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Elliot Carver

Lads, need a hand with first addy

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Hey folks,

Been teaching myself how to make an addon from start to finish this week, ironing out the problems as i go. What im left with are a few issues that im gunna have to ask for a hand with (Been following Mondkalb's "How to create an Addon from scratch")

1. Cant get the animation to work in game but it works in Buldozer.

2. I managed to fix the damage and rvmat issue to make it solid but now when you shoot the addon it hard crashes back to the desktop lol (i only have O:A - destruction effect conflict?)

3. How to make the damage smoke effects smaller.

4. if your feeling generous how to attach a sound to the animation but i don't mind having a shot at that myself before asking here.

From what i can tell i've ironed out the O2 side of business and the Stringtable.csv is correct. Appreciate the help chaps, top quality community.

FPDR Carver


//The Class "CfgSkeletons" defines all moving objects.

class CfgSkeletons {
//Always create class "default" first.
//Your actual config-entry should be a derivate of this.
class Default {
	isDiscrete = 1;
	skeletonInherit = "";
	skeletonBones[] = {};
//the derivate of your skeleton from claa "Default".
class HDS_obj_skeleton : Default {

	// The moving objects are here defined
	// If two selections are linked together
	// they can be written next to each seperated by only a comma
	// if they are not linked, they need to be
	// seperated by  ,"", 
	skeletonBones[]= {
	// The last entry gets no comma

// This class defines the actual moves
class CfgModels {
//load some bases from which you can derivate
class rotation;
// And again: class default
class Default {

class Animations {};

// Your own "class default"
class HDS_obj {
sections[]= {};

skeletonName="HDS_obj_skeleton";	// same as in cfgskeletons

// The name behind the class 
// dhas to be the exact name of your .p3d
// without .p3d
class HDS_Door_3x3m : HDS_obj {

	// the rotation animation
	class Animations {
		class Open_door : Rotation { // name of the animation

		type="rotation"; 	// Type of movement

		source="user"; // Trigger of the animation

		selection="Door"; // the thing that moves

		axis="Door_Achse"; // take a guess what this does...

		memory = 1; // can the axis be found in memory-lod? 1 = yes, 0 = no

		angle0=0; // initial angle of the door in radians

		angle1=-1.6; // final position after playing the animation


/* Declaration as Addon-Content.*/
class CfgPatches 		{
/* "Hey ArmA2, this is an addon and it's named "HDS_Gate"*/
/* The name should be indentical to the folder's name*/
class HDS_Gate	{
	units[] = {};
	weapons[] = {};
	requiredVersion = 0.1;
	requiredAddons[] = {};

/* The category in the editor like "Objects" or "Cars".*/
class CfgVehicleClasses {

class HDS_GateVehicleClass {
	displayName = "HDS Gate";

/* This is where arma gets the information about a new object. */
/* Donät be confused by the "vehicles" in CfgVehicles*/
class CfgVehicles {
/* everything between here and "Class Land_ ..." is important for the animation to work properly without any "lags". */

class All;

class HouseBase;

class Ruins: HouseBase {};

/* Again your very own basic definition*/
class HDS_Base_Object : All {
	scope = 0;
	side = 3;
	icon = "iconStaticObject";
	nameSound = "object";
	simulation = "house";
	picture = "pictureStaticObject";
	sound = "Building";
	placement = "vertical";
	ladders[] = {};
	vehicleClass =  "";
	displayName = "";
	coefInside = 1;
	coefInsideHeur = 0.25;
	mapSize = 7.5;
	animated = true;
	armor = 200;
	destrType = "DestructBuilding";
	damageResistance = 0.004;

	class DestructionEffects {
		class Sound {
			simulation = "sound";
			type = "DestrHouse";
			position = "destructionEffect1";
			intensity = 0.1;
			interval = 1;
			lifeTime = 0.05;

		class DestroyPhase1 {
			simulation = "destroy";
			type = "DelayedDestruction";
			lifeTime = 2.5;
			position = "";
			intensity = 0.1;
			interval = 1;

		class DamageAround1 {
			simulation = "damageAround";
			type = "DamageAroundHouse";
			position = "";
			intensity = 0.1;
			interval = 1;
			lifeTime = 1;

/* Your very own base class for buildings*/
class HDS_Housebase : HDS_Base_Object {
	scope = 1;
	model = "";
	icon = "";
	displayName = "";
	animated = true;
	vehicleClass = "HDS_GateVehicleClass";
	nameSound = "house";
	accuracy = 0.2;
	typicalCargo[] = {};
	transportAmmo = 0;
	transportRepair = 0;
	transportFuel = 0;
	mapSize = 11;
	cost = 0;
	armor = 800;
	/*extern*/ class DestructionEffects;
/* Everything between here and "Class All" (above)  is important for the animation to work without any "lags". */
/* The "Land_" infront of all buildings is important for the destructioneffects to work properly. After the "Land_" the name of the .p3d (without the .p3d ending) has to follow!*/

class Land_HDS_Gate_3x3m: HDS_Housebase {
	model = "\HDS_Gate\HDS_Gate_3x3m.p3d";	/* path to the object */
	displayName =  "$STR_HDS_Gate"; 	/* entry in Stringtable.csv */
										/* Important are the $ and the capital STR_*/
	nameSound = "";						
	mapSize = 4;						/* Size of the icon */
	icon = "iconStaticObject";			/* Path to the picture shown in the editor. */
       accuracy = 1000;   
	armor = 450;						/* "Lifepoints", if you like to call it that way.*/
	destrType = "DestructBuilding";		/* type of destruction, when armor = 0 */
	scope = 2;							/* Display it in the editor? 1 = No, 2 = Yes */
	class DestructionEffects : DestructionEffects

		class Ruin1
		simulation = "ruin";
		type = "\HDS_Gate\HDS_Gate_3x3m_Ruin"; /* path to the object*/
			/* Warning, if you use a custom rubble model, it has to be defined in the cfgvehicles (see below)*/
		position = "";
		intensity = 1;
		interval = 1;
		lifeTime = 1;

/*  Same name as stated in the Class DestructionEffects, but an "Land_" added infront*/
class Land_HDS_Gate_3x3m_Ruin : ruins	{
	scope = 1;
	model = "\HDS_Gate\HDS_Gate_3x3m_Ruin.p3d";
	displayName = "Gate ruins";

/* Your doorsegment is derivated from the normal Gate.*/
class Land_HDS_Tur_3x3m: Land_HDS_Gate_3x3m {
	model = "\HDS_Gate\HDS_Tur_3x3m.p3d";
	displayName =  "$STR_HDS_Tur";

	/* Arma needs to know, how the animation trigger is triggered*/
	class AnimationSources {
			/* name must be identical to the one given by the model.cfg ("Open_Door")" */
		class Open_door {
			source = "user";
			animPeriod = 4; /* duration in seconds */
			initPhase = 0; 

	/* The entry to the actionmenu */
	class UserActions
		class Open_door
			onlyforplayer = true;
			radius=3; /* visibility distance of the entry */
			condition="this animationPhase ""Open_door"" < 0.5";
			statement="this animate [""Open_door"", 1]";
		class Close_door : Open_door
			condition="this animationPhase ""Open_door"" >= 0.5";
			statement="this animate [""Open_door"", 0]";


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does the action "open door" appears? if not maybe you forgot to add Door_knopf piont in memory lod of your model

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I've got it set to "Open Gate" in the string table (see below) and it does appear. Ive just double checked the memory lod and its all there the Door_Achse, Door_Knoph and Door :)


STR_HDS_Tur,"Gate (3m) Openable"
STR_HDS_Wall,"Gate (3m)"
STR_HDS_OpenDoor,"Open Gate"
STR_HDS_CloseDoor,"Close Gate"

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