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Great moments in battle

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What are some of your favorite great moments in battle? This can be from anything; OFP, some real war, some other game maybe, Anything...

One that was on my mind recently was this:

I was playing the single mission bomberman, and i had taken out the convoy, and was engaging the reinforcments. Bravo was taking care of the BMP, but there was one enemy soldier trying to flee the scene. I had one shot left in the clip. I took my shot, and just before he went out of my few (Blocked by a hillside), i got him in the legs, and he was forced to crawl. I quickly re-loaded, and started running along the hillside to hunt him down. Finally, i got far enough to see beyond my previous blindspot, and there he was, crawling to freedom..........I leveled my sights, took the shot, and finished him off.

I just thought that was really exhilarating.

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I have had waaaaayyyyy toooo many to even remember.

The most recent.  A few hours ago I was playing "Revenge" in the single player missions as a Russian.

It was a GREAT battle!

It was so realistically done.  It was a tough fight!  I lost some men, but man!  Did we wreck the enemy HQ!!!!  It felt just like a real war!!  Bullets flying everywhere, explosions everywhere!

People running all around!!

We started out of the BMP.  We ran to the first objective with many other Russian squads at our side.  I got in a few kills, but mostly I was busy coordinating the attack.  Telling my men what formation to go into, pointing out enemies by clicking over them.  Basically making sure the attack went as smoothly as possible.  

I lost one AT man in the initial assault.  Then a blackhawk came in and was lowering to insert some American Special Forces.  I quickly grabbed an AT and blew it out of the sky before it could land.

Then we progressed into the main battle.  We are killing alot of men, Mostly my men are doing it.  I am calling out men so that my men knows that they are there and so that they can shoot them at their leisure.

After a while, we have lost a few other men.  And the enemies are greatly weakened.  Most are at their base.  I call in the granadiers and they blow away a whole bunch of men.  I pull out my RPG and take out an M-60 tank.

Eventually we are pretty roughed up, but we were still alive and the enemies were scattered.  I gathered my men and made for the town center.

Just as my men are turning around a corner, my pointman gets killed.  Immediately I pull the rest of my men behind the building to hide.  We begin to circle around the other side of the building to flank the enemy who shot him.  I didn't see him since he was out of our view.

Apparently he came around the corner to finish off any other men, and one of my men shot him.

Then the mission was complete, I had I think 4 men left.

It was intense.

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Now that you mention the Revenge mission, i have a story about that mission too. It was the first time i completed it.

It started off with the whole assault moving into La Passagne. I let the armor and other

infantry clear that town. No point risking my men and i over something they can easily

achieve. After that, i made my way to the right flank, where the mountains overlooking the

whole area are. Once at a good spot, i got out my RPG launcher, and spotted the black hawk

dropping off some civillian re-enforcements, and a squad of Black-Ops, leveled it at the

right range, took a shot, and BOOM! no escape for them. After that, i made my way to where

Bravo team was awaiting my orders. My men and i hung out with them for a bit, picking off

enemies as we saw them. At one point, an officer found his way up 50 meters to my right,

which was a bit of a shock. He was slow on the draw though, so it was ok. After that, we

went back to harrassing the town at long range. Finally, i ordered Bravo into the town. I

covered them while they made their way down the hillside. I looked over, and there was the

armor. One M-60, one M113, and one Vulcan. With two RPG's left, i was able to take out the

M113 and the Vulcan, but the M-60, i would have to leave up to the other RPG soldier with

us. I told him to attack it, but giving that order meant that he would be straying quite a

bit from the rest of us which would jeoprodize him. Upon realizing this, i ordered him back

into formation. We made our way down the hillside, with Bravo already in the town doing its

best to avoid the M-60. When we got close enough, the enemy tank made the mistake of coming

too close, and my RPG soldier had his way with him. It took all three of his rockets, but

he got the job done. After that, we watched the town some more. I could only see two

soldiers moving around. At one point, i fired a few shots at them, but then i realized

something; "That isnt the cammoflauge of a terrorist, those are Russian uniforms!" It was

the last of Bravo squad. They had suffered for it, but they made it into the town. When we

got there, we never un proned ourselves. Charlie could be anywhere - which he was. I found

the corpse of a soldier who still had some hand grenades on him. They came in real handy as

it turned out. we got through, and i had had thrown a grenade into pretty much every house

there, except two. I ordered my empty RPG soldier into one of them. I thought if he died, i

could see where it came from and seek vengeance. The first house was clear. I then ordered

him into the last house. He ran around it a little ways, but a volly of gunfire took him

down. I ordered the rest of my men to "Engage at will" in case the enemy was outside

somewhere. When i saw that none of my men were around the last house, i threw my last

grenade into it.....Victory!!! I had killed the final soldier.

