marine Corps"};

default = 1;




EDIT Tried changing occupation faction west to us marine corps and still get tan camo vehicles at the start...could by server be recognized as OA instead of CO?

Edited by tookie
changed parameters

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well u need to do a lot more then that to get it to work

Are you refering to the the parameters.hpp? That was just an excerpt of the occupation settings as i didnt think posting the rest was nessesary.

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Could someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong with trying to run this on a dedicated server? I only want to play by myself with the AI, but using LAN mode appears to be buggy right now as i can't build anything and the AI often stands around doing nothing.

For some reason when i try to join my dedicated server i just get a black screen saying "Wait for host", i can connect find if i disable ACE etc so i don't think its a port/firewall problem.

I'm using A2/OA in combined ops mode and have installed ACE using the six updater.

Heres my dedicated server shortcut: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\ARMA2OASERVER.exe" -config=TA2DST_config.cfg -mod=@ACE;@ACEX;@ACEX_RU;@ACEX_SM;@ACEX_USNavy;@CBA

And my server cfg file:

// Server Config Generated by Tophes Arma 2 Dedicated Server Tool
hostName = "Warfare BE Ace";
password = "test";
passwordAdmin = "test";
maxPlayers = 10;
logFile = "";
voteThreshold = 0.33;
voteMissionPlayers = 3;
reportingIP = "";
timeStampFormat = "None";
motd[] = {};
motdInterval = 3;
vonCodecQuality = 3;
disableVoN = 0;
kickduplicate = 0;
verifySignatures = 0;
persistent = 0;
BattlEye = 1;
doubleIdDetected = "";
onUserConnected = "";
onUserDisconnected = "";
onHackedData = "";
onDifferentData = "";
onUnsignedData = "";
regularCheck = "";

class Missions
   class Mission1
   template = "WarfareBE_069_ACE_15.Zargabad";


Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?


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I'd start with running the game in Combined Ops mode, as it seems you have seperate OA installation.

Search for instructions how to run CO, or simply start the server through Six Updater by enabling the "Server" checkbox, and setting the TA2DST_config.cfg inside Game Profile -> Config field.

And otherwise start with sharing your server and client rpts. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/rpt

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Wow thanks for the quick reply! Starting the server using the six updater fixed the problem completely! Thank you so much.

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Wow thanks for the quick reply! Starting the server using the six updater fixed the problem completely! Thank you so much.
NP :-) SU for president! :cool:

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I found out why the desert camo men and vehicles were being used at the game start. Opened up 2.069 ACE version in the editor and the starting units were incorrect. For example, in chernarus, the blufor faction was US army with the desert stryker MHQ. In takistan, the opfor was set completly to russia :eek:.

I opened up the orginal Warfare BE for CO and in those missions they seemed mostly correct. Also editing version.sqf in the ACE chernarus map to define camo=1 seemed to fix spawned vehicles like supply trucks but as blufor the base patrols were the US army desert camo. uggh

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Hi, looking for a quick answer.

About the above. Is there no way to play the ACE version as the USMC on chernarus?

Green netting, USMC lav HQ, etc..

Much appreciated.


Changed the camo variable in "version.sqf" and switched out the characters in the editor.

Works now like it should now on chernarus for me.

Edited by AlexVestin

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Methinks Joehunk is rather MIA...

Last Activity: Jun 24 2011 22:09

Anyone care to jump into the boat? :)

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Not MIA anymore, he's still here.

Last Activity: 16.09.2011

Joehunk, please, it would be great if you update Warfare BE ACE edition to 2.070. I am desperate for that Javelin to work again, which doesn't seem to work in 2.070.

EDIT: Nvm he's been away ever since.

Edited by jeremyhak2

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Just about finished porting to 2.07 So far I have a workable Fallujah, Lingor, and Zargabad. And the others will only take a little bit to convert. There was a ton I had to add and modify and figure out using Joe's previous versions and Benny's stuff.

A couple things to note prior to release.

-I have added two new parameters. ACE wounds and stamina. Without stamina backpacks are disabled. I tried to implement the ACEwounds death camera, however its buggy and it doesnt seem to be working properly. I might remove it depends of what folks are saying, in any case you can hit escape and poor man revive without penalty although sometimes the code gets fubared and youll end up at the holding point on that map. You can always respawn again though and keep your gear. No biggie.

-The nearest AI if fairly close will come and revive you, so thats pretty cool.

-Can full heal in the field.

-Backpacks after purchased you must buy them, or store the loadout with the backpack in the weapononback slot or it wont be saved or respawned correctly. Couldnt figure out why... So put it on your back and hit buy again once youve got everything you want in it correctly.

-Ace gear menu is slightly modified but completely works. You can switch teammates on the upper right above you main slots using the arrows.

-Most Ace gear is loaded except for the CSW's. I put them in the config but I havent worked out all the bugs there if anyone knows give me a shout.

-New squad templates have been created. They are ACE infantry level 1, 2, and 3, motorized ACE, and ACE mechanized level 1 and 2. No change in the armor department.

Thats all I can think of for now. Unfortunatly the bug where AI squads spawn like the whole chinese army even though theyre only supposed to be able to spawn 12 or so really kills it, but hopefully he'll fix it eventually and I can throw that in here. Heres a quick preview so you guys can give it a shot and give me some feedback.

Oh and youll need McNools TierOne operators, cause I like them and thats what I used. Its my party.





Gimme feedback...


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Thats exactly, what i've been searching for. Latest Benny's warfare with ACE. Thank you for uploading this. If you would someday add more maps, I would be most grateful!

Thanks again!

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