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Fireteam roles

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Seems to be pretty much the same idea all around. I still prefer (at least for AI games) to arrange them in the following fashion:

1. Team Leader

2. Light Machine gun (right of Team Leader)

3. Grenadier/Scout/Marksman/LAT/Whatever (Left of Team Leader, Team Leaders buddy).

4. Assistant Gunner (Far right of Team Leader, Light Machine Gunners buddy).

* Firepower team is always located to your right, analogy with "Team Leaders Right Hand" :p

* Firepower team members will always have even numbers.

* During march, Team Leader has good contact with Light Machinegunner, being right behind him securing right (can be switched with #3, Team Leaders buddy, securing left). Assistant will always be the guy covering the rear.

This is my way of thinking about a fireteam anyways. Would like to hear others theories about this, and the method behind them. Placing vanilla groups in the editor often gives what I consider "the big mess" which doesn't seem to follow any particular method at all. I.e. one machine gunner and one assistant, but being placed on opposite sides of one another (in a line/wedge).

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Well, the variations I've learned are either like CarlGustaffa's (although not necessarily always shifted to the right. If you need firepower to the left having the firepower on the right is purely stupid), or one with the AR at one side of the FTL, and the two riflemen (with whatever special equipment) on the other side of him. That way the amount of firepower is more balanced to left and right.

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Thanks for the feedback. Much appreciated.

If there's straightforward and documented positions for other 4-man fireteam formations from other countries, please post them here by all means.

In terms of placement within a 4-man fireteam, in most manuals I've seen (like the [u.S.] Combat Leader's Field Guide) you'll have Team Leader at the front middle, whether it be a wedge, or file, or line etc. This is so they are in the best position to draw on their senior experience and assess contacts etc and direct team-members accordingly. Generally it's also important that all members are able to see their team leader and this is best facilitated by them leading from front and middle.

Each formation has different characteristics of control, flexibility, security, and fire capabilities for the team. The goal for fire capabilities is to have the most effective firepower available as soon as possible in the direction that the enemy is most likely to be in.

So the Light Machine Gun ('Automatic Rifleman') and Grenadier are next. The LMG usually but not always next, behind the team-leader on the left or right-hand side. You can imagine though that if you were expecting to encounter enemy best-engaged with a grenadier that you would have the grenadier there instead.

Lastly, the rifleman (with the least firepower) faces the direction the enemy is least likely to be in. This may be rear-security for example.

I think the Buddy Team concept is very effective and useful in-game so, all other things being equal, it's best to try position each of the 2 buddy sets next to each other in any given formation.

Edited by Swedge

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But buddy-teams also change with what you face. The FTL might want to manage the automatic rifleman and thus 'buddies' with him to be able to point out targets, or he buddies with the grenadier to best employ the grenade launcher.

I am however not sure how strict setup countries have with this. I assume it differs with doctrines, depending on the amount of initiative and independence fire team leaders and individual squad members are allowed.

There are also different arguments whether the light machine gun should be at the very front (if walking in file) or in CQB to have the most possible fire power ready as fast as possible, or if to put him further back (for example as second man) to be able to quickly put him into position, without risking the heaviest weapon being the first victim in combat.

Afraid I can't give specific examples though, because I've got so many different variants mixed in my head I can't remember what branch and/or country uses what. >.<

Suffice to say though that pretty much every possible combination of order of march is used.

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@Inkompetent: That "right of team leader" only applies to AI games. The #2 position is always fixed to the right of the team leader. If I expect contact to either side, I use echelon formation as needed, making it a non issue also with AI. For human players, no problem having a wedge with the firepower buddies to the left. The main idea is nonetheless good contact between fireteam leader and his light machinegunner, with the assistant gunner always being close to his buddy. And the fireteam leaders buddy will also always be fairly close to him (only light machinegunner between them in a column).

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