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The Unsung MOD (Vietnam War) Arma 2 Release

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@Hund - Still the same, nothing has changed.

@JW Custom - No, it dosen't. I'm trying to reload the mission over 30 times and nothing.

It jus says "Wait for host" and back to the mission selection screen I go...

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It has been discussed in the forum many times already but I am finding the map unplayable. I love the look, atmosphere and I think it will be great for firefights but the VC/NVA have x-ray vision.

The enemy AI engages at 200m + as if it were a flat desert map. The only one affected by the jungle limiting line-of-sight are the players. Not only does the vegitation offer no concealment from the AI but I'm starting to wonder if it really offers cover since I keep getting hit while in think jungle.

The mod is awesome, Units, Objects but without a usable jungle map I am discouraged.

When might this be fixed?

Edited by Dr@gon

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Sorry for flooding this thread with videos, but this is just too awesome.


Hope you enjoy it.:D

kind regards

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I'm looking foward to more updates, but I really would like to see a new map.

From the map makers from the forum, anyone would like to build a map for Unsug?

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Played about with this over on Zeus and on my own PC, pretty good ignoring the bugs mentioned a plenty by previous posters.

The biggest of these bugs or issues for me is the view block. Trecking through the jungle (excellent work on keeping that performance friendly by the way!) in dense fog with other players where you can barely see 25m infront of you is immense, which is a shame as it's totally ruined when "that guy" aka the AI who happened to be with you blurts out with Enemy whatever at 500m or as is more often the case you come under fire assuming the pyjama wearing chaps are just about 50m away and they turn out to be a good ~100m.

Anyways, no real point stating what has been stated before, congrats on the release. Really looking forward to your future and hopefully iminent updates :p and hope it can sait my hunger for a 'nam mod akin to Jungle Fever of OFP days :)

Ps. If you could get around to a la Drang valley map at any point that'd be awesome, especially if it kept with the performance of your current map's jungle areas.

Edited by ToadBall

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@toad. Im using Upsmon and have the skill to 100% and dont have any issue with the view blow. infact me and a mate had a VC patrol walk 5 feet infront of us while we were prone at midnight. so i see no issues with it yet

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Ps. If you could get around to a la Drang valley map at any point that'd be awesome, especially if it kept with the performance of your current map's jungle areas.

Music to my ears... about 70% prior to an internal release... FPS is comparable or better to Lowlands...

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1 more bug for the team, the Jungle sounds still have European songbirds in it, and the level of jungle noise it a little too quiet.

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@Hund - Still the same, nothing has changed.

@JW Custom - No, it dosen't. I'm trying to reload the mission over 30 times and nothing.

It jus says "Wait for host" and back to the mission selection screen I go...

If it instantly goes back to wait for host with no error message at all then that is what happens when you're trying to load a mission that requires addons that aren't being loaded on the server.

If you check the server's .rpt file just after you try to load a mission it'll say 'blah blah cannot load, missing addons: uns_blah, uns_blah, uns_blah'.

If this is what's happening double check you're actually loading the mod [server startup line, double check folder structure etc] and that you're not missing any unsung files on the server by comparing them to the files in the unsung installer.

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Hey Eggbeast,

Thanks for the text! I will take a look at it to see what I am missing. I believe I have most of that in the appendices... but I like that you are also including the static weapons, vehicle names and their weapons/ammo.


yeah having it in wordpad as a text file is so much more useful than clawing it out of a pdf with formatting etc.

it may not be full yet I'm just trying to use it to spawn random groups of enemy units in evolution, to add custom actions if you're a type of soldier (e.g. medic or MG) or carrying a certain weapon (GL or MG) etc and to know if someone is a n officer or not...

