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World Tools forest tutorial

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My island is 8192x8192. It's 1024x8 meter cells.

I'm not really sure what bitmap size and multiplier to use.

First thing to remember with World Tools is that it doesn't care about your heightmap, or cellsize, or your satmap and its size - all it wants to know is your terrain size in meters... In your case that's 8192...

Second thing to consider is that WT's maximum mask size is 5120... handy for 5120 meter maps, where you can have precise meter-accuracy placement of stuff... (that's not necessarily a good thing, however)...

For any terrain bigger than 5120 meters you'll (usually) use a multiplier... (there are other options, however, if you really must have meter-by-meter placement on a big map - but its a bit of a fuss)

A good basic WT mask size for your terrain would be a 4096x4096 image, with a 2x multiplier - that'll mean that each "cell" of the mask is representing a 2mx2m area..

If you think for a moment about what that actually means on the ground - you're placing trees - WT is rolling random dice on a per-cell basis - it's quite likely you'll at least occasionally get objects in adjacent "mask cells" - that means two trees - two meters apart...

That's quite close together for trees - particularly if they're big ones...

For this reason I sometimes use an even lower-res mask when I'm placing forests, or groups of larger trees...

A 2048x2048 mask with a 4x multiplier would ensure you have no more than one object in every 4m x 4m area... that's probably a more sensible spacing for large trees...

So, basically, in certain situations, you can make the mask size limitation work FOR you...

The opposite is also possible of course, theres parameters within World Tools forest placer to allow random chances of multiple objects per "mask cell" if you wish...

Visitor needs to know the correct path to the object files...

daringd's right... The World Tools "export name" must match the Visitor "object name" - plus of course, you need the object installed in Visitor in the first place...

A quick way to get pretty much all of the Chernarus and Takistan objects loaded correctly into Visitors Artificial & Natural object lists with just a few clicks is to "Import Template"... This allows you to basically import a ".pew" file and Visitor will add all the natural & artificial object definitions that .pew contains to your own projects lists...

You can find a "Visitor Objects Template" file in the Resources & Tutorials section of my website which you can import as a template, and it'll load the Takistan & Cherno objects directly to your lists...

When you manually add objects to the Visitor lists, the "Name" section defaults to the "whole path plus modelname"... it's generally a good idea - for readability sake if nothing else - to trim that name down to just the "objectname" itself...

In one or two cases you'd have to do this anyway, since the "Name" can only consist of so many characters, and one or two "path plus modelnames" are just too long...

With the template import trick above, all of that will be taken care of too...

Next thing to do is follow what daringd said - check what "Name" WorldTools is exporting! - the World Tools objects lists can be a little "inconsistent" - some objects "Name" is just the name, others follow the "whole path plus objectname" pattern... these Names, and the Names in Visitor need to match exactly - to the letter!

Your three choices when faced with a disparity between WT and Visitor are...

Rename the object in WorldTools - then you'll be able to export a clean "names only" list, and Visitor will accept it nicely.

Go ahead and export anyway - then open the WorldTools export file in Notepad and bulk-rename/replace the dodgy "whole path plus modelnames" to "modelnames"

Edit the Visitor lists to match what WorldTools is outputting...

Whatever you choose, as long as the object IS installed in Visitor AND the "names" match Exactly, then everything should be fine.....


Edited by Bushlurker

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Ok I think I get it know. So If I export my terrain image minus blue edge. Then use photoshop to shrink it to 4096 I can use that as the mask image with the 2x multiplier.

Also like d said I think my names were off.

Thanks guys you've been a huge help so far.

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I'm confused, how does the export work? What should I save it as, where should I put it, and how do I get it to work on the actual map?

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I'm confused, how does the export work? What should I save it as, where should I put it, and how do I get it to work on the actual map?

I de-confusd person915 on this point via PM, so no need to reply to this one, guys...


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I de-confusd person915 on this point via PM, so no need to reply to this one, guys...


Can you please post what the solution was for those of us who also want to know?

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Can you please post what the solution was for those of us who also want to know?

Good point - apologies... I'm usually more on the ball with keeping info public...

I'm quite sure person915 won't mind me quoting our PMs, so here's his original question(s) and my replies...

Original Question...

I'm confused, how does the export work? What should I save it as, where should I put it, and how do I get it to work on the actual map?

PM Version of same...

I'm really confused by this. I can create a forest fine and everything, but the thing is when it comes time for an export, it exports it in .exp format. Visitor won't take that. How do I get that data into Visitor? It makes no sense to me. If I export any part of it as an image I can't find a way to put that into Visitor either. What's the secret? How do I make the forest I generated appear in Visitor?

Reply #1

The .exp file is just a text file with a fancy suffix - not sure why Shezan chose to use the .exp thing - it's just a .txt - which is what I think Visitor expects, so just rename it to .txt and it should import no problems - as long as you have the relevant veg models loaded in your "Natural Objects" list.

Another thing to remember is that vegetation and trees look bad if they're all the same size and orientation... in the Natural Objects window which you access from one of the Visitor topline menus you'll see that theres random orientation and size parameters so you can set some variation in there, depending on the veg model, and then when you import, your list of trees will be randomised in size and orientation as they're imported... It's difficult to randomise them all afterwards so its good to get these settings set the way you want for each veg type... Usually something like +/- 20 or 30 size variation, the full +/- 180 degree random rotation and perhaps - very carefully - a slight chance of leaning... maybe only +/-1 degree for that...

Think about what you're importing as you do it - if its a managed forest its likely the trees will be all roughly the same size - so not much variation for those particular trees... maybe +/- 15, whereas in a "wild" context you'd maybe allow a little more size variation on those particular veg models - go crazy with a +30/-50 size window...

PM Follow-up Question #2

Import how? Importing a template makes visitor want to look at another .pew. Importing .xyz isn't a text file and it's for heightmaps etc, and importing terrain from picture isn't a text file either. That's what I'm trying to figure out. Where do I go? Tools? Options? Where do I go to give Visitor the text info? Where and how do I put it in?

PM Reply #2

Import Objects script - topline menu.... Scripts > Add & Run Scripts > navigate to the visitor 3 directory where theres a scripts subdirectory - choose "Import Objects.vis"...

Hope this helps.....


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