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maps under construction:

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Hi, i'm interested in knowing how much peoples are actually working on a map project, and what stage the map is currently on.

This can help understanding who is facing the same situation and maybe have more awareness of how all questions placed on this forum will actually becomes solid islands:


Fallujah beta released, actually at final refinements / bugfixing

Spritz island released, small enhancements and fixes, working on a new release

New island, currently on terrain stage

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  • Ft. Benning - US Army Infantry School
    Represents the Malone Rifle Ranges. Forest, Roads, Buildings completed.
    Recently I started a custom building set for the local MOUT area.
  • Ft. Irwin - US Army National Training Center (NTC)
    Basics of map complete. Awaits road network, several MOUT sites.
  • Ft. Knox - US Army Armor School
    Basics of map complete. Currently not in work.

Edited by jens198

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Good idea for a thread.

Maybe roll the latest info into your first post, if this thread gets a little long.

Sands: Beta released

Looking to go back to L3DT and make the landscape a little more interesting.

Then add a small amount of towns (OA style), some rocks, and some very very long roads

Waves: Beta released

(its actually "Sands", but lowered into the sea ;) )

Again, looking to go back to L3DT and make the landscape a little more interesting.

Add a few ports, forests, towns and airstrips.

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DampetDK / MugAben

Favslev, Denmark. Started out as 5120x5120 map, now 10240x10240. 20% "done".

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Mana Island

A small island project soon to be released.

Bowen Island

Currently just a 15360x15360 terrain which I am tweaking. On back burner.

South Ossetia

A 10240x10240 Terrain with satellite image, roads and forests complete. Is boasting to be a tough project. On back burner, for now.

Masahet Island

A 5120x5120 terrain with satellite image that needs to be redone. Stuffed in the freezer since my stove is too full. :P


I'm not going to reveal much at this point. Just an idea with a terrain partially cut out of the sea and a layout plan.


A project that was born of my now dead kandahar project. Terrain with satellite image that includes a river. Terrain needs to be redone.

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As yet unnamed project:

It's a 102km X 102km world... Terrain is made, sat image is being tweaked and I'm getting frustrated with the buggy unintuitive tool that is Visitor3 :) Soon to be featured in a WIP thread.

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Great topic Shezan, this may work as an index for other Map/Producer specific topics.

I´m currently working on 2 projects:

- Afghanistan Triangle of Death (Helmand Province), comprising Kajaki, Musa Qaleh, Now Zad, Sangin, Gorak and maybe Gereshk. The map is compressed into a 20x20km square.

I´m currently trying to solve the "river on slope" problem. So I´m basically still on Heightmap development. I´ve already have the sat map geo cropped and ready to use.

-Southeast Lebanon and Golan Heights. Thats where the latests Israel-Lebanon war took place. I´ve got some hi-res heightmaps but still looking for sat images.

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Island Lingor - done, release very soon when final tests are complete. 5 month long project...

Island Massacra - map project for Project RACS mod. A island not far away from Sahrani... status: alpha.

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-Southeast Lebanon and Golan Heights. Thats where the latests Israel-Lebanon war took place. I´ve got some hi-res heightmaps but still looking for sat images.

May be of use matey:

http://www.science.co.il/images/satellite/f/Israel-STS040-610-68.jpg - Golan Heights to Negev


Hope all of your guys maps come to fruition :)

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Currently working on a map called normandy2 for the 31st normandy mod.

It's in production 30% complete. The hang up were having is custom objects that have doors and ladders, proxies, etc do not work after being binned.

All standard BIS objects that have doors and ladders, etc work.

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Scotland: LFA14

20x20km realworld-based terrain with far, far too many trees and roads! - Fortunately, they're both done now, as is my first of 3 bigger towns - that leaves the villages and the lochs, and a whole bunch of objects & texturing to do... 10 months (off and on) down - I reckon about another 4 or 5 to go... maybe...

hmm... not much else really...


A 40km x 40km Battle of Britain terrain & masks-only - I gave this one to CSJ for The Few mod - one of his many projects.


This is a concept terrain (vaguely) based on Dante Alighieri's medieval description of a journey through Hell.

...its a hole in the ground... a big one...


Edited by Bushlurker

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Val Formazza / Wallis / Ticino

20 x 20 km, based on Italian and Switzerland mountain Alpine region. Status: Beta

Some Screens: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jarl_hruodbhert/sets/72157625168087247/

Larius Lacus

40 x 40 km, based on a North Italian area (Lake Como). Status: Alpha


80 x 80 km, test scenery, Swiss Canton Graubünden, Valtellina North Italy province.


80km x 80 km, test scenery, based on Lombardy and Piedmont region (North Italy)

Edited by Gunny1987

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Bamian Province afghanistan. 2-3 years in future (so i can add currently nonexistant poppy feilds),Season Early Spring. intention is 80X80k scaled down to 40X40k, Main feature will be variety in textures, with snowy mountains (some unreachable by chopper) and blooming poppy fields for some colour, as opposed to Takistans look.

very good source files, including shapefiles for roads etc, and textures sorted. Im currently working backwards by mastering configs before starting terrain proper.

