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Disabling formations for squads when setting up positions for an AI to defend?

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Is there any way to disable formations at the start of the game to set up defensive positions? Or having sections of the squad being split up at points in the town without them running back to regroup with the leader?

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Set the "Special" section of the unit to to "NONE", then, in the init box:

this disableAI "Move";

...and to re-enable it:

this enableAI "Move";

The code below will also work:

doStop this

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But wouldn't it just stop AI from moving or taking cover as well? I want the AI to at least have some functionality such as going behind cover.

Nevermind, doStop this works. Thanks!

Edited by Cookieeater

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But wouldn't it just stop AI from moving or taking cover as well? I want the AI to at least have some functionality such as going behind cover.

No, the units will still take cover/return fire. Here's a quote from the wiki:

Even if you disable the "MOVE" AI, the units will still move out to attack the enemy, unless you disable the "TARGET" AI. Disabling both these AI sections is useful when placing units in defensive positions. This way, you can have them stay behind their cover, and not run out into the open.

That pretty much explains it all...

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DisableAI "MOVE" also prevents the unit from rotating. Means he won't rotate and shoot at you. He will only fire at you if come relatively straight at him (±30 degrees or something).

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