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CO16 Insurgency

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21 Nov 2010

i appreciate the feedback however i'm no longer working on insurgency. I know it's not exactly finished but rl has been quite full on over the past 2 months and when i do return to arma i'll probably start a new project. Anyone else feel free to work on it and sorry i didn't mention this earlier.

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Richardg, I have a re-worked "Counter Insurgency" mission pack at my site that works in SP but also have EAST versions and multiple factions available (and some Oden-features, also just added two Invasion 1944 versions on Omaha)

download: http://odenhouse.servegame.com/coin.7z

Mind you I haven't fully played it in SP so as usual (with my productions) there are surely one or five bugs in there.

If you like it send credits to pogoman and if you don't like it or find bugs send me a PM (to not hijack this thread).

Edit: I speel raely baad

Edited by [ASA]ODEN

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With Pogoman to busy to work on Insurgency, lets keep up his excellent mission style with our own versions.

I have a Realism Coop version running on our server at Task Force Black Jack - Alpha Server.

Its still WIP and I will release a full version once I am happy with it. But if you are a fan please come help us test it. It has Mando Air Support Console (UAV and CAS), R3F Artillery and Aviation, the catch is if you kill to many civilians, they turn against you and eventually you will loose the mission.

If anybody has successfully tested limited lives and found a negative result at the end of the number set, please let me know the fix. Right now I m getting no penalty.

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I love your mission, and so I would love to have a look inside to learn something from it. However, for some mysterious reason -where I am able to UnPBO every mission.pbo I've tried - yours doesn't show any contents, and the program is unable to extract it.

If anyone is able to, would he/she be so kind to upload it and sent me a link please? :rolleyes:

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Nassau Amphibious Ready Group, 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit

Insurgency - Edited by Chief

The tip of the Presidential sword, a Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), is being deployed off the coast of Lingor Island, a puppet Island state in Central America. As of now, conditions are peaceful, but that could changed with the unrest of the current regime.

If called to land, the MEU is self contained with soft vehicles, armor, attack and utility helicopters and Harrier jets, all operation off of the LHD. The mission is still unknown, but the MEU is ready for almost anything, including the evacuation of the US Embassy, securing beach heads, and offensive/defensive operations.

The island State of Lingor is a jungle setting with hills creating valleys on the map. Small villages dot the landscape. There is a large waterway network that small patrol boats could take advantage of, especially in the insertion of US Marines on missions. There is a LHD ship and escorts perched off the coast supplying the push onto the island. The situation is fluid, and I can't really say more.

*Note this is an Arma 2 simulation. It is explaining the bases behind the next map I am working on. The map uses dynamic spawns created based on player positioning, distance, direction of the eyes of the player. It spawns enemy soldiers, heavy guns, vehicles and other items. The island is brought to life with civilians, vehicles and critters. This is based on the wonderful Insurgency Map, reworked for a harder experience.

This new (hardcore rule-set) requires additional team work to take over Red squares. It includes an option for additional AI enemy combatants and includes additional forces in strong point areas. This map has an addition of USMC TO&E assets with some of them that respawn on short to long timers if shot down, destroyed or abandoned. The A-10 and Uh-60 AI Controlled bird have been removed and replaced with aircraft more suitable for a USMC flavor. Small patrol craft are being added.

The current state of the mission is about 60% complete. I am trying to rework respawn scripts on boats attached to the LHD to get them to respawn, but as of yet I have not been able to get the LHD 100% working for a true Amphibious Landing with all assets spawning and operating off the LHD.

Edited by sowens

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This mission has replaced domination on our servers, its frickin awesome :) one bug though, when people join slots that have been used before they are kicked from the server anyone know why?

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21 Nov 2010


Originally Posted by pogoman

i appreciate the feedback however i'm no longer working on insurgency. I know it's not exactly finished but rl has been quite full on over the past 2 months and when i do return to arma i'll probably start a new project. Anyone else feel free to work on it and sorry i didn't mention this earlier.


We took the above literally and have integrated a lot of your code into a toolkit for mission builders to build different types of missions out of it. We have been working on it heavily. Proper credit to pogoman and other scripters are left in the code, although some of the scripts have been renamed and heavily modified. It has turned from a User Mission to a Mission Template for mission builders.

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This mission is the absolute dog's danglies ! I LOVE IT !

Great job pogoman ! Keep up the good work !

EDIT: I can get it to work on Lingor but not on Fallujah for some reason :(

EDIT 2: After crashing the chopper (on a dedi) I have difficulty respawning on Lingor. I then get the following errors

2011/01/04, 10:03:44 Error in expression <KRON_randomPos;

_roadlist = _targetPos nearRoads 2000;

if (count _roadlist>0) >

2011/01/04, 10:03:44 Error position: <nearRoads 2000;

if (count _roadlist>0) >

2011/01/04, 10:03:44 Error Type Any, expected Number

2011/01/04, 10:03:44 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.lingor\server\AI\UPS.sqf, line 526

2011/01/04, 10:03:48 Error in expression <KRON_randomPos;

