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ASR AI settings
this file must be found in <game folder>\userconfig\asr_ai\

Quoting from the userconfig file, at the beginning ;)

---------- Post added at 15:24 ---------- Previous post was at 15:15 ----------

1) Is it compatible with slx wounds. I really don't mind if I have to remove any other pbo, wounds is the only thing I like about slx. Just wondering if the injuries and healing work with them both combined.

2) Tweaking units would be used to change the skill level of a unit? So lets say I want independent fighters to be the lowest one how would I go about doing that.

Thank you very much in advance

1) I don't know for sure because I don't use SLX Wounds but in theory it should be compatible as this mod doesn't alter ballistics.

2) It's already set like that by default. Units are classified into levels. General rule is:

SOF (levels 1-2) > Regulars (levels 3-4) > Militia (levels 5-6) > Civilians (level 7)

Tweaking is there as an option, allowing the users to add support for various mods or for those that like to do tweaking :)

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Thanks for the info -

I wasn't sure if I had to create the UserConfig file on my own (or if there already should have been one). That is where I was confused. So I simply create a folder named "userconfig" and place the asr_ai hpp file within it.....


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Thanks for the info -

I wasn't sure if I had to create the UserConfig file on my own (or if there already should have been one). That is where I was confused. So I simply create a folder named "userconfig" and place the asr_ai hpp file within it.....


You must preserve the same directory structure as provided in the download archive:

wrong: <game>\userconfig\asr_ai_settings.hpp

correct: <game>\userconfig\asr_ai\asr_ai_settings.hpp

It's worth mentioning that it's easier if you install from Six Updater since it automatically takes care of where the files must go and all the dependencies.

Edited by Robalo

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I'm having some trouble when trying to join a server that have ASR AI set up via Six Updater.

I keep getting the following error-message when the game loads up:

File userconfig\asr_ia\asr_ai_settings.hpp, line 23: '.':"" encountered instead of '='

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I'm having some trouble when trying to join a server that have ASR AI set up via Six Updater.

I keep getting the following error-message when the game loads up:

File userconfig\asr_ia\asr_ai_settings.hpp, line 23: '.':"" encountered instead of '='

You need to update the settings file. The format has completely changed between version 1.13 and 1.14. Copy the one from <game>\@ASR_AI\userconfig into your <game>\userconfig\ASR_AI. Another option is to choose the "Process userconfigs" action in Six Updater.

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This looks very interesting and looking forward to trying it - thanks for the work doing this mod.

I just installed ASR AI for the first time using Sixupdater - and when that finished I had SU run process userconfigs. I have not yet laumched the game with it but looking in my userconfigs folder there are two asr_ai subfolders:




each of these in turn have the asr_ai_settings file.

What is the difference in the folders and which settings file should I edit for my preferences?

I do have ACE and also Beta vers 89223 installed - if either has anything to do with why the two sets of userconfigs.

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When you run process userconfigs, SU does a backup of the existing one then installs the default. So the ones with the numbers are just backups.

If you open the settings file you will see:

ASR AI settings
this file must be found in <game folder>\userconfig\asr_ai\

That tells you where this file is read from. That's the one you customize as needed.

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I would like to use this in a mission on a DEDI server , would I need all Clients to also have MOD installed ? or can it just be run on the server?


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I would like to use this in a mission on a DEDI server , would I need all Clients to also have MOD installed ? or can it just be run on the server?


If you run on the server only, then only AI controlled by the server are affected. Any units that are part of a player's squad will not be unless that client also has ASR_AI installed.

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Sorry, but I have to report a problem with the addon.

It causes an error with some (don't know why not all) weapons' firing mode. It occurs with BIS weapons (e.g. G36a and G36k burst mode not working while G36c still working) and also with user made weapons (e.g. RH_M4 versions also burst mode not working).

Hope you can correct it asap.

P.S. It might be that the error only occurs when used together with other addons.

Edited by DiFool

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Sorry, but I have to report a problem with the addon.

It causes an error with some (don't know why not all) weapons' firing mode. It occurs with BIS weapons (e.g. G36a and G36k burst mode not working while G36c still working) and also with user made weapons (e.g. RH_M4 versions also burst mode not working).

Hope you can correct it asap.

P.S. It might be that the error only occurs when used together with other addons.

Thanks, just tried with "-mod=expansion\beta;expansion\beta\expansion;@CBA;@ASR_AI;@RH_M4"

Had no error at all, all the G36 worked fine, but the RH M4 was single fire only.

Will fix ASAP but I need to know what other mods are you running to test and fix any other conflicts as much as possible.

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Sorry, Robalo, but I have dozens of other addons running. It will take time to sort out the exact addon, and the next days I'm too busy. But if I find something I'll tell you.

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You should try it without other mods, because what you describe is not by design and is far different from my experience. AI hearing was tweaked a bit upwards but at the same time the soldier movement was configured to be less audible by AI. The goal was to have AI hear better overall without affecting your ability to sneak up on them (I like getting close and shooting them in the head with SD pistols :)

The situation you describe could be from an enemy spotter that reported your position to another group, that could not detect you otherwise. I would be happy to check your scenario and debug the issue if you can provide all the info in a ticket.

Hi again, sorry for my late reply.

I've done a little research on my own, and it actually seems that the AI's extra sensory perception seems overall less prominent with your most recently updated version of ASR_AI.

I conducted the same experiment on both vanilla and ASR_AI and it was a pretty stark contrast.

The vanilla AI could pinpoint my location whilst moving out of its sight far more accurately than the AI with your mod.

I personally believe their hearing is still too accurate. I don't like the fact that I can appear on one end of the street, get spotted, and then detour out of the soldier's line of sight, and then appear on the other side of the street out of view, and the AI will still have successfully estimated my location even though I didn't show myself to them at all after being spotted.

I tried the same experiment only with myself as the constant and the AI running the same route as I did, and I could just -barely- hear his footfalls, and at some points they grew so faint there was -no- way I could ever tell where they were going to reappear.

I personally really hate this, I hate the fact that the Arma 2 AI are basically psychic, or at least have situational awareness that is far greater than that of the player.

I really like your mod, but could you tell me what I should do if I want to somehow customize my game in order to tone down this super hearing, echolocation nonsense that the ai is capable of?

Is it just as simple as making a config mod that lowers the base value for sensitivityear= to something lower than normal?

Does or will your mod interfere with that in such a way that I would perhaps be better off editing some of your code instead of tinkering with that variable?

I'm really trying to enjoy Arma2, and especially with your mod, but this whole business with the AI always knowing where I am really kills my enthusiasm for the game.

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@Pd3 - In the userconfig for ASR_AI you could play with the following values;

gunshothearing = 1; - setting this to 0 will turn off this feature which may help you not get spotted after firing your weapon and then hiding.

radionet = 1; - setting this to zero will prevenent enemy AI from radioing your position to nearby units.

radiorange = 600; - playing with this value will change the range that the nearby units are informed of your position when the above parameter is on.

You could also play with the spotTime and spotDistance values in the skillsets, which will reduce the AI's ability to spot you in the first place.

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Sorry never used this before, what i am after is to try and Dumb down AI skills as they seem to be very very good indeed!

I have even set the server to this:-


But they still seem to kill you miles away and are so accurate, will using this MOD help at all in reducing their precision , if not any solution , as i want bullets to fly around you so fired fights last a lot longer.

Many thanks

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Are you playing on Expert ? Otherwise the AI is far from accurate, using the default settings, lots of bullets flying, even the snipers are missing a lot. Try with skillEnemy = 0.5, that affects the precision too now.

Otherwise, the userconfig file is what you need to tweak, lowering the aim* skills a bit for all levels.

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No playing in regular on Dedi box with UPSMON but as far as I am aware and been informed UPSMON does not use any Skill settings, so I was hoping this mod would solve my issue. using the below settings AI are so acurate they just head shot evey shot they never miss !

I am NOT running this MOD at the moment , so will it reduce their accuracy if I run this on the server ?

This is what I have on the Dedi atm:-

class Regular
	class Flags

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Looks good, skillEnemy=0.6; is what matters.

AI is less accurate than vanilla with this mod.

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Many thanks ill give it a go now , do i need to add anything into the INI of the mission or just run the MOD on the server ?


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Many thanks ill give it a go now , do i need to add anything into the INI of the mission or just run the MOD on the server ?


Simply install the files (mod folder and the userconfig folder) and add it to the modline. In case anyone's interested in a demo, the server in my sig is always running the current versions of my mods (even a bit ahead of the releases usually) with the default settings.


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@Pd3 - In the userconfig for ASR_AI you could play with the following values;

gunshothearing = 1; - setting this to 0 will turn off this feature which may help you not get spotted after firing your weapon and then hiding.

radionet = 1; - setting this to zero will prevenent enemy AI from radioing your position to nearby units.

radiorange = 600; - playing with this value will change the range that the nearby units are informed of your position when the above parameter is on.

You could also play with the spotTime and spotDistance values in the skillsets, which will reduce the AI's ability to spot you in the first place.

I attempted this experiment with one single AI, so its unlikely that it was getting intel from other sources.

I actually really like the radio feature incorporated along with lone soldiers rejoining groups, it mass coordination efforts of the AI really pull the game together in a way previously not experienced.

So I think in terms of that, I think I'm okay, but I will try setting the gunshothearing variable to 0, and posssibly fiddle around with making an inherited config mod that reduces the ai's overall hearing acuity.

Anyhow, Robalo, great mod, great addition to Arma 2.

Thanks for your response Jedra.


Well, I've decided to modify the variables "sensitivity" and "sensitivityear", in the config.bin for asr_ai_c_aisensors:

Regular soldiers have their sensitivity set to '2', and sensitivityear set to 0.0001 (it could be possibly set higher, but I wanted to know definitively that it would change their behavior).

SF and Snipers were set to sensitivity '3', their hearing was also set to 0.0001.

All I can say is, what a difference.

I used the "knowsabout" script to determine the changes to the AI behavior, and their ability to detect you moving out of their line of sight was greatly diminished, more in line with what you'd expect from game AI.

You can actually throw the AI a curveball and detour behind them and take them by surprise now!

Previously the AI would be looking -exactly- in the same direction that you would be re-entering their field of view, and now unless they have a clear line of sight to predict where you're going to be, they can't.

I think I may have solved the problem.

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Thanks, I will look into tweaking the sensitivity down a little. The increase came from numerous requests for better passive spotting (or complains about the blind AI).

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Be careful tuning this setting otherwise you make AI act like dumb bots which can't predict where their opponent could be. In general every AI should be able to anticipate something simple like appearing again on left or right side of the building/object and not beeing stuck looking at last known position of the enemy. Could be perhaps better if after time X the AI will get a bit nervous and after time X+n AI will continue with their mission. Just something that a human player would do in this situation too.... ;)

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I am still having a issue with AI being Aim-bots - I have set it to Regular and set the server to below to test


But they still shoot me within 2 bullets in the head !

I am using ACE and also UPSMON - but i believe UPSMON would not have any effect on skill etc..

I really would like to dumb them down a lot as it is for a training mission and would like a lot of bullet flying around they are OPFOR insurgents - if that make any difference ?

Edited by psvialli

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