it works like this:

in init
soldier array for all types of Machinegunner
EGG_EVO_playerMG = ["uns_nva3mg","uns_nva3amg","uns_nva10a","uns_nva10b","uns_rf_vc3a","uns_rf_vc3b","uns_rf_vc10a","uns_mf_vc3a","uns_mf_vc3b","uns_mf_vc10a","uns_mf_vc10b","uns_usmc_3amg","uns_usmc_3bmg","uns_army_3amg","uns_army_3bmg","uns_army_3cmg","uns_lrrp_3amg","uns_sf_3amg","uns_sf_3bmg","uns_sf_3cmg","CDF_Soldier_AR","CDF_Soldier_MG","USMC_Soldier_MG","USMC_Soldier_AR","FR_AR","FR_Rodriguez","RU_Soldier_MG","RU_Soldier_AR","Ins_Soldier_AR","Ins_Soldier_MG","MVD_Soldier_MG","mas_gru_spet_mg_kb","mas_gru_spet_rpk_gd","UK_SFMSKD2","UK_SFT2","AFR_Soldier_MG","AFR_Guard_AR","MOL_Soldier_MG","MOL_Guard_AR","BAF_Soldier_AAR_MTP","BAF_Soldier_AMG_MTP","BAF_Soldier_AR_MTP","BAF_Soldier_MG_MTP"];

weapon array for all types of machinegun
EGG_EVO_MGweapons = ["M240","M249","PK","RPK_74","Pecheneg","MK_48","m8_SAW","MG36","FFAA_Armas_MG3","FFAA_Armas_MG4","RH_M249","FFAA_Armas_Minimi","FFAA_Armas_MG4_acog","RH_M249p","RH_M249pelcan","RH_M249pacog","ukf_L86A2LSW_susat","ukf_gpmg","VIL_PKM_N","VIL_PKP","VIL_PK","VIL_RPK74M_N","VIL_RPK74M","VIL_RPK74","VIL_RPK","RH_rpk47","RH_rpk74","RH_rpk74m","RH_rpk74m1p29","uns_bar","uns_m60","uns_m63a","uns_m60shorty","uns_rpd","uns_rpdsog","uns_rpk"];

then when player spawns, makestatic is called 
if ((_playertype in EGG_EVO_PlayerMG) and (perkparam == 1)) then {_actionId8 = player addAction ["Build MG Nest", "actions\static\makestatic.sqf",[_this,5],1, false, true,"test2"]};

and makestatic delivers the action after checking you have an MG...

 case 5: //MG Nest
	_allstat = ["KORD","M2HD_mini_TriPod","M2StaticMG","uns_m2_2","uns_m2_3"];
	_maxb = (count _allstat)-1;
	_stattype = _allstat select (round random _maxb);
	_mkr_name = format ["MG Nest %1", name player];
	_custom = 1;
	_dist = 4;
	if (not ( ((primaryWeapon player) in EGG_EVO_MGweapons)||((secondaryWeapon player) in EGG_EVO_MGweapons)) ) exitWith {hint "You cannot build an MG Nest without a Heavy Machine Gun";_custom = 2};

this is the kind of stuff you can do more easily if you have all the classes laid out systematically.

the same goes for awarding points for capturing an officer or setting up a convoy etc

there's a whole range of uses for this type of array in your mission init

---------- Post added at 10:28 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:17 AM ----------

for those with issues with AI, we're running this profile and it seemd pretty good last night on our trial of Evolution (release imminent)

    class Regular
       class Flags
           3rdPersonView = 1;
           armor = 0;
           autoAim = 0;
           autoGuideAT = 0;
           autoSpot = 1;
           cameraShake = 1;
           clockIndicator = 1;
           deathMessages = 1;
           enemyTag = 0;
           friendlyTag = 1;
           hud = 1;
           hudGroupInfo = 1;
           hudPerm = 1;
           hudWp = 1;
           hudWpPerm = 1;
           map = 0;
           netStats = 1;
           tracers = 0;
           ultraAI = 0;
           unlimitedSaves = 1;
           vonId = 1;
           weaponCursor = 0;
       skillFriendly = 1;
       precisionFriendly = 1;
       skillEnemy = 0.98500001;
       precisionEnemy = 0.20499997;

being able to spawn a mortar was VERY useful for squad survival


Edited by eggbeast

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1 more bug for the team, the Jungle sounds still have European songbirds in it, and the level of jungle noise it a little too quiet.

