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How to play a CO-OP game with a friend?

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Hi there all. Sorry if it's a repost, I had a good rummage for something to do with this and I couldn't find anything.

Myself and a friend want to play co-op together. However, I got to Multiplayer>New>CreateGame (on internet) and am now given the option to choose the mission. I click play on the mission I want, and Disable the AI (as I just want to play with my friend).

However, my problem occurs when I try to find an IP to send to my friend so he can join my server.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I'm missing/doing wrong? I had a look in the Server Control bit, but that doesn't help :( I just presumed I be able to send an IP to my friend to join, and then jump into the mission.

Thanks for your time,


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you can get your ip from http://www.whatsmyip.org/ but youll probably have to open some ports on your firewall / router. which are

2302 UDP ArmA2 game network communication.

2303 UDP Gamespy public server reporting.

2305 UDP Voice Over Net transmission.

if ya need any assitance let me know

saying that you probably wont need your ip though because your friend should see your game in the multiplayer browser in arma 2, whatever you called your server when you hosted, but youll still need to open the ports

Edited by Snelz

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Give him the name of your server, make the name easy, and let him know when the server is up.

Once your server is up, then tell him to put the server name in the filter in Mp, and that will be the only name to come up for him.

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Thanks guys!

Worked a treat. Brilliant. Have a nice day/night ya'll.

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