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Equipment disappear.

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Hi guys, today I have another question about the backpacks.

Using this command line I managed to put all things right in the bag but those things only appear in the preview, remembering that my mission has a "GameLogic Server" and a "Module Functions" which seemed to have solved the problem, no more why the equipment returned to disappear when the mission begins.

Command Line in the init of the soldier-> this addBackpack "cz_backpack_ep1"; (unitBackpack this) addMagazineCargo ["ace_claymore_m",2]; (unitBackpack this) addMagazineCargo ["ace_huntIr_m203",2]; this addWeapon "ace_huntir_monitor"; this addWeapon "ace_spottingscope"; this addWeapon "Nvgoggles"; (unitBackpack this) addMagazineCargo ["ace_rope_m_120",1]; (unitBackpack this) addMagazineCargo ["ace_tripflare_m",2]; this addMagazine "flareyellow_m203"; this addMagazine "flareyellow_m203"; this addMagazine "ace_knicklicht_g"; this addWeapon "ace_glassesgasmask_us"; (unitBackpack this) addMagazineCargo ["ace_30rnd_556x45_t_stanag",4]

PS-remembering that the backpacks are OA

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U don't understand, are the equipment that does not appear, the bag is there.

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The ACE ruck system is currently broken and should be fixed with tomorrow's update. That is likely what is causing your problem. If not, you might try using ACE backpacks and commands rather than the default BIS system. Here is an example from a loadout script:

_unit addWeapon "ACE_CharliePack_ACU"

[_unit, "ACE_C4_M", 0] call ACE_Sys_Ruck_fnc_AddMagToRuck

[_unit, "ACE_C4_M", 2] call ACE_Sys_Ruck_fnc_AddMagToRuck

[_unit, "ACE_WIRECUTTER", 0] call ACE_Sys_Ruck_fnc_AddWepToRuck

[_unit, "ACE_WIRECUTTER", 1] call ACE_Sys_Ruck_fnc_AddWepToRuck

[_unit, "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 4] call ACE_Sys_Ruck_fnc_AddMagToRuck

Note the bold lines. I wrote the script 3 months ago so it could be fixed by now, but it seemed to require a dummy command for weapon and magazine before they would load correctly.

I highly recommend using the ACE system due to how much more user friendly it is.

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Well, his equipment list includes 9 different ACE items so I'm willing to hazard a guess that he's using it. He may be using BIS backpacks and commands but they're still included with the ACE ruck system which is, as I said, currently broken.

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I have no problem with the backpacks of ACE, my problem is in the equipment remain in the backpacks of OA in dedicated server on Preview of the mission because the facilities are there with no problem ...

I've used the module "Function" and GameLogic "Server" and yet the equipment disappear when the game starts on a dedicated server.

Thanks for the help anyway.

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Sorry to be one of those ppl but I have this problem also. Im using 1.57, and in sp in the editor, my backpacks are loaded, but in MP coop they are not.

I am using same commnds as above, but they dont work in MP. This issue is with OA backpacks not ACE, and like i said worked in SP not MP, and using 'this' rather than 'player'. The units that it doesnt work on are AI and on my team.



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