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[SP] BAF/AO - The Bastam Connection

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So, Takistan. I kind of expected a barren desert but most of it seems quite fertile, perticularly in the valleys. We'll see if it feels as pretty when the shells start coming down. Word amongst the boys is we're going to start agressively hunting the insurgency down, right to their front doors in the mountains. Hell, I don't know how wise that is, we're lacking in helicopters and heavy armour and no matter what you hear, the Takis are good fighters. They ought to be, this land has been a battle ground for millenia, with some of the groups tracing their greivances right back to the Garden of Eden. Still, I can't say I don't welcome the stratergy if it gets me some action. They say a good soldier should be prepared for combat but never wish it, but bollocks to that, I've been training for this for years. Still, from what the boys say its only a matter of time till you get into a big contact in this part of the country, so we'll see.

Well I couldn't sleep last night so I dug up one of my numerous old missions I abandoned when I realised I didn't understand how to make anything I wanted to happen happen and decided I was actually going to make it work. So I brushed it up, added the new British forces, learnt how to to add scripts and briefings and here it is FULLY WORKING (In 9 out of 10 test runs). In my FIRST MISSION RELEASE SINCE 2001. Its a multiple objective romp through counter insurgency warfare and I'm actually quite proud of it even if its not near the standards of any of you guys who actually know how to make things work without engineering in ludicrous work arounds!

So enjoy, tell me what you like, what you hate and tell me if it doesen't work for you.

*Known issues*

Sometimes enemies flee to the hills after the initial contact, doesent break the mission but the subsequent "danger" stance on your squad can make it take a long time to reach Bastam.

Combat too close to bastam can make the Iman run away, meaning when you reach his supposed location your squad leader "converses" with thin air. Again, immersion breaking not mission breaking.

Occasionally exfil chopper crashes into trees, but what else is new?



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Just played your mission and it was very good overall, but I couldnt finish because the Merlin tries to land on the mosque outer wall, so no one can get in, maybe a different waypoint further out of town would sort it.

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Hmmm I thought I fixed that, no matter, theres nothing to speak of after it picks you up. I'll work on fixing that.

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