Don't worry budda it will have a more atmospheric jungle sound in the next release/update


---------- Post added at 08:40 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:37 PM ----------

I'm looking foward to more updates, but I really would like to see a new map.

From the map makers from the forum, anyone would like to build a map for Unsug?

There is another official unsung map in the works, let me say it is NICE.... stay tuned.

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There is another official unsung map in the works, let me say it is NICE.... stay tuned.

I'm hanging on :)

A few wishes for the map though:

1. Much less cluttered, specially the undergrowth.

2. More spaces with "red mud ground" for custom base building.

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@toad. Im using Upsmon and have the skill to 100% and dont have any issue with the view blow. infact me and a mate had a VC patrol walk 5 feet infront of us while we were prone at midnight. so i see no issues with it yet

Will have to look into that, though I'm guessing the fact you were doing it at midnight may have contributed a bit to that, have had AI wander past myself and another couple of guys quite happily at night without noticing us on Takistan etc providing none in the squad had NVG.

Music to my ears... about 70% prior to an internal release... FPS is comparable or better to Lowlands...

Good to hear, as said looking forward to updates :D

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Don't worry budda it will have a more atmospheric jungle sound in the next release/update

Rgr that mate looking forward to it. Will it have napalm etc with the update also?

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@JW CUSTOM wrt your server ,are you perchance using steam oa and disk arma2?

As I have major issues with this combination and uploading missions.I reverted to using arma2 and the above solutions worked.

Also re more spaces in the jungle / grassland - inside the editor there is a map placeable called uns_misc --- uns_grass_cutter_20 ect.

These will make you a clearing and you can build a vill, ect.


Yeah, get that crow,else I'm gonna agent orange the whole province!

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here's a useful bit of script

in your init
//All weapons that class as a tripwire or trap
EGG_EVO_Trapweapons = ["uns_Tripwire1a","uns_Tripwire1a_2","uns_Tripwire1b","uns_Tripwire1b_2","uns_Tripwire2a","uns_Tripwire2a_2","uns_Tripwire2b","uns_Tripwire2b_2","uns_m16apmine","uns_Punji1","uns_Punji1_b","uns_Punji2","uns_Punji2_b","uns_punji3","uns_artilleryround1a","uns_artilleryround1b","uns_artilleryround1c","uns_TripwireM49","uns_TripwireM49_2"];

in your spawn enemy units script

// Tripwires
   _trips = 10;//for example
while {_trips > 0} do 
	_allvecs = EGG_EVO_Trapweapons;
	_max = (count _allvecs)-1;
	_array = [_allvecs select (round random _max),_pos,(east),400,180,0] call BIS_EVO_CreateVehicle; //you can use other vehicle create syntax as this is Evo specific 
	_grp = _array select 0;
	{_x addEventHandler  ["killed", {handle = [_this select 0] execVM "data\scripts\bury.sqf"}]} forEach (units _grp);
	_trips = _trips-1; //##10...4,3,2,1,0
	_recy = [objnull,_grp] execVM "data\scripts\grecycle.sqf";//adapt a deletion script to de-clutter your mission and keep group count down
	Sleep 1;

and hey presto - nightmare traps everywhere

I've also added this to our grenadier -

     case 2: //Grenadier Tripwire
       _allstat = ["uns_TripwireM49","uns_tripwire1b","uns_tripwire2b","uns_artilleryround1a"];
       _maxb = (count _allstat)-1;
       _stattype = _allstat select (round random _maxb);
       _mkr_name = format ["Tripwire %1", name player];
       _custom = 1;
       _dist = 6;
       if (not ( ((primaryWeapon player) in EGG_EVO_GLweapons)||((secondaryWeapon player) in EGG_EVO_GLweapons)) ) exitWith {hint "You cannot build a Tripwire without an underslung grenade launcher";_custom = 2};

which is in actions/makestatic and enables the accurate placing of traps wherever you want them (using VFarber's great ladder placement script I adapted a while ago) - feel free to rip this from GITS Evo Nam.