Id love to get the buddha models, a university made some, but ill the terrain to a good standard before enquiring about such things!

Edited by dougboy101

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Easter Island a.k.a. Isla de Pascua

Tweaking textures (many thanks Bush!), airport almost finished, and then begin to place some forest and objects... Used a mask already prepared...

Y porsupuesto le vamos a agregar unos cuantos Moais :)

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Nice thread idea, Shezan!


A 20kmx20km map in north-western Germany, actually the first mountain-ridge southwards the north sea (heights up to 400m) with the Weser river flowing through the PORTA WESTFALICA

Status: Heightmap done. Consecutively, I develop a kind of blog-tutorial on how to make islands from scratch, as this was my initial idea at the beginning of this year.

I don't want to stop people's engagement, but there are some things that concern me when I read all these posts:

1. I think Chernarus has nice detail and this level I also want to achieve. Its 15x15km...has more than a million objects...and is very hungry on hardware. I wonder on what kind of machines people want to run 40x40km, 80x80km or even 120x120km maps?! I think even my planned 20x20km will be a lot of work until they have Cherna quality?!

Nothing is more unsatisfactory when you spend like one year on a map and people do not play on it because their machines and servers are not capable of displaying it.

2. Secondly, why so many big maps at one time? I say: better finish off one first :rolleyes: Otherwise, there is the danger that in the end none of the map gets finished, because finishing only one already takes ages. That's also my experience as I worked on my heightmap for more than 2 months, on the riverbed alone more than 2 weeks.

So far from my corner of view :j:

Edited by ZeroG

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I don't want to stop people's engagement, but there are some things that concern me when I read all these posts:

1. I think Chernarus has nice detail and this level I also want to achieve. Its 15x15km...has more than a million objects...and is very hungry on hardware. I wonder on what kind of machines people want to run 40x40km, 80x80km or even 120x120km maps?! I think even my planned 20x20km will be a lot of work until they have Cherna quality?!

Nothing is more unsatisfactory when you spend like one year on a map and people do not play on it because their machines and servers are not capable of displaying it.

2. Secondly, why so many big maps at one time? I say: better finish off one first :rolleyes: Otherwise, there is the danger that in the end none of the map gets finished, because finishing only one already takes ages. That's also my experience as I worked on my heightmap for more than 2 months, on the riverbed alone more than 2 weeks.

So far from my corner of view :j:

I couldn't agree more. My largest island is 15km x 15km with about %25 the amount of objects as Chernarus. I know from past works that anything larger is just a pain in the ass unless you sacrifice a lot to get it finished and able to run on most peoples computers.

But the future is looking good so far and this might change as tools become available and the entire process of setting up, working on, and releasing islands becomes more user friendly. Especially for the newer folk. The sheer number of islands being released and the quality of work is testament to that. :cool:

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After my tests, my conclussions: no matter how large the map is but how many objects the PC has to deal with within the viewdistance. This is the real factor that really impacts on performance, at least from my experience. For instance, with 2 km viewdistance a 10 km lenght forest may be worse for performance than a 1km lenght one which is higly dense. Reason: the first may have more objetcs in the viewdistance range (2km viewdistance of its 10km length is inside the forest) than the second (only 1km lenght is rendered and still 1km viewdistance is free). This range obviously depends from player to player... What I see on the maps is that people generally create very large areas with dense concentration of objects (cities or forests) and then, when you are in the middle of them an look around, your PC has to deal with lots of items during long distances (as the case of chernarus with its never ending forests).

In my map for instance I get better performance than in Chernarus and it is more dense (could be also due to the objects themselves). If you do not use dense areas very next to the other (let´s say no more than 17.000 objects within 1 km viewdistance) you may have a good balance between quality and performance with standard PCs, including the performance loss when AI is on the scene.


Edited by geloxo

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looking good fella's, really looking forward to all the afghanistan maps! i wish i had something to post, but im still trying to re-learn all of what i did awhile ago(so far no good)!

but i plan of finding a nice place in afghanistan with large mountains and deep valleys, with very small and scattered villages. i had in mind something like the Arma1 map by Nicholes Bell(Razani N. Waziristan), cause i love that layout, but im looking for an area thats more desert...without as much plants\bushes\trees(cause im not too skilled at object placement so this is my learning)!

i have already one alsome map maker helping my on this(in between all his beautiful afghan maps) but if anyone else has ideas\suggestions please let me know, cause we are still looking for good place to use.

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if anyone else has ideas\suggestions please let me know, cause we are still looking for good place to use.


Does it have to be Afghanistan, soldier2390? - try googling for "Sa'ada"... big mountains, desert, just the sort of thing you're looking for... don't think anyones done a Yemeni map yet.....


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don't think anyones done a Yemeni map yet.....

How do you plan to fill a yemen map? placing sand grains one by one with world tools? :D

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