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Naming Single Player Missions?

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I created a single player mission called "Angel Squad", but when I choose to play it through the "Scenarios/Single Missions" menu, the name of the mission looks like... "AngelSquad.Takistan", but I would rather it appear on the menu as "Angel Squad". The other missions on the list have spaces and look normal with out the .MapName attached. How do I do this? It's the last thing I have been trying to figure out. I want to release this mission like yesterday and I'm still hung up on this.

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Click the Weather Icon in the top right of the Editor to give it a display name and description.

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Thank you Kylania. Sometimes I don't know what I would do without you.

---------- Post added at 01:04 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:59 AM ----------

This is not the final release, I still need to test it a bit, but if your interested, here's a link to my Single Player mission:

Angel Squad

It has an intro movie, after the intro movie it creates a game save so if you die you don't have to restart and watch the entire intro again. The game also saves at each completed objective to help players get through the mission. I should have the final version completed sometime tomorrow, or I might leave the mission as is. Anyway... Enjoy!

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I didn't know about that, normally I just rename the Pbo i make, but that can cause problems, by the way, good luck on getting it released!. :woot:

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I released it. YAY! lol, as if anybody is even going to play it ever. SP missions aren't the most popular missions to play. Well, after spending all that time on the intro, I wasn't about to just throw the map in the garbage. The intro came out awesome. The rest of the mission plays good too. It's definitely a mission worth playing when your internet connection is down, heh, or if you're one of those Gung Ho single player fanatics.


If anybody does actually play the mission, let me know what you thought of the intro. Thanks.

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I released it. YAY! lol, as if anybody is even going to play it ever. SP missions aren't the most popular missions to play. Well, after spending all that time on the intro, I wasn't about to just throw the map in the garbage. The intro came out awesome. The rest of the mission plays good too. It's definitely a mission worth playing when your internet connection is down, heh, or if you're one of those Gung Ho single player fanatics.


If anybody does actually play the mission, let me know what you thought of the intro. Thanks.

YAY! I wasted time and a great deal of effort (:p) dl'ing your mission, just to find out that I could not play it! I forgive you, though. :)

In the future, you may want to mention that your mission requires content that has to be downloaded and installed, and what that content is.

EDIT: You should also mention if it is Arma 2, A2 and OA, or just OA. Just a heads-up.

Edited by CyOp

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Way cool intro! Loved the guy laying down. :) Got pretty much *wasted* once we got into combat though.

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Great opening :) A couple of the guys in my chopper jumped from a rather high altitude though. Could use a medic, unless he's the one that died from the jump. Will retry later, didn't make it very far, LOL.

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I still have the mission. I was waiting to see exactly what I needed. Just British Armed Forces? (I actually wanted to at least see the intro he was so proud of. :))

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In the middle of it, on the brink of giving up with most units stuck in the first bunker (crate should have been outside). My thoughts:

1) Nice first part of the intro, but should be skippable (maybe it is, I'm playing from the editor). The heli flying was a bit jerky or something, and too long a sequence. Compare with vanilla ColtanBlues where the sequence is used also to get the player up to speed about the situation, instead of just enjoying the ride.

2) This is just me, but I have a problem with missions where I'm supposed to lead, where I find myself tossed in the middle of the heat with no idea what is going on. I prefer a good briefing, time to go through it, and if possible time to do some reccing.

3) Weird weapon selection and squad composition, especially the engineer and javelin dude felt a bit out of place. Also I don't like having to control that many guys but that's just me.

4) Feels like ammo crate system was just tossed in there, with no thoughts going into it (common mistake, and I do it myself in the beginning of the mission development to try different approaches). Some choices are ok, but complete freedom never works well with me. Where's the C130 needed to drop all that? :p

5) The bunker crates should have been enemy crates. I mean, that's what I would have expected to find there.

6) And of course, places where units get stuck is of no favorite of mine. I've scrapped many mission ideas because of this one. Really hard to spot from the beginning.

But I smiled a little, no a lot actually, during the presentation of the squad. Well done. :)

Btw, my .rpt was spammed with these:

_p1pos = getPos TSW_oldcamTarget>

Error Missing ;

File ca\ui\scripts\TeamSwitch.sqf, line 262

Error in expression <itchCamera "EXTERNAL";

showCinemaBorder false;

Might wanna have a look at that.

Edited by CarlGustaffa

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