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trigger deactivated at mission start, then activated, after that blufor triggers how?

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i've been trying to wrap my head around this trigger issue and i just can't make it work!!!

let me sketch the situation of my mission:

mission starts where you have to clear the area, no opfor triggers an UN convoy to come on land while you are busy in another part of the map!

after you finished their you come back to the first location where you have to start the convoy by"walking up to the lead vehicle (trigger activated by blufor)!

but how do i not activate the convoy trigger prematurely when i am clearing that first area of enemies! because the convoy has to stop using that blufor trigger!

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In the "on activation" of the first trigger, add:

areaClear = true

Change the "condition" of the second trigger to:

this && areaClear

"this" refers to anything you have set in the trigger window, (activated blufor present etc) - it is the default of any trigger you create.

Adding the second condition on the end means the trigger won't activate until the first trigger has fired.

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uhm with your trigger right now when they clear the first part of the mission they activate the first part of the trigger bluefor this but then they move to a completely different zone and then activates the areaclear =true so right after that the convoy starts!

it starts when the player is in the wrong zone

Edited by BelgarionNL

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Set the second trigger to none with a condition of:

triggerActivated trigger5 && (player distance convoyStartVehicle < 5)

Where trigger5 is the name of the trigger you have checking for all clear. This way that has to be true and the player itself, not any random blufor, has to be close to the convoy.

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thx that will work perfectly :D

edit convoyStartvehicle! thats the name of the first vehicle of the convoy?

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I'm guessing you are making a SP mission? If it's MP, I'd advice using something that doesn't depend on the variable "player".

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