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ARMA 2: Private Military Company 1.00 released

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What's so special about these sights? Just curious.

The TWS ones are excellent, they have normal. night vision, white heat thermal and black heat thermal optics. They can also be zeroed.

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from arma2 FB

In the latest of ARMA 2's popular pre-patch preview-peek posts, here's what appears to be an ION, Inc. equivalent of Santa's Sleigh...

But who needs Rudolph when you've got four 4,350srp (Shaft Reindeer Power) Turboprops!?


As usual, Czech out our link for the latest intel...


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Is it just me, or are these new sights on the M8 magnifying? Or am I just too hopeful for render to texture being implemented now? (Since it´s been done in VBS2).

If I could hear a yes on this, my christmas gift this year´d be covered.

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Is it just me, or are these new sights on the M8 magnifying? Or am I just too hopeful for render to texture being implemented now? (Since it´s been done in VBS2).

If I could hear a yes on this, my christmas gift this year´d be covered.

Not to be the party pooper, but without another screen shot taken to provide a more clearer example, I do not think it's magnifying.

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You've always been able to do that...

Yeah, yeah with the animate C130ramp, 1. That's not what I meant. I meant more the that the default C-130 would get a cargo space and functioning ramp without script commands. That would be awesome.

But then again, I also want BIS to implement a cotton candy device and to add the ability for the SCAR to fire smoothies and milkshakes :rolleyes:

Can't have everything, I guess ;)

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Another news from facebook

It's getting close, ARMA 2 can feel it in its waters...

As time inexorably slips away before our next official patch is born into this cruel world, we release one last sonogram.


I can say , finally they added IR laser into sight , just like real sight have :)

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That screeny should also stop the "magnifying sights" speculation. No dice.

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