_roadlist = _targetPos nearRoads 2000;

if (count _roadlist>0) >

2011/01/04, 10:03:48 Error position: <nearRoads 2000;

if (count _roadlist>0) >

2011/01/04, 10:03:48 Error Type Any, expected Number

2011/01/04, 10:03:48 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.lingor\server\AI\UPS.sqf, line 526

2011/01/04, 10:03:48 Error in expression <KRON_randomPos;

_roadlist = _targetPos nearRoads 2000;

if (count _roadlist>0) >

2011/01/04, 10:03:48 Error position: <nearRoads 2000;

if (count _roadlist>0) >

2011/01/04, 10:03:48 Error Type Any, expected Number

2011/01/04, 10:03:48 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.lingor\server\AI\UPS.sqf, line 526

2011/01/04, 10:03:49 Error in expression <KRON_randomPos;

_roadlist = _targetPos nearRoads 2000;

if (count _roadlist>0) >

2011/01/04, 10:03:49 Error position: <nearRoads 2000;

if (count _roadlist>0) >

2011/01/04, 10:03:49 Error Type Any, expected Number

2011/01/04, 10:03:49 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.lingor\server\AI\UPS.sqf, line 526

2011/01/04, 10:03:53 Error in expression <KRON_randomPos;

_roadlist = _targetPos nearRoads 2000;

if (count _roadlist>0) >

2011/01/04, 10:03:53 Error position: <nearRoads 2000;

if (count _roadlist>0) >

2011/01/04, 10:03:53 Error Type Any, expected Number

2011/01/04, 10:03:53 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.lingor\server\AI\UPS.sqf, line 526

2011/01/04, 10:03:54 Error in expression <KRON_randomPos;

_roadlist = _targetPos nearRoads 2000;

if (count _roadlist>0) >

2011/01/04, 10:03:54 Error position: <nearRoads 2000;

if (count _roadlist>0) >

2011/01/04, 10:03:54 Error Type Any, expected Number

2011/01/04, 10:03:54 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.lingor\server\AI\UPS.sqf, line 526

2011/01/04, 10:03:55 Error in expression <KRON_randomPos;

_roadlist = _targetPos nearRoads 2000;

if (count _roadlist>0) >

2011/01/04, 10:03:55 Error position: <nearRoads 2000;

if (count _roadlist>0) >

2011/01/04, 10:03:55 Error Type Any, expected Number

2011/01/04, 10:03:55 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.lingor\server\AI\UPS.sqf, line 526

2011/01/04, 10:03:59 Error in expression <KRON_randomPos;

_roadlist = _targetPos nearRoads 2000;

if (count _roadlist>0) >

2011/01/04, 10:03:59 Error position: <nearRoads 2000;

if (count _roadlist>0) >

2011/01/04, 10:03:59 Error Type Any, expected Number

2011/01/04, 10:03:59 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.lingor\server\AI\UPS.sqf, line 526

2011/01/04, 10:03:59 Error in expression <KRON_randomPos;

_roadlist = _targetPos nearRoads 2000;

if (count _roadlist>0) >

2011/01/04, 10:03:59 Error position: <nearRoads 2000;

if (count _roadlist>0) >

2011/01/04, 10:03:59 Error Type Any, expected Number

2011/01/04, 10:03:59 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.lingor\server\AI\UPS.sqf, line 526

2011/01/04, 10:04:00 Error in expression <KRON_randomPos;

_roadlist = _targetPos nearRoads 2000;

if (count _roadlist>0) >

2011/01/04, 10:04:00 Error position: <nearRoads 2000;

if (count _roadlist>0) >

2011/01/04, 10:04:00 Error Type Any, expected Number

2011/01/04, 10:04:00 File mpmissions\__cur_mp.lingor\server\AI\UPS.sqf, line 526

Edited by Kremator

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Will test out now for a little bit Pogoman, sounds interesting.

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the mission is for arma, its based on a half life 2 mod called empires

ahhh great, I was confused as to why in the world you would work on hl2 mods

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I can't seem to switch off the markers, even if done so in the parameters they still show up.

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Love the simplistic concept of this mission and the dynamics but i seem to be having some buggy problems with the respawn and injury system while playing on a non-dedicated server with AI enabled. My group's AI keep respawning down south near the "grave digger" enemy and keep getting killed as soon as they respawn because of it. Also the healing and animation was doing some strange things for some reason.

Would by chance anyone have any sort of modified version for download that can be played with AI enabled on a non-dedi server?

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minor bug.

If your dragging someone and try to change stance either from stnading to crouch or crouch to standing or anyone to lying down, you are still attached to the dragged person, but now cant let go of them.

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You need to ask the person driving/in cargo to get out of the car first, then you can respawn beside him.

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wait a minute pls. my english bad.

i mean how long destroed car revive in base?

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wait a minute pls. my english bad.

i mean how long destroed car revive in base?

damn near instantly

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ODEN;1793427']Richardg' date=' I have a re-worked "Counter Insurgency" mission pack at my site that works in SP but also have EAST versions and multiple factions available (and some Oden-features, also just added two Invasion 1944 versions on Omaha)

download: [url']http://odenhouse.servegame.com/coin.7z[/url]

Oden? how long destroed car revive in your mission?

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