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Weird problem with my ofp

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When I install OFP I get an old user in my usermap and there is no user called player or anything like I think its supposed to be. When I open the folder with the old username from before reinstall I see that its empty. It doesnt have any files at all in it. When I start OFP it works fine for like 3-10 sec then it freezes. I tried removing the empty user and replacing it with a user from another computer with the files and stuff in it. When I start OFP I can still see my old user in the top left corner though its not in the user folder. Thats pretty weird...I've reinstalled the game like 3 times and still I get that ghostlike old user with no info in it and it wount go away. I delete it in the folder but when I start up the game its still there.

Is there a ghost in my computer or is there any way to solve this? This really sucks cuz OFP is the best game I've ever playd and now I cant play it. Plz help I cant figure out whats wrong. It has worked fine before. The problems started after I formated C:, thats when the old user showed up with no info and wouldnt go away. The only different about my computer since before I formated it is that I have installed Creative Blaster 4, but I dont think thats the problem cuz it works fine with other games and it doesnt explain this weird user.

Plz help I want my OFP back! sad.gif

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You may have to manually remove the "user" entry from windows' registry:

Open regedit (type regedit in the "run..." window)

go to this key:

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Codemasters\Operation Flashpoint]

It will have a "Player Name" name entry. Delete this.

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I tried that but I couldnt find it at that location.

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"The problems started after I formated C:, thats when the old user showed up with no info and wouldnt go away."

by "old user" you DO mean a user name that you used to use in the past, right? Your original post isn't very clear.

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Its the username I used before I formated C: that wount go away.

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I don't see how ANY information would have survived a reformatting of the hard disk -- that doesn't make any sense.

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i know my game when i install it automatically puts in my name that i use for windows details when i installed windows is it possible that its just auto entering ur name u use on installation of windows after format that would be the only reason i can think off that the same name came up after format cos a format should and as far as i know does wipe the lot ( that u can see anyway)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Hilandor @ May 03 2002,11:20)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">is it possible that its just auto entering ur name u use on installation of windows after format<span id='postcolor'>

This is the most probable cause.

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Ah, ok.

Is there any way to solve this problem?

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Create a new user, and delete the old one.

I know a couple of people who play on Windows 2000 or XP and whose OFP name is "Administrator" because they were too lazy to change the name...

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No, I mean create a new OFP user, and then delete the one you don't want.

The default name for the player is taken from the name of the current Windows user, which is why the guys I was referring to were playing as "Administrator" -- they were using the Windows 2000 / XP administrative account (which is always created by Windows) when they set up OFP.

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à tried deleting the user from the user folder but it would still be there up in the left corner when I had started OFP. One time I could delete the user inside OFP before it froze, but then it was back there when my computer was restarted. I will try again though to hurry like hell and see if I can delete the user from inside OFP before it freezes.

Its really weird that the user that was created when I installed OFP and contained no information, it was just an empty folder. Deleting the folder did not remove the user because when the folder was gone it would still show up when I started OFP. Very, very weird...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">When I install OFP I get an old user in my usermap and there is no user called player or anything like I think its supposed to be. When I open the folder with the old username from before reinstall I see that its empty. It doesnt have any files at all in it. When I start OFP it works fine for like 3-10 sec then it freezes.<span id='postcolor'>

If I undestand your problem, you cannot change user from OFP because is crahses before you change it. You also think that when you will finally change it, crashing will stop.

I think you should first try to solve crashing, as it does not seem to be related to user in any way. You wrote that you formatted and reinstalled you harddrive. It is very likely your Direct3D compoent, video card, AGP Bus or something like this is now not working correctly. Did you try to run some diagnostic tools (DxDiag)?

Once your OFP will not crash or freeze, you will be able to change user easily.

If your OFP is crashing, send crash files to us as written is Troubleshooting FAQ.

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who said "ghost in the shell" smile.gif

okay this may help you, i find that to have the same color scheme in the dekstop as OPF help alot in direct3D (i didnt have such pb in D3DT&L), i once tried to have OPF running in 16bit and desktop in 32= crash at start screen and soundloop.

My spec: Hercules GeforceIIgts32 directX 8.0a drivers nvidia beta 28.90 *and a shitty VIA chipset*.

*the OPF prefs always told me to stay in 32bit color but i tried to see the differences in visual quality/memory taken*

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I ran the tests and everything worked fine. My deskop resolution and color settings are the same as the ones I use in OFP.

I TABed out of the game and then back in again, then the game crashed instead of freezeing, but that only happend the first time I tried it.

Where do I find the crash files and where do I send them?

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the name of the file is Flashpoint.rpt...

but it's for debugging purpose *i never understand the registry batch addressing*

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Im formating c: again. Maybe it helps, maybe it does nothing, atleast its worth a shot.

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