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Very impressive Mech addon by waterhiro

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It seems it went by unnoticed so far.


While the texturing could need a bit of shadow adjusting (the addon looks actually quite good with disabled shadows ingame), the scripts are simply amazing.

This mech can actually change its way of movement from crawling like a spider to running like a panther.


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Already on my HDD! I`ve been waiting so long for this, and it`s AWESOME!!!

I hope he makes an Update, found some little bugs. In group the AI doesn`t follow you and its bleeding when you shoot on it. It takes 2-3 shots with M107 to kill it.

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Finally something more creative then the usual reskins or the one-millionst M4 variant. :yay:

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wow, this is the first remotely original mod ive seen in months. dean is right, there are hundreds of reskins of bog standard weapons and vehicles but a real lack of anything creative in the arma 2 mod community, especially compared with the crazy shit everyone loved in OFP

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Finally something more creative then the usual reskins or the one-millionst M4 variant. :yay:

there are many addons not only M4 variants , but i agree, good to have some OFP-style addons , good to have them more :)

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very nice indeed

hopefully we will see more and more like these ...

now where are some missions or campaign for this ? :)

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there are many addons not only M4 variants , but i agree, good to have some OFP-style addons , good to have them more :)

Well you already did you part, with the APC and Colonial Marines.:D

At the moment guys like me are to blame for the lack of SciFi-Addons, because while I have modelling experience and a lot of Warhammer 40K addons that could be brought to ArmA II, Im just too lazy (or dumb) to bite myself through all the advanced texturing stuff like RVMATs and so on. :rolleyes:

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Well you already did you part, with the APC and Colonial Marines.:D

At the moment guys like me are to blame for the lack of SciFi-Addons, because while I have modelling experience and a lot of Warhammer 40K addons that could be brought to ArmA II, Im just too lazy (or dumb) to bite myself through all the advanced texturing stuff like RVMATs and so on. :rolleyes:

omfg, i will honestly fall in love with you if you ported your 40k addon

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I used to really loved the old Battle Over Hokkaido mod TypeXX and XM1082 Wanderung Panzers for OFP.

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Just downloaded it, doesn't work for me. I'm on 1.55


Also don't see it anywhere in the Empty menu

Edited by Raserisk

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Its a unit, not a vehicle. Its under bluefor-MECHANICS.

Also, i get the same error, just click preview again and it will launch.

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Alright. I was hoping that it would be Independent, so that I can use it with the Predator mod coming out soon for a full scale alien invasion.

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You can put them in the same group as an independent unit and if the independent unit is the group leader the mech will join that side.

Also, it seems like the AI cant function as a mech, in the small skirmishes i made the mechs never shoot at the enemy or move when given a way point.

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I just had a confrontation, the mech was like shooting at them sometimes, while moving towards the waypoint. But yeah, it dosen't seem that great at all.

Thanks for the tip by the way!

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As previously mentioned, this isn't your usual M4 milspec-kiddie addon. The slate is clean on this one and discoveries have to be made before it'll work perfectly. Give it a little time and a lot of luck, and we may yet see a fully functioning mech in arma.

Concrats to the maker on a very nice addon.

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you know, I planned on putting together a Battle Zone 2 mod for Arma 2. ashame I never got around to starting it though :(, seeing this addon how ever makes me want to start it up again :)

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Also, it seems like the AI cant function as a mech, in the small skirmishes i made the mechs never shoot at the enemy or move when given a way point.

they do shoot, just extremely rarely and in 1-2 shot bursts at close range. this also means that human enemies can often fire hundreds of rounds into them which throws their crosshairs all over the place making them fire even less.

mechs should be made much more trigger happy and injuries shouldnt affect accuracy, although i have no idea how doable it is.

heres to more sci fi whacky addons :D

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Yeah this mech really needs to put up more fire. Especially with all that freakin' ammo and firepower!!! :bounce3:

I think tweaking some of these values in cfgWeapon would cause the AI to ante up it's volume of fire:






That and Worldeater was kind enough to answer my post on affecting AI weapon selection which is affected by ammo cfg and may also be related to rate of fire (because it's affected by what type of unit they are shooting at):


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As long as someone is passing back the information to waterhiro that everyone here is impressed and hoping for more.

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AAAH! this is so awesome. Can't seem to find it in the units list... been spawning it in with triggers and can't seem to get it playable or in my group.

Am I doing it wrong? :confused:

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I love the idea of this but when I try to use it I get an error re a collision file and someting .DLL, then the bot's shadows are displayed unattatched, at a distance and visible through the unit. Have I missed a dependency somewhere?

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