Final results, i was credited with over 12 general infantry, a black hawk, eight black

ops, a vulcan, and an M113.

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i stole a scud for the hell of it and ended up running head on into an enemy squad who proceeded to kill me. after i was dead they still emptied their ammo supply into me. for the next 15 seconds on the "you are dead" screen i was seeing muzzle flashes, hearing gunshots, and hearing them hit my body smile.gif that was a very memorable moment (it just happened 2 mins ago)

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Lol! This is hilarious. OFP war stories. Just like a bunch of old geezers talking about WWII or Vietnam. "Back in 'nam we were surrounded by a battallion of NVA on hill 772, yep....there I was. Knee deep in grenade pins."

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are you honestly saying you dont have anything to share along those lines? wink.gif

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he's saying he keeps getting owned by the ruskees and doesn't have any victory stories smile.gif

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oh, ok. Didnt know what he was talking about for a sec. wink.gif

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Yeah I do, but I'm to lazy to type a post that large. Remember that"Just had a WOW moment thread?" We've done this before. I had one in your mission Aculaud. I was out of M-21 ammo from sniping about 40 dudes and was running down to the main base where the tanks were parked. A squad of Ruskies were waiting right by them that I couldn't see from my position. They opened fire, it was crazy. I could hear all the rounds plinking off the armor. I was shot twice and managed to get inside a T-80 as the gunner and blow them all to hell. Too bad I accidentally destroyed the field hospital when I shot one of the BMPs with a HEAT round.

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oh, thats no good. Yeah, i fixed the new version so you cant get in vehicles. It messed up the artillery script.

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Ack! That is not realistic at all! That's one of the things that I like about OFP. You can improvise. I tried new version I could still get in the tanks. tounge.gif

Also, you can snipe all the crew members turned out of the manned ones and take the vehicle. tounge.gif

I did that with the BMP 2 at the smaller base.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (USSoldier11B @ April 27 2002,09:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Lol! This is hilarious. OFP war stories. Just like a bunch of old geezers talking about WWII or Vietnam. "Back in 'nam we were surrounded by a battallion of NVA on hill 772, yep....there I was. Knee deep in grenade pins."<span id='postcolor'>

Hmm.. you havn't contributed anything to the "Military Stupidity" thread. After three years in the army you *must* have som good stories to tell smile.gif

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i did that in a "recon" mission once. was supposed to "stowaway" in a truck (when you got to the waypoint it moved you incargo, kinda lame. so i walked quietly up to mr bmp and shot all the crew. same for the truck biggrin.gif so im drivin along the road lalala and some shilkas show up so i blast them away and a little message pops up "AA site located at (coords)" then i went to the town and hopped out of the BMP because there were a bunch of T-80s around. i proceeded to lay my satchell charges near the shilkas in the area because i spotted some MI-24s that were stealable. so i hop in the gunners position of the MI-24 in the front because i know the T-80 is going to blast me the second i start the engine. after i was done wasting him with the 30 (isn't it actually a 20? oh well) i detonated the satchells and took off. after that was me just merrily blasting away with rockets and missiles.

another time was in operation sunstrike i spent 4 hours on it and got like 100+ kills. got a screenshot around here somewhere i just made my squad camp in the woods since they wouldn't move or get in the vehicles confused.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hmm.. you havn't contributed anything to the "Military Stupidity" thread. After three years in the army you *must* have som good stories to tell <span id='postcolor'>

Indeed I do. I usually read an entire thread before posting in it. I'm too lazy to read that whole thread. biggrin.gif

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my great memory of ofp was when i had to capture general guba as he made his way across the island in his jeep.

I made it to a section of road i thought was excellent for using a few satchels and take out his assistants at same time.

So there i was laid 4 satchels and a couple of mines all in a 1meter radius, ran up hill slightly lay prone and checked i could see the charges, yep they were there, then 3 mins later along comes the jeep, " holllld it hold it hold it " im saying to my self as my trigger finger started to twitch 5. 4. 3. 2. 1 . bang i set of the satchels, perfect hit well to perfect i blew the jeep 40 feet into the air and it was still travelling forward landed on its roof and wiped out everyone in the jeep. Damn i wont be capturing guba today -[[[[[

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I just shot Guba tounge.gif it was funny, I got "Well, accidents happen" or something like that in the debriefing biggrin.gif

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here is a real battle moment.

one ambush were compromised by a sheperd.

evidently he was one of the Hizzbollah scouts, as we were shelled 2 mins after he took off.

so we took of like a bunch of hares, packs and zig-zagging between mortar explosions, until we reach some kind of shelter.

we arranged ourselves in parameter and started to check our gear, cause if we dropped something we would have to go back there.

anyway, i was hearing some kind of hissing behind me, so i look back and there they were, two of our men brewing tea!

my Lt. didnt manage to say a thing, cause just tyhen we were spotted by the Hizbollah and were shelled again.

so these guys grab their kit and hop between the shells, one holding the pot and the other holding the burner.

i think im one of the few who got to drink some tea while evading shells.

