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Setting Up a Server

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I thought O posted this already but I guess not.

I’m a member of a Unit who has it’s own server. My question: Is it possible to set up a server where all member of the Unit has access to all weapons and vehicles and any quest that log on only have access to standard weapons and access to certain vehicles and no aircraft? I remember when I first started playing ArmA that I would come onto a server and if I want a better weapon I had to earn it by points. Right now every one has access to everything and at times it’s a wild west show. Kids flying and crashing and a lot of blue on blue. I am only a member and know nothing about the going ons of the sever. I hope one of you can help me out. Thanks for your time.

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No, it's about the mission you choose to host. Don't host such missions or change them to better accommodate role playing the slot they took. Domination is a typical example where things tends to turn crappy once you open the server to the public, as most tend to join Domination knowing it is a "free-for-all" game - do whatever you want.

But it's fairly easy to set it up to put some restrictions on it. Either in the mission rotation system, where you preset every setting to your liking, or set them in the mission itself. Obviously not all missions have builtin support to make harder rules (or easier for that matter).

So without resorting to "clan cheating", I'm guessing the answer is no. I'll also say that when I encounter servers saying "only clan members can do this and that", I'm never going back to it. I fully understand the reasons behind it, but in almost every case I've seen, the clan guys are just as bad (if not worse) as the noob wrt how (not) to handle heavy equipment. When they time and time again destroy equipment, they shouldn't deny others to do the same. If you need to be more serious about it, host more serious missions instead. You might not attract as many people, but you might attract more of the right people.

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If you have some scripters in your unit, they could probably modify an existing mission to give anyone in the unit all weapons using the getPlayerUID command. Just create a list of UIDs belonging to unit members, then check all player UIDs against the list, to decide what equipment they can use.

(Of course the mission would have to be modified whenever a player leaves or joins the unit, because you would need to update the list.)

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