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Hud Dorph

Nvidia GTX580 benchmark ArmaII

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Bah, Vsync was on - I'm running it again.

Still 60, it only really stays over 60 in the first few seconds, highest was 148 as the camera pans to the sky.

It never goes below 40FPS which is what is most important.

The power doesn't translate like it does in other games, It's been that way since OFP.

Edited by BangTail

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Got it. :)


Temps are awesome, now to try out some games.

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Yeah, the sky gets me up to 70 fps :). lowest fps is about 18-ish. By the way, what does a single 580 get you at those settings?

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im buying one of these cards tomorrow, can anyone confirm if this card sorts out some bugs like the minimiz bug,

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Hell yes, I was at work and on my break at 8:30, I was looking on new egg, and saw that both the SC and the Black ops version where in stock, But my check had not entered my account yet 2 seconds later I get a text saying my check has been deposited. I add the SC edition to my cart and it was out of stock already lol. But I was able to get the Black op's edition. It's the same card just different face on it. I didn't wanna support that game in any way. But had no choice as they are always at of stock. 5 minutes later all of them where out of stock again. It did set me back $540 bucks. But is well worth it. BTW the new 570 just came out. What does everyone think about that.

P.s I'm building a new computer. I haven't even been able to play arma 2 yet but now I have a mobo the I-7 950 and the evga black ops edition. Next week I order the case, ram, hard drive, and dvd drive. Go me.

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The new GTX 570 is ridiculously awesome.

$100 cheaper than a GTX 480, performs better/the same.

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does anybody know what CPU is needed that doesn't limit the GTX580 performance ? The bench was made with the very expensive Core i7-965.

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You can get similar gaming performance out of an OC'd 860 or 750 (for example).

You don't buy processors like the 965 or 980 for gaming, they are a total waste of money as far as gaming is concerned.

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My i5 750 does fine with my GTX 580. I do have the 750 OC'd to 4.0Ghz though.

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Thinking about going from my 5870 crossfire set up for a single 580. Could all the Arma 2 players who are using this card post their benchmarks (ingame ie 01, 08 etc) and what settings including the draw distance?

It would be incredibly helpful for the final decision.


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does anybody know what CPU is needed that doesn't limit the GTX580 performance ? The bench was made with the very expensive Core i7-965.

Anything over i7 930 is an overkill for gaming... It is like using a nuclear warhead to kill 5 people. Total waste of money and generating collateral damage such as heat.

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I'd agree you dont need that great a processor with these cards.. I play at 26X15 with all detail maxed with an 920@4ghz and sli 480's..

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I get that kind of performance with my 5870?? Seriously if it can't handle AA it's not of any interest, this game is just CPU heavy not GPU..

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does anybody know what CPU is needed that doesn't limit the GTX580 performance ? The bench was made with the very expensive Core i7-965.

I have a Core i7 940 running at stock speed and 2 GTX 480's in SLI and it totally eats the game up. 60 FPS most of the time with occasional dips into the 30's or 40's depending on where I am and/or what's going on. I ditched my HD5970 recently and went back to Nvidia. I am so glad to be back! :bounce3:

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