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More spaces with "red mud ground" for custom base building.

On that note, the "red" in red ground mud is a tad too strong in my opinion, it could do with a bit of toning down. They do have red dirt down there, but when you're standing in it, the colour is quite hurtful to ones eyes. So maybe a compromise between realism and sanity could be reached.

I know its knit picking, but I thought I'd mention it.

Edited by Hund

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having fun with the tripwires.

they sometimes don't seem to sense you and then dramatically go off to your mates horror on your fourth dance through the wire...

could it be the sampling rate of the server? perhaps making the sensor a bit longer from the wire might make it more likely to detect a person passing through it?

they are however fantastic!

we have spawned about 20 in each location in evolution and you have no idea where they are.... eek

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I'm hanging on :)

A few wishes for the map though:

1. Much less cluttered, specially the undergrowth.

2. More spaces with "red mud ground" for custom base building.

noo plz not :eek: the jungle must be big cluttered you can rid the clutter from the ground with cutclutter in unsung_misc_objects in the mission editor,I've already heard a few times less grass and bushes:mad:

peoples what the f..k then goes Playing VTE or be creative,with the included addons you can do it all by selfmade;)

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yeah please dont make the jungle less dence! this is the only map that iv seen that looks like the real vietnam jungles\terrain..and not just for arma2..but for every vietnam game iv ever seen\played! for the red mud, yeah theres many different colored mud\clay\dirt! from what my uncle said the red mud is actually clay...and i think he said it gets turned that color from the sun and also i believe has something to do with the vegitation??? but even tho the color is very realistic when compared to my uncles pics..so the "Red Mud" is spot on but maby for the sake of our sanity and blindness(which btw vietnam in full sunlight can be very blinding in RL) maby the red should be toned down i tiny bit!

but other then that this is the best vietnam map ever, very realistc, has a great and real "Nam" feel to it. and gives many possibilitys! and btw love the Mission "the lowlands" or sumthing like that..the one where you can freely go throw the map and do what you want in your own order. i hope to see more maps like that!

Also to all the people saying stuff like..."i cant see the ppl trying to shoot me, or i never get to do anything in an egagement but shoot blindly in the jungle" well...thats the point and thats about how most engagments in Nam went..and my uncle said you would almost never ever see or find any bodys of the enemy and half the time you didnt know who u was fighting(NVA\VC) and even when they planed ambushes on you, many times you could just as easly suprise them! and from the pics my uncle showed me, you guys would be amazed at just how dence the jungles was..you cant see 20ft infront of you, and you cant move easly with out choping your way throw the jungle..my uncle described it as trying to walk throw giant "wooden\plant" Spider Webs! as everything is a mess of tangled thick trees...bushes\plants interwoven with thick-had to cut Vines(with purty green tree vipers in it..lol so watch witch vines you grab, cause some grab back)!


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noo plz not :eek: the jungle must be big cluttered you can rid the clutter from the ground with cutclutter in unsung_misc_objects in the mission editor,I've already heard a few times less grass and bushes:mad:

peoples what the f..k then goes Playing VTE or be creative,with the included addons you can do it all by selfmade;)

1. I'm talking about a next map not the one there's already here, and it was a wish list.

2. If i use the numbers of cluttercutters it takes to make a huge enough combat area for a mission it lags like hell, believe i already tried!

P.S. maybe you've heard it a few times because there's actually people who would like to see the enemy from time to time and not just fire in blind and depend on the AI to kill the enemy.

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