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The best moment in battle is this glimpse of a second when you know: "now we got are on the winning side!" Usually it takes a few minutes of battle to come to that point, and often you find out: nah, no chance...they got us...press esc/load

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Oh. It'll be hard. I had sooo many great moments in OFP. One best i think is that one in the mission Montignac must Fall. I had one great watching when hind was huntig down our poor Blackhwk. Blackhawk crashed roght into the fuel station where my team was too. I was the only one alive. Bodys were under the crashed Blackhawk. I really felt sorry for them. Even if they are only AI.

Another great moment was in Hold Malden mission. First, i killed all reds with machine gun. Then one BMP came. I took RPG from one dead soldier and took it out. Then real tanks came. They destroyed M60 and M113. I was next to the beach. I was trying to shot down that Mi-17 with LAW. M-17 crashed on a group of russian soldiers. biggrin.gif. Tanks were now very close to me. I took a few more RPG's. I took out one T72. I was hidden in a bush when saw a T80 right in front of me. That T80 was very fast and i was sure i'll die. But i didn't. The T80 stopped. It was standing there for 3 - 5 minutes. i was very scared. The T80 finnaly started its engine and went to the seaside. There were mines. T80 was damaged. One RPG was enough to destroy it. Two t72's were still there. I started my way to the evac point. T72 was hunting me. Sabot exploded right next to me, i heard Mgun bullets flying pass my head. I had only one more law. I hid behind that crashed Mi-17. There was one RPG soldier. Damn i was happy. I took it and destroyed that T72. Mission ended soon.

Great moment in Red Down too. I landed on the road with Mi-24. I was waiting for Guba in the UAZ. I hear UAZ engine soon. I was ready to shot down the driver with HK. But the bastard saw my hind on the road. He fucking escaped lol. I enbarked my hind and hunt him down with it lol. I almoust landed on it lol. I was howering in front of the UAZ. I killed the driver with the chopper cannon lol. Spentz natz disebraked. I killed them with the chopper cannon too. I captured Guba, destroyed the Sucud and happy ending. biggrin.gif

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This one was just beautiful. Dont you just love it when you make a kill that couldnt have been better and you get a really good view of it too? Thats what happened here.

I was playing Clean Sweep just now (the one where its durring the day), and i was prone next to a street. I chucked a grenade over the roof of this house, cause my target reticle was behind it indicating that there was someone there. A second after i threw it, i saw this enemy soldier carefully walking out from behind the building, and a second after that, my grenade came down RIGHT behind him and blew him away LOL!!! biggrin.gif

I loved that!

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You probably saw my stats from that mission in Aculaud's thread. I actually ran out of M-21 ammo. USSoldier11B = OFP tank thief. tounge.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (USSoldier11B @ April 29 2002,00:52)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">USSoldier11B = OFP tank thief. tounge.gif<span id='postcolor'>

That could totally be a new signiture for you! Make one showing a black op getting into a t-80

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i was playing unfinished business and started opening up on the MI-17 with a PK. eventually after about 200 rounds it came down crashing pretty much right in my face biggrin.gif at least i felt like i had accomplished something cool for 3/4 of a second

this other time i was playing a lil black op mission and pretty much came out of a bush face first with a T-80. i thought to myself "well here comes the sabot in my face" but since the AI is pathetic most of the time (except where the BMP-2 snipes you from 750m well out of visual range mad.gif ) i was able to get to the side of him and hit all 3 of the crew in the head with my HK before they closed the hatch. i then ordered 2 and 3 into the tank as driver & gunner. i made 4 protect the bush biggrin.gif and when we hopped in started getting pretty much what could be described as shelled by the enemy. had something like 3 bmps, a bmp2 and a bunch of RPG soldiers shooting at us. i then decide it will probably be a good time to become the driver so i hop in the driver seat. for the next couple of minutes i was doing hard turns and hearing the ground around me get hit. eventually all the BMPs were down and the RPG guys ran out of ammo and started retreating. triumphant i start heading back to base when i hear 4 say something like "10 oclock t80 100" so i go to find out what he's talking about. after about 30 seconds of looking around i see a rocket trail coming out of the bushes (this was a night mission.) it hit me and i exploded and guess who it zoomed out to on the dead screen? it was 4. for some reason that damn little bug happened. i don't know why but sometimes friendlies in enemy armor will show up as enemy. at least the mission was fun.

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