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Help with creating a simple firefight mission.

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I want to create a simple mission on Takistan that ends when all opposition is killed. I don't know how to create start and stop points, or how to end the game when all opposition is dead.

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I recommend playing in the editor for ages and seeing what you do can without any scripting knowledge at all.

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I recommend playing in the editor for ages and seeing what you do can without any scripting knowledge at all.

Lol i'm pretty sure that's the only way to become "truly" familiar with the editor. (or at least the basics)

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I got a minute, you just lay down your units you want to use, give them waypoint positions that will ensure a firefight, place a trigger that covers the whole area, with activation opfor (or blufor),not present, type=end#1

When you do search, search in google not here and add arma 2 at the end of your search i.e 'waypoints arma 2' it'll pull from other good resources as well as this forum... also youtube has some good tutorials if you're a visual learner like me.

once you get the hang off it look for some mods like DAC, GL4 that will help enhance your mission greatly, it may take a bit to get to know how to use them... but thats arma, be careful not to get hooked :)

heres a link to get you started in the right direction http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/ArmA:_Mission_Editor_-_User_Interface

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