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MissionFinder - a tool for finding missions on your hard-drive

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Note - the title should really be "a tool for searching missions with keywords"!

If you have a mission-folder stuffed full of pbo files the chances are that you've found yourself wanting to replay a mission whose name you can't quite remember. MissionFinder is a tool to help you quickly find the mission you are looking for based on a keyword search.

For example, if you can remember only that the mission was a coop, featured an a10 and had a character called 'smith' then entering "a10 coop smith" into the keywords box will almost certainly locate the mission in question.

MissionFinder looks inside the pbo's and reads keywords from the mission.sqm, description.ext, briefing.html, and script files so if necessary you can find a mission based only on a keyword you remember from the briefing or mission task list !

Addon makers may also find this utility useful from time to time.

It's not the prettiest application I've ever written but it does the job.


You can find installation instructions on the homepage.

Edited by sbsmac

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Hah! I'd just downloaded WinGrep in order to do this same kind of thing, thanks so much! Yet another great tool. Seems it only scans PBOs, can it scan folders too? :)

Btw, add BAF to AddOnChecker pretty please. :)

Edited by kylania

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Great tool for those that are still learning the folder and file setup, and well those that lost a mission.

In one way i really dont know how one can lose a mission,

they are all in the same place, sp/mp mission pbos are in the main directory,

and usermissions for sp/mp are under username, you really cant miss.

This would be good for the new missions we have

now Arma2,CO,OA,BAF mission files.

Great job!

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Hmm - it occurs to me re-reading the original post that I didn't make it very clear that MissionFinder looks inside the pbo files to extract keywords. Ie, you can search for a mission based on a keyword that only exists in the briefing.html or even a keyword that appears somewhere in the mission-diary (set through scripting). Will update the description to make this clearer.

Seems it only scans PBOs, can it scan folders too?

It could do I suppose but why not just use grep or findstr for those ? The intention here was really to provide a tool for people who had downloaded loads of pbos and couldn't remember which was which (also rather useful for server admins who tend to end up with a folder full of hundreds of missions).

Btw, add BAF to AddOnChecker pretty please.

<cough>thanks to Sickboy I now have remote desktop running to my main PC so might be able to start looking at unforking the code on this laptop in a bit ;)

Edited by sbsmac

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Ahh ok, yeah maybe "PBO Search Tool" or something might be good subtitle. At least as an editor when I hear "mission" I think "editor missions" first and PBOs a distant third. (Cupcakes being #2)

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