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I44 dday airborne

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You start in planes and be drop behind enemy lines you got multiple target that have to be done. like destroy Battery de Colleville.

You can play as soldiers of the 101st or 82nd Airborne Divison

its a 24 Coop mission for the Invasion 44 MOD

DOWNLOAD http://www.filefront.com/17458148/I44DDAYAIRBORNE.I44_Omaha.rar

Edited by Konrad1

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what exactly is meant to happen. the planes fly straight over the island, and not one unit ejects??

Perhaps add some triggers and simple scripting that will force all units in the planes cargo to eject.

Your looking at something like this to do the job: Paradrop Script Template

Just use the template, copy it over to the I44 Omaha map, and change all the units to I44 units.... planes, units... raa raa raa.

Other than that... this mission could be really good. I love those mass para-drop missions. i like making my own but i like to see what others make.

Good luck. hope i helped. :D :bye:

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what exactly is meant to happen. the planes fly straight over the island, and not one unit ejects??

Perhaps add some triggers and simple scripting that will force all units in the planes cargo to eject.

Your looking at something like this to do the job: Paradrop Script Template

Just use the template, copy it over to the I44 Omaha map, and change all the units to I44 units.... planes, units... raa raa raa.

Other than that... this mission could be really good. I love those mass para-drop missions. i like making my own but i like to see what others make.

Good luck. hope i helped. :D :bye:

Exactly what I was thinking. I was just in the plane, and it just kept going. AA fire was wicked. Looked good. But yeh, a simple eject script would work a treat. The basis for all para missions in ArmA really :p

Good luck :)

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i will fix taht mission i notice some bugs in MP that i havnt when i tested

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Im Megahurt

We are playing great historical missions in arma 2 Invasion 1944. My friend Stubbs and a few otheres play on Teamspeak 3 at nzarma.co.nz port 9987. We are WW2 nuts and have travelled the battlefields and love challeng missions.

We have some great missions to share and love to play anytime.

Heres our latest.

"Dirty Rotten Bastards"

June 5th 1944. An elite team of U.S. Rangers, 'The Dirty Rotten Bastards' are sent into occupied France to destroy a key enemy Artillary and ammunition depot, an airfield and assassinate as many German officers visiting French brothels as possible, prior to the D-Day invasion.

Wittmanns 007 Tiger

On 13th June 1944, a week after D-day tank ace Micheal Wittmann and the crew of Tiger 007 launched a daring attack to cripple the Allied advance. Hidden behind a hedgerow, he ambushed and destroyed an enemy column attempting to flank. Wittmann attacked the column on the main road, then advanced North and destroyed an Artillary position and several armoured pieces before returning to HQ, delaying the enemy advance. He then held off the allied counter attack before being ordered to pull back.

He was later decorated by Adolf Hitler himself, and recieved the Iron Cross with Oak Leaf Cluster.

Hope to see you on TS.


Download the Megamissionpack here http://www.sendspace.com/file/srdc02

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@ Megahurt : you should create your own topic for your missions instead of hijacking